I have a list of e-mails for my fan club, but I’m having trouble sending it out. I tried putting all the e-mails in the BCC field, but it didn’t like that. How do I make an e-mail mailing list?
UPDATE: So did everyone who signed up to the fan club get the e-mail, or do I have to work at this?
What are you using, Frank? Outlook Express? You could create a group in the address book and then put that in the BCC, should work OK.
Also, you may have to put an address in the TO: field as well as the BCC. Maybe put your own?
Oh, and, first!
It is because you put too many addresses at once. You may have to send your email in two or three times. It should work.
rockynoggin’s got it about right. Outlook will let you send e-mails without a To:, but I can’t speak for Outlook Express (I wouldn’t recommend switching to Outlook if you’re not currently using it – pants down around the ankles unsecure).
Depending on your Hosting Matters plan, you may be able to create a distribution list on your server, if you have a “B1000” or above.
Just make sure you make it “moderated” so that everybody doesn’t spam everybody.
I got my e-mail from Frank so I don’t care!
I am receiving spams from juno.com.
Is that you Jonag ?
I don’t think so Amphi, you’re not on my list. But I will double check.
I have outlook 2003. Was it outlook rejecting sending to so many people or roadrunner who does my cable modem?
Ugh. Rockstar has sullied your comment section Frank. Gross.
I had the same problem with outlook. I think it is just a feature of the program. If you don’t want anymore such problems, you must open a real mailing list.
Here again, Frank, shall I remind you that when you have a cafeshop 🙂 you have the mailing list feature with it, and pink shirts, and the possibility to sell prints of your IMW… among other things.
And if you want to become a Smartie, it’s here. You should, at least I could publish the recipe of the Smarties cake without having to remove the title.
Hey! Amphi’s link gave me a great idea!! IMAO mouse pads!! That would be so cool!! Almost as cool as the Know Thy Enemy shirt in pink or periwinkle. Please, please, please!!
Yes, cause I’m sure mice think IMAO when they think feminine protection.
Morph, Frank doesn’t let us talk about those things.
Oh…. alright. Yeah. Mouse Pads. With Chomps.
Morphius Kane, I am an old reader of IMAO, that’s almost one year that I am a reader, but I think, I though and I have long though that there is not worst machoist blog than IMAO on all the blogosphere. And I say it now because it has little progressed in the favor of women, but it is far, far, far from what a real good world is.
Well, the reader have progressed, Frank yet has not. He still not have a Smartie page. Did I told you that when you become a Smartie you have your own very personal corner. Or your family corner if you are married with many, many children.
At least Frank, you should subscribe to my shop mailing list and I would send you an email so you could see how it turns out.
Without any condition from me of course.
Oh yes Frank, I have drawn Chomps !!!
Mouse pads with Chomps !!!
Amphi, what did that word salad post have to do with me?
Morphius Kane, you said “I’m sure mice think IMAO when they think feminine protection.”
I was trying to explain to you that IMAO is not a protection for the women neither is Frank. Women are really low valued on IMAO, and Frank is a macho.
So the mice are the mice. I am not sure that the mouse pad will protect them anyway. Eventually, the mouse could be nuked.
Well, anyway, you said “feminine protection” which would mean that IMAO is a feminine world, and Frank a… a… dragqueen ?
I didn’t get mine -( And now when the Frank J. Revolution comes, I won’t be ready!!!
Frank, you know that the Smartie’s heart stands for America. If you are a good patriot, you should become a Smartie. So you too Jonag… a family page with your little ones.
Uh, Amphi, ‘feminine protection’ refers to things like tampons. I’ve never gotten the impression that women aren’t valued on IMAO, and I’ve been reading since October 2002.
And I got my email, so mwa ha!
Oh oh!
Protection… I was thinking of The Rock… I am so silly you know.
Frank, Cafeshop is free and at least, it works !!!
Ready for the Revolution!
Frank, I didn’t get an email.
Read something that Outlook has a 50 user limit – prolly to protect against virus attack. You could always set up a Yahoo! group and send the emails out through that. Although everyone would have to sign up again and have a Yahoo! ID.
Or, you could try one of these:
Rockynogin, you are sabotting our female conspiracy to get Imao’s pink shiiiiirrrrrrttttt !!!!!
negative on message received…
I didn’t get it. :/
I got my e-mail.
I wasn’t going to say anything though, because I thought we weren’t supposed to talk about it.
RoadRunner works OK
I didn’t get it.
frank j. fan club? There is no frank j. fan club…..
I got something from you Frank. Can’t reveal any more than that.
::blows up spacemonkey with a soap bomb::
You said too much.
Pink – the color of commies.
i didn’t get anything.
Rockynoggin, Frank pretends that he is a family blog, so the family makes it with the girls too. Spoon has pink shirts on is blog, I don’t understand why Frank would have not. Cafeshops is free, there is the mailing list included and he could make post cards, stickers, hats anything that Those T-shirt don’t make. Cafeshops do not have black shirt, so there is not any conflict. It is just about to have the pink shirts and the mailing list. But the pink shirts are the most important.
I never got the frank j fan club email and i did sign up
Hey Frank,
Kill off Andy Rooney in your next In My World.
I can’t believe a CMU graduate would use Outlook! I wanted to be a member of the Frank J fan club. But now … well, I just don’t know.
Do you LOVE spam and worms and viruses (or is that virusii?)? Switch to Mozilla man!
BTW, we should have a discussion about all of the hippies trying to ruin open source software by making it a religion of anti-capitalism. If Ninja Monkeys could type, they’d work for Microsoft.
But I hate Microsoft because I’m a programmer and their API’s are too damn complicated and change every day. Unix (or linux). That’s clean. That’s fun coding.
In short, go Linux Frank! You won’t have these problems.
per a certain e-mail i received last night, i can neither confirm nor deny receiving said e-mail.
Didn’t get my email
got the email Frank
Frank, I got my fan club email. Can you please add the staff at the Pentagon’s Daily News Early Bird? That way I can read your email with other important stuff on my way to work.
Thanks, Don.
Got it.
I got the email
Didn’t get it.
You can compose in MS Word and then do a mail merge to email. Personalization and everything!
I really cannot say anything about an email I may or may not have received yesterday at 5:22 pm central time.
Maybe I received it….Maybe I didn’t…(looks away, whistles nonchalauntly, a study of innocence)
I got the e-mail all right.
Girls, I suggest that we organize a petition for Frank to release pink Nuke the Moon T-shirts. All we need is 100 signatures.
Got a second e-mail. I’m special.
Yes to pink shirts for us IMAO babes. We deserve it because we’re cute and smart.
Frank, look how the Pink Nuke the Moon would sort out. It’s lovely isn’t it.
I will start to work on the petition on Friday. If anyone as a idea or time to make it before I’ll sign it.
I got the e-mail all right.
I tried 4 times to get signed up with your fan club. All I got was the code. When I went back to finish signing up, I kept getting the message that the site was full.
No response to my e-mail asking what gave so people couldn’t sign up.
I didn’t get my e-mail.