Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The best reason for Democrats to draft Joe Biden to run this year…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
The best reason for Democrats to draft Joe Biden to run this year…
The best reason for Democrats to draft Joe Biden to run this year…
he often does poorly in odd numbered Presidential election years.
The best reason for Democrats to draft Joe Biden to run this year…
the clown demographic can be very important.
…it would lock up the votes of the creepy old guys, porn industry, Trans-Am AND Bitchin’ Camaro communities, aging divircés, and finally, aging divorcé enthusiasts.
…it locks up the votes of the Trans Am community, the Bitchin’ Camaro community, the porn industry, aging divorcés, and aging divorcé enthusiasts.
…Common Core will benefit from his exceptional math skills (“Three letters – J – O – B – S”)
…his racial sensitivity will settle the ethnic divide once for all…
…he can no longer say or do anything that will make him look stupider.
…he can’t hide or be hidden behind his skin color, but the Bozophobic charge can still be attached to his detractors.
…his one skill, blaming Bush, would come in handy during collapse of the USA.
…the wall that he orders built to keep migrants from escaping will hinder some terrorists trying to sneak in.
…future wars will be averted by his order for all troops to fire shotguns from strategically placed balconies when he gets scared or confused.
… because fans of Barney The Purple Dinosaur outnumber fans of Bernie the Red Dinosaur?
… it’s time for a dorker, grinnier reboot?
Because it’s easier than trying to explain to him why he’s no longer vice president.
…the Trump-Biden debates would be the funniest routine to hit the airwaves since Abbot and Costello performed ‘Who’s On First’.
…is that Chuck didn’t stand up. Somebody has to stand up for Chuck. Stand up, Joe!
The best reason for Democrats to draft Joe Biden to run this year…
ObamaHillaryD voters have no idea who he is.…because Joe has been Biden his time much worse could it get?
…he may not be articulate, but at least he’s clean.
He makes a good butt buddy.
…his handling of his shotgun could earn him an NRA endorsement.
.. they’re not sure if a putz can get schlonged.
.. is to get a draft candidate — not one who’s in a bottle or in a can all the time.
…his surprising lack of indictments
…because a Joe Biden loose in the world is a scary thing
…They’re never gonna get him out of the white house anyway…
… it might teach them that is really about gambling.
The best reason for Democrats to draft Joe Biden to run this year…
he’s been cooped up so long he is starting to soil the carpets.
… Hillary will only make America grate again.