We should start a new political party. And you get kicked out of it if you run for office as you can’t trust those people.
When is Hollywood going to catch up with the rest of the country and be against racism?
I didn’t get scared until Nate Silver started changing his tune on Trump.
The problem with the Republican Party is it peaked too early with freeing the slaves. Can’t really keep up momentum after that.
So how volatile is Trump? Is he “punch a foreign leader” volatile? If so, I might vote for him.
I think a good VP candidate to balance the Trump ticket would be a sad circus clown who says hard truths no one wants to hear.
I hope the third Thor movie is where he finally says “Stop! Hammer time!” or I’m giving up on Marvel.
The X-Files has returned. Hopefully it will explain Trump.
One of the problems for Hillary is finding enough people completely dead inside to enthusiastically support her.
Trump, Hillary, and Bloomberg? It’s going to be a real New York Values election. The living will envy the dead.
Some people on the internet are mean. When did that happen?
The great argument for Bernie Sanders as president is that he’d be completely infective at doing anything.
The problem with Cruz is that no one likes him, including me. Doesn’t mean he’ll be a bad president, though.
I think Hillary will be a nice continuity to the meh of Bush and Obama.
I’m tired of wars in the Middle East. We need wars in all of the other continents. Who can we fight in Antarctica?
The X-Files is on while Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are in the news. We’ve time warped backed to the 90s!
I’m a little disappointed National Review didn’t take a stronger stance against Donald Trump.
I for the life of me can’t figure out how anyone can take either Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders seriously.
If I remember right, the X-Files started out on Friday nights when I was a teenager and I never missed an episode. So, that’s me.
This new show The X Files is a blatant ripoff of Fringe.
If George W. Bush was controlled by the Cigarette-Smoking Man, is Donald Trump ruining his plans to put Jeb into power?
Shouldn’t they update The X-Files to modern times and have the guy behind all the conspiracies stand in the shadows vaping?
Sure are a lot of books on being an atheist. How many do you need before you get it down? Not believing in God seems way too complicated.
Latest Downton Abbey was strangely right-wing. Longtime socialist converted by American capitalism and there was big anti-government rant.
Why does Donald Trump have such weird stubby fingers? Did Stannis Baratheon cut off his finger tips for smuggling?
I tried not to laugh at some of these – but failed.
“So how volatile is Trump?”
Issues, to him, are like clam packaging to you.
“Who can we fight in Antarctica?”
Climate activists, naturally: the Hadley CRUsades. The warm to end all warms.
Farenheiters gotta heit.
“Celsius vs. Centigrade — The Fight To The Death”
Or, declare another “War of the Austrian Succession,” just to see who turns up on the opposing side.
Sure are a lot of books on being an atheist. How many do you need before you get it down? Not believing in God seems way too complicated.
I’ve never understood the politics of atheism. How do you organize around a negative?
You never see that kind of thing anywhere else:
“I don’t play the saxaphone!”
“Neither do I!”
“Hey, let’s start a club.”
I didn’t get scared until Cruz challenged Trump to a one-on-one debate and it was the only bit of Trump-related news Drudge didn’t report.
Perhaps we should fight all wars on Antarctica. That would eliminate the pesky ‘homefield advantage’. Would make it easier for the handicappers and would nearly eliminate collateral damage.
Is infective like infectious? Because I don’t want pinko commie germs infecting everybody.
@3 Mike:
“Okay, whatchu got?”
“I got nothin’.”
“Me neither.”
“So, We Got Plenty of Nothin’.”
♪♪♫♪♫♫♪♫♪♪ (YouTube)
We should start a new political party. And you get kicked out of it if you run for office as you can’t trust those people.
As a party of one, this could possibly explain why you haven’t run for President.
The great argument for Bernie Sanders as president is that he’d be completely infective at doing anything.
Infective is a good thing??? I have to strongly disagree. I think if a guy is infective, he should be quarentined in a hospital, not the White House.
Course I kinda think that about Bernie anyway, whatever he’s got.
Frank, you make me laugh. The Republican candidates make me cry. Where’s my Fleming 2016 bumper sticker? Don’t let me down! Without a single qualification, you’re still the best of the bunch. Expressive eyebrows trump horrific hair. Obviously.