Straight Line of the Day: Nancy Pelosi: “What the President Said Was Completely Accurate”. Other Recent Statements by Pelosi…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Nancy Pelosi: “what the president said was completely accurate”. Other recent statements by Pelosi…


  1. Nancy Pelosi: “what the president said was completely accurate”. Other recent statements by Pelosi…

    are so fundamentally idiotic that even Baghdad Bob reportedly said, “Does anyone believe this kaka?”

  2. Nancy Pelosi: “what the president said was completely accurate”. Other recent statements by Pelosi…

    would be equally as funny if they weren’t leading to the destruction of the greatest nation on earth.

  3. Nancy Pelosi: “what the president said was completely accurate”. Other recent statements by Pelosi…

    … have shown that she has redefined every single word in the English language.
    … have caused her nose to grow beyond her ability to hold her head up straight.
    … caused the hair on the back of my neck to pull itself out and run for the hills.

  4. Nancy Pelosi: “what the president said was completely accurate”. Other recent statements by Pelosi…

    suggested a slight deviation from the expected which would indicate that the entire universe was replaced with an almost exact duplicate, not perfectly exact, but close enough for government work.

  5. Nancy Pelosi: “what the president said was completely accurate”. Other recent statements by Pelosi…

    indicate a high level of reality detachment equal only to the most mythic flights of delusion experienced by habituates of LSD or Democratic politics.

  6. . . . address wars between Oceania and Eastasia
    . . . indicate that she believes that the Giants won the World Series, that housing in San Francisco is affordable, and that it is possible to walk more than a hundred yards in San Francisco without getting panhandled

  7. Hey, cut her some slack! in the same statement she states that she is considered a ‘poor risk’. I think that means that you shouldn’t be listening to her or counting on her for anything. Kinda like Barack said: I really didn’t think anyone would take me seriously.

  8. …I invented the Internet. I don’t care WHAT ole’ ManBearPig says. And you now what else? Love Story was about me too. A red hot steamy romance between me and Harry Reid!

    …Care for a nice comprehensive immigration bill? You’ll have to pass it so you can see what’s in it.

    …I am batman!

    …We are not asking Americans to do anything that we ourselves are not also willing to do.

    …I swear to God I’m smiling right now. I just can’t move my lips.

  9. …you have to pull the finger to find out what’s in it.

    …I tested positive for negative IQ.

    …Look, how many consecutive failures can us liberal/progressive/communist’s have before you idiots lose all hope? Even our biggest detractors know things will get worse so why complain now?

    …Under this dried out husk is at least four ounces of USDA Prime meat. I’m America’s Quarter Pounder, with cheese. No buns to speak of, and mostly pickles and cheese but this meat part knows everything so listen to the meat and pass the mustard. And this health care bill. Can someone help me chew, it’s time to eat our own.

    …I can see…something, from my house.

  10. Nancy Pelosi: “what the president said was completely accurate”. Other recent statements by Pelosi…

    …have caused her nose to grow so long as to prove Archimedes assertion that a lever long enough CAN move the world.

  11. … Can de decoded with a special ring found in specially marked boxes of Cracker Jacks.

    … Require you to hang yourself upside down until it becomes clear, or you pass out and hallucinate a vision. Either way, the result is mostly the same.

  12. Other recent statements by Pelosi…

    …don’t matter as long as she sounds compassionate.

    …Luke, you’re going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view.

    …for some reason keep getting her re-elected.

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