Straight Line of the Day: Oops! Hillary Clinton Offended Her Voting Base by Saying…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…


  1. Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…

    “Move out of your parents’ basement and get a job, you lazy slackers.”

    “C’mon everybody, you were dumb enough to vote for the Kenyan twice.”

  2. Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…

    …tax cuts are so cool.

    …she wasn’t a lesbian.

    …whatever it was, it does not matter. Sheeple follow regardless. (that works with Tromp’s base as well)

    …Michelle’s song is “da-bomb”

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