Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…
Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.
Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…
…”My voters are just as stupid and uneducated as Donald’s are”
Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…
Most of them are still among the living.
something in English.
let them eat cake.
…”I want to work with Republicans.”
…”something no one would dare criticize Obama for saying.”
…”Neeeow … wum … ping!”
…”I ain’t noways tired!”
…-wait, there’s no evidence that she has a voting base…
Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…
something without first saying… “SJW sez”.
I am woman!
Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…
“Move out of your parents’ basement and get a job, you lazy slackers.”
“C’mon everybody, you were dumb enough to vote for the Kenyan twice.”
Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying….
they might have to…WORK someday.
…something that wasn’t an inane talking point which caused them to stop and think.
…something that put unborn babies on the same SJW moral plain as illegal aliens.
Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…
…tax cuts are so cool.
…she wasn’t a lesbian.
…whatever it was, it does not matter. Sheeple follow regardless. (that works with Tromp’s base as well)
…Michelle’s song is “da-bomb”
… “Don’t stop…Be leaving.”
Oops! Hillary Clinton offended her voting base by saying…
Socialists aren’t Democrats.
….. anything where her lips are moving.