Previously on loldemocratlogo!, contestants were asked to mock the new Democrat logo/motto:
Here’s the rest of my favorites:
From Travelwise 42 of Wise Up!:
From Corona:
From Corona:
From Dan:
From Irritable Pundit:
From Kris:
From Kris:
From Kris:
From Kris:
From Kris:
From NephewSam:
From Proof of Proof Positive (more images at the link)::
From The Jinxmedic:
From Matt:
All thee great T-shirt designs, and too late for the DUmmie rally today.
I’d say “Mange that Chatters” was the best out of the bunch… bonus points for making it rhyme with the dems real new slogan. Mad props to whoever came up with that.
Related: from wikipedia, “Mange (pronounced /ˈmeɪnʒ/) is a class of persistent contagious skin diseases caused by parasitic mites.” Seems appropriate.
That’s no moon.
It’s a crappy logo!
Great stuff – cigars all around!
I responded to this thread like 30 minutes ago, I think I was even first without trying. And now my post has done disappeared. Poof, eet wuz gone!
Awesome Dude, that was moi. Thanks!
Corona – Mange that Chatters is brilliant in its simplicity and wordplay!
Great collection all around!
The new math:
(Inspired by Proof of Proof Positive)
Corona: That’s the win as far as I’m concerned, which is pretty far, actually. It is the most brilliant spoonerism I’ve ever stumbled across.
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