Seems that there is also a Common Core English problem. “Loose” means not tight. L*O*S*E means to cease to retain something or be unable to find something. But, I guess correct English on the Internet is just one my continuing fantasies…
If you force millions of people who are used to having insurance to suddenly not have insurance, who are the most likely people to then go re-buy what they had a month ago? hmmmmmmmm
It’s like a bad movie written by people who not only can’t spell lose, they’ll argue with you about how it should be spelled and then call you a racist.
Could be a Common Core spelling problem, but it’s too subtle…
Seems that there is also a Common Core English problem. “Loose” means not tight. L*O*S*E means to cease to retain something or be unable to find something. But, I guess correct English on the Internet is just one my continuing fantasies…
If you force millions of people who are used to having insurance to suddenly not have insurance, who are the most likely people to then go re-buy what they had a month ago? hmmmmmmmm
It’s like a bad movie written by people who not only can’t spell lose, they’ll argue with you about how it should be spelled and then call you a racist.
Common Core didn’t appreciate my suggested lesson for that particular word:
“Lose” means to misplace or be unable to find a thing.
“Loose” is what your mom is.
It’s pronounced Common Corpse.