Forget the Rule of Law – We Need the Rule of Beer

[High Praise! to The Gormogons]

Dr. J. brings this up in the context of the Obamacare bill, the recent Gang-of-8 Immigration Bill and all of the other 1000 page bills that are passed at the 11th hour with very little room for public debate or discussion.

The recent 1075 page immigration bill clocked in at 24 pounds. That’s comes to 45 pages per pound. Dr. J. would like to make a modest proposal.

Dr. J. suggests that like beer, legislation should be served 12 ounces at a time. That gives the legislators 34 pages to work their magic, and there’s no excuse that the bill has to be read to see what’s in it.


  1. After an all-night binge of passing bills, they’d have to go through detax.

    [An aside, to the original commenter:
    I think you’re the greatest but my dad says you don’t work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times you don’t even run down court. And that you don’t really try except during the playoffs.]

  2. The first “beer” I ever tasted was Natural Light. The third beer I ever tasted was Yuengling Traditional Lager. My friends, there is nothing “acquired” about Yuengling Traditional Lager. Yum yum yummy in my tum tum tummy.

  3. LPMR, my favorite is Dos Equis Ambar. I must admit, just about any beer tastes good when you are hauling hay… except maybe Heinekin: that stuff is just plain nasty! Not even bacon could help Heinekin taste good.

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