As Good As It Gets for Her

In Minnesota, Chelsea Clinton spoke to a “crowd” of 75 people and said that Republicans had “racist, homophobic, sexist rhetoric and policy ideas”.

Huh… must be angling to take over Melissa Harris-Perry’s MSNBC gig.


  1. The woman who grew up as the daughter of the president, lives in million dollar houses, and has grown up so rich that she has actually said that she can’t (not doesn’t)care about money has a lot to teach us about being disadvantaged. Not really sure if she could be partisan enough for MSNBC though.

  2. Why is it that only the homely (I’m being nice) “Two-Baggers” say such crap? And they say she’s actually pregnant for the 2nd time! I mean, not only once but twice! What self-respecting guy could ever do….Never mind!

  3. THe heir and the spare. The Clintons will be in the White House in 2032-2040 with Chelsea and then 2052-2060 2064-2072 with her kids. Of course Hillary could win in 2016 and the USA ends by 2018 so that may not happen. That’s the good news.

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