From Hagakure: The Book of the Samurai:
There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything.
Accept your fate and be at peace.
Yeah, okay…
Expect the unexpected, and the battle plans never never outlast the first encounter with the enemy…
and first!
This RTotD resounds with the echoes of a similar koan from that most revered and wise samurai warrior, Paul of Tarsus (from his communication to the Ronin in Phillipi):
“Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. I know how to be abased, and I know how to abound. Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.”
A profound lesson indeed.
I’m sorry, I mean that is “expect the expected,” Hell, if you walk in the rain, you are going to get wet, if you go looking for trouble, you will find it.. Just be well armed when you do. You know, words of wisdom…
To be honest, I’m not really sure what this one means. Anyone else want to take a shot at interpretation?
Here’s my interpretation:
A little rain is not going to kill you. What are ya? Made of sugar? Quit trying to hide from it like a limp wristed girly man.
In Other Words: Little unpleasantnesses are unavoidable…attempting to avoid them lessens you…endure them…keep walking the path before you.
Dammit son if it’s a “-” use a flathead and if it’s a “+” use a phillips! Use some common-sense!
(This only makes sense to those of you who’ve had screw loose… 😉
It means not to sweat the small stuff and what ever happens happens. Expect your fate and take it like a man, son.
Oh, and it is like brother Bluto’s sage advise to all of us (wise words they are) “My advise to you is to start drinking heavily.” So it was written, so shall it be done.
It means that someone left the cake out in the rain! (Now where is that f*’n recipe?)
Cool, St. Paul with a top knot and samurai-style “full armor of the spirit”… that’s the picture I want in my illustrated Bible….
I think we’ve discovered an EMC (Evil Monkey Cell) here in the US. Damn these lax immigration laws!
How long before the air jets are replace by air rifles, then 22’s, then shotguns, then nu-cu-lar weapons?!?!?!?!?!
I see the statement as follows:
If you’re going to get a whoopin, get the whoopin like a man instead of trying to squirrle out of it. Those rain drops will never reach the ground (their ultimate goal) and you will have harmed them more than they know.
Yea, it’s B.S. in writing but I could probably SAY it to some moron and make him believe it.
It means that factors of unpleasantness or suffering in the world are unavoidable and inevitable. But through all of that, resolve and commitment is the only way work can be accomplished. Understand and accept that there is suffering in the world, and don’t let that detract you or confuse you from pushing forward and living a determined life of accomplishments.
If you want to bring that to contemporary and relevant political terms, those who maintain resolve are those who win and make the world a better place for civilization and prosperity. Those who have no resolve and vainly attempt to dodge reality will forever be confused at the way the world operates, and weakly lash out with cowardice and pseudo-documentaries to somehow make sense of things.
sms really understood everything… i think banning him (and the other 350 “others” that spammed 90% of this site’s comments) is an appropriate reward.
You know, fatum iustum stultorum.
You already gave the answer Frank:
“Accept your fate and be at peace.”
Nuff said!
Basically, “Don’t sweat the small sh**!”
However, when the rain is over the Ronin must immediately see to the maintenance of his weapons.
The sword is the soul of the Ronin and must never be neglected!!
Reflect upon this and ponder.