Frank Responds to Spam Comments

Once again, the Great Landlord has blessed IMAO with a bounty of spam comments!

will this get me abs like the professional football players. I mean the skilled athletes

Just to be clear, you want abs like professional football players, but not like the abs of professional football players who are unskilled athletes? Well, it doesn’t matter; IMAO will only get you abs like a skilled curling player.

Fantastic information you have here. You truly fully grasp this and I am glad I stumbled this post by you thanks a bunch.

Don’t stumble my posts, dude! They have enough trouble as it is with the subpar proofreading, so I don’t need people coming in here and tripping them up, bunch thanker!

Hello; Cool informations for me. Your post has valuable infos. I wish to has good posts like yours in my blog. How do you write these posts? And you have a problem about your template.You should fix your problem about your template … I recently came across your blog and have been readingalong. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Very Nice blog. I will keep reading this website very often.Good day…

Whoa! Slowdownthere! You should slow down. Most spammers hit me with one empty platitude here, but you got like ten of them. And what’s with you spam commenters always claiming there is something wrong with my blog. Why do you claim things are wrong? When I rob banks, I don’t criticize them for those pens chained to the table being out of ink.

Flora &dfhjfss has compiled a “Red List” of endangered fruit and nut species in the hhjdfs. Critically endangered species include pears, hawthorns, currants, and barberries. Some of these things are down to a single tiny population.

What? The nuts and berries of hhjdfs are going extinct? Why? Deforestation? Global warming? fjkfjfjfff? There’s nothing we can do, is there? I wish you never told me. I’d rather just one day walk into the supermarket and no longer see hhjdfs pears in the produce section. Now I’m filled with dread, apprehension, and sdsjghhgh.

Ultimately, I recognized the information I was wanting out for. We have been carrying out homework on this subject, and for 4 nights I protect obtaining web-sites which are intended to have what I am hunting for, only to become disappointed utilizing the absence of what I wished. I wish I could have observed your web site sooner! I had about 25% of what I employed to become in will need of and your internet site has that, plus the rest of what I essential to end my researching. We’ve got subscribed to this website right right here I like that you simply will notice authentic guide subject material that you’ll be able to hardly find out elsewhere. 1 very good thing, you maybe can get hold of nevertheless these sorts of weblogs, ensure you go on! I can no lengthier see the well-liked media. It may be there a lot rubbish printed, I bear it no a lot a lot more rapidly. A genuinely pleasant blog and excellent write-up. I devote nights inside of the entire world wide website learning blogs, about tons of a lot of subjects. I need to initial of all give kudos to whoever established your sites and second of all to you for composing what i can only describe as an submit. I honestly think there is a ability to writing posts or blog articles or blog posts that only a couple of posses and frankly you may have it. The mixture of interesting and superb content is definitely remarkably scarce making use of the substantial quantity of web round the on the web world.At all times preserve a really excellent give good final results!


There is no god… atleast that’’s how i feel after reading this

Okay, now that one stings a little.


  1. Here’s some useless, nonsensical spam:

    The Congressman’s event is not another FRUITLESS job fair. The Jobs Boot Camp will enable people to become more competitive in the job market. Mock interviews. Resume critiques. Panel discussions with leaders of some of Central Florida’s top companies. Workshops on body language, dressing for success, and trends in the job market. This is an opportunity for people to get guidance on how to re-tool themselves for a new job in the recovering economy.
    WHAT: Congressman Grayson’s Jobs Boot Camp
    WHEN: Thursday, October 7, 2010, 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
    WHERE: Central Florida Fairgrounds, 4603 West Colonial Drive, Orlando, FL 32808

    So, Grayson actually thinks that the reason people are out of work is because they don’t know how to conduct themselves properly in job interviews? Umm…wow. Exactly which companies are hiring in the “recovering economy” that’s happening in Alan Grayson’s head?

  2. Let alone my dog with the submarine in the pants i did not i did not know there is a lukewarm feeling when i read any blog but this one thank tank you very much very good yes indeed.

    As a matter of fact, when first I, Commander Burt Lancaster, C.O., USS Nerka, find the blog allied with communism and teh Wright Reverend by matter of red black color skeem, truly amased was I to find such a place with bread crumbs sprinkled everywhere. I began sat down, listened to Hank Sr, watched Briton film noir film film film noted with Briton actor Trevor Howard, and ate bread crumbs of while Reading, Pennsylvania the Imao amased was I at the magnificence of great moment.

    Long live Trevor Howard and the Great Macedonian Landlord for his bounty of gifts and crumbs and fishsticks!

  3. I wants to thanks of ghgfhkjmn to the Macedonian Great Landlord for the Abs of Curl with which the hhjdfs pears will cease to meet with the readingalong of the Grayson of brain rot. Can me have a fixed template now?

  4. I looks for long hard times to finds articles write buy you. I am know 37% completely gjjkkffj. With abs like extinct currants I am covered into. I fall into you good blogging stories almost but templates with bad workings made choice!!!!!! Thank!!!!!

  5. Deer Frankj,

    U have been mi favarate bloog four for years now and u have helped me became a A student in my HiScool Clas! I have just ben geven a 4 yeer skolorship to Boise State (full ryde) were I will be a A student as a English Major.
    Thank You Very Much!

  6. A quote from my most recent commenter perfectly expresses my thoughts on the matter:

    skwurfqwuitztiqfqbub, zaposlitev, UYVDdTr. glqcjylocekmynztfmep, mattress topper, NEZIHYJ.

    Hmmmm…I feel the strongest urge to purchase a mattress topper. Anyone know where I can buy one?

  7. You prolly didn’t realize that the guy who wrote the second to last email also wrote the screenplay for All Your Base. Insightful as ever, I have to agree with him in that I often become disappointed when I utilize the absence of what I wish for. In fact, I think I’m doing it now.

  8. “But I hate spam!”…ⓒ Copyright 1972, 1992, 2002 by Monty Python Ltd. All rights reserved. Any non-authorized use of the word “Spam” ⓒ without written permission of Monty Python Ltd. is expressly prohibited. Any person or persons violating this copy write will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

  9. Good lord. When spam turns into some mope bitching in the corner of the room, you know they’ve hit a wall. Frank, I think you’re starting to really intrigue this bot. Maybe you’re just a pawn in Spectre’s scheme to develop spam AI.

  10. Hey Bro.
    Been following your bitchin’ blog for quite some time now and have heard that you may need some time off. Well, you are in luck muchacho, because this latino Big Time Network Super has some free time and since your blog seems relatively free of dirty filthy joooooooos, I thought I could take over for awhile. I await your call. Chow!

  11. Oh sure, so I do the right thing, and come to you and offer to help and what do I get back? “Your comment is awaiting moderation”? If that isn’t a slap and a put down to all Cuban/American’s? You have some jooooooooos on staff somewhere holding me down bro!

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