I've altered your Constitutional rights. Pray I don't alter them any further. Too late, you can't pray.
— Renna (@RennaW) August 20, 2013
the sponge is my kitchen sink's Picture of Dorian Gray
— Mickey McCauley (@Mickey_McCauley) August 20, 2013
Will Putin grant Sunny Obama asylum if she tries to flee punishment for White House leaks?
— CC:Indecision (@indecision) August 20, 2013
I'll bless you after the first sneeze, after that you need to shut up
— Brian Gaar (@briangaar) August 20, 2013
*puts down smoking shotgun* I think you mean Where the Wild Things Were.
— Sadvil (@crylenol) August 20, 2013
Cosmo 10 tips for beating the water temple in Zelda that will drive your man wild
— lawblob (@lawblob) August 20, 2013
There's been less fallout over #Benghazi than there was over a rodeo clown.
— Razor (@hale_razor) August 20, 2013
I've got four words for you: I LOVE COUNTING WORDS.
— Tim Long (@mrtimlong) August 20, 2013
what idiot called it a birth certificate instead of the born identity?
— john truckasauras (@chuchugoogoo) August 20, 2013
Frank J, you do have an absolute gift for finding the funniest/truest quotes out there!
… I.e., Sadvil and Razor absolutely humbled me.