The poll is closed!
Sorry I accidentally reset the voting Friday by fixing a grammar error in the poll, but it wouldn’t have changed the winner if those votes were included. Total votes were 189.
The question was: Describe a situation or crisis in which Aquaman would be a great superhero.
And the winning answer is: Answer 1, written by Tom Bridge of Adventures in Trouble Shooting. It got 63 votes (33%).
Seeing as Aquaman is a pretty enormous pansy, I think it would have to involve the French sinking Bikini Atoll into the Pacific, and Aquaman whipping their asses like so many rented mules. Since, well, even Aquaman could whup the French, and they’d just surrender anyway, I’m not even sure that qualifies Aquaman as a superhero, since it requires that he only fight the French. So I guess there isn’t a situation where Aquaman is a superhero.
Answer 2, written by Dana of Note-It Posts got 29 votes (15%).
Geeez, Frank, I mean, don’t make it too EASY for us or anything. (yes, that’s sarcasm) Hmmm….. ok… here’s my answer: Saddam Hussein has hidden his weapons of mass destruction in leaky oil barrels up and down the lengths of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Because of his amazing power to communicate with sea animals, Aquaman discovers the locations of these barrels and relays them to Allied Central Command. Not only has Aquaman managed to clear up the mystery surrounding these materials, he has single-webbed-handedly arranged the cleanup of the resultant water pollution. He does so employing the amazing filtering capabilities of a species of jellyfish known to no one else except (dun-dun-DUNNNNN) Aquaman!!!
Answer 3, written by Dave of Proveritate got 32 votes (17%).
Aquaman should be living in the Asian country of Bangladesh. If you read the factbook it says this about Bangladesh’s natural hazards, “much of the country routinely flooded during the summer monsoon season.” Aquaman would have his very own season as the monsoons and the Indian Ocean drown the country. Plus he’d save hundreds in a single day since Bangladesh has a tendency to pack 600 plus people on a ferry which then promptly capsizes. Bangladesh is the perfect place for Aquaman to show off his superhero skills.
Answer 4, written by hln of Angelweave got 17 votes (9%).
Aquaman can best excel by using his powers to make
money (and, of course, spend money to stimulate the
economy, but we’ll not cover that here). Here are some of the ways Aquaman could render service. He’ll never starve! He’ll never be bored in a job!
1) Head Trainer at Sea World
2) Dunk-Tank Demonstrator/Salesman
3) Navy Seal
4) Professor of Underwater Basket Weaving
5) Olympic Athlete, distance events (Money comes from later endorsements)
6) Water-based security guard for Sealand
7) Geological Consultant – photographing the Marianas Trench
8) Working for Greenpeace – thwarting longline swordfish operations
9) Titanic artifact recovery
10) Reporter for Siren (
And, to keep himself on the positive side of the ever-scrutinizing public eye, Aquaman’s community service of note would be to summon all of the still-living starfish lying on the beach back into the ocean. If that’s not enough, he could make public appearances to unbeach whales.
Answer 5, written by LACAstronomer of ThisSide got 48 votes (25%).
When you’re fighting the French. Underwater.
Personally, that was my favorite. I give everyone 200 words, and he only used six; that takes courage.
Anyway, congratulation to Tom Bridge. He is now a finalist.
On to next round!
What is the name of your site?
What is your preferred name as a blogger?
How long have you been blogging?
Give a brief description of your site.
Briefly praise Frank J. and IMAO. Name favorite post.
What’s your favorite movie?
Which Simpsons character do you most identify with?
SHORT ANSWER QUESTION: In 200 words or less, describe how bombing Paris will help Uganda’s economy.
You have 24 hours from this posting to get your answers e-mailed to me, Group B. And remember, you can’t reveal to anyone your answer to the short answer question. Godspeed.
And, remember, don’t be a playa hater; be a Super Lucky Happy Fun Permalink Contest Number One™ participator!
“SHORT ANSWER QUESTION: In 200 words or less, describe how bombing Paris will help Uganda’s economy.”
Damn… I wish I was in Group B just for this short answer question…
Ow. Tough luck to LACAstronomer. I thought his was the best, too. But that’s the beauty of democracy! Congrats to Tom Bridge!
I thought number 5 was the best, too, but I accidentally voted for Pat Buchanan.
Yeah, and I accidentally destroyed a bunch of votes. Then again, as Susie had pointed out, this is Florida voting.
Please Frank, no dangling chads this time. It all sounded like yuppie porno.