Paul Johnson is Dead

One man is dead which means little in the scheme of things, a lot for one family, and everything for Paul Johnson.
I wonder what the terrorists who captured him were thinking – like my understanding will make much difference. They knew neither Saudi Arabia or the U.S. would negotiate with them, so why even attempt?
Then again, what do I care what the terrorist think? The different sides on the debate about terror reminds of a parody article from The Onion book Our Dumb Century. It was headlined:

Campaign ’80
Jimmy Carter: “Let’s Talk Better Gas Mileage”
Ronald Reagan: “Kill the Bastards”
Which Message Will Resonate with Voters?

Even in parody, Reagan had the right idea.
These people want us dead, and we don’t need to try and win them over. We need to kill them.
Some will say that will only create more bin Laden’s. Fine. We’ll kill them too. Believe me, at some point they will run out. They point is, every time they push, we have to push back harder. Otherwise they will see weakness, and they will hit us harder and harder until we finally are forced to respond, and, if we act weak enough, they may one day hit us with something so devastating that we have no choice but to use the bomb against them.
And that comes to my small little revelation when reflecting upon all this: we are not the ones most at risk here. It’s the people of the Middle East – millions and millions of them – who may end up dying if they can’t get their act together. If they can’t control the terrorists, we may have to act in overwhelming force to protect ourselves, and, in any situation, many more of them will die than ever will in America, even if the Isalmo-fascists get their grubby hands on a bomb or two.
That’s why resolve is important. We have to show them that we are some bloodthirsty sons of bitches who will demand a pound of flesh for every time we are scratched. Screw whether the Europe likes us or not. Screw whether people in the Middle East like us or not. Screw whether the governments are force-feeding their people propaganda against us or not. Screw whether Islam is capable of peace or not. We need to get in there and kill indiscriminately anyone who threatens us, regardless of what country’s permission we get.
We need to be one bold voice: We are America, and, if you try and stand between us and our safety, we will hurt you.
I need to do something, and the best I can figure is to make sure people know who are enemy is, what they do, what they believe, and who they killed. Then the battle cry among the people will be, “Kill the bastards!” drowning out any whines from the few liberal hold-outs.
Any other attitude than that, and more people will die… on both sides.
Or at least that’s how I see it. Just felt I had to say something.
They killed Paul Johnson.
Rest in peace.

Never Forget They’re at War with Each and Every One of Us

It’s only a couple hours until the end of the day in Saudi Arabia, though the exact deadline the terrorists put before they will murder Paul Johnson is unknown.
A few prayers would be good for him, his family, and those desperately trying to find him.
UPDATE: It is now being reported that Paul Johnson has been beheaded by his captors. I don’t have much else to say right now.

Frank J., a Poweful Enemy and an Adequate Blogger

As I said before, anyone who is an enemy of Michelle Malkin is now an enemy of me, and thus it looks like the Wall Street Journal might be my enemy.
Apparently, they’ve blacklisted Michelle for her criticizing their views on immigration that lead to more terrorists sneaking into our county – the last country we want terrorists sneaking into!
Well, it’s not time to pull the Filthy Lie out of my arsenal just yet. I’ve been reading Best of the Web for a long time now and respect James Taranto. Thus, Monday morning I’ll write him a reasoned e-mail asking him “what’s up, yo?” and I urge you to do the same (but wait until I e-mail first; also, make sure you say you’re doing this on my behest so as not to get Michelle in any trouble). Hopefully then we’ll get some answers in the Monday edition of Best of the Web.
We in the blogosphere must stick together (unless, of course, we disagree on stuff). A blogosphere divided against itself… well… makes for an interesting read.
Anyhoo, more on this Monday.

Lead, Dammit

While we’re on the issue of other bloggers to be grateful for, a large part of my success is from the recognition of Emperor Darth Misha I who has a great essay on what Bush needs to do. Bush is smarter is than I pretend he is, though, and I’m still hopeful he’ll make mincemeat out of Kerry.
And if he doesn’t…
Also, did Rachel Lucas run away again?

Somewhere Right Now a French General is Cussing Up a Storm

It’s Blackfive’s one year blogiversary. If I was any part of his success in getting readers, then I consider it one of the greatest accomplishments of my blog.
I was the first to link to Blackfive after he sent me this story, but I almost didn’t because it was so hilarious and unbelievable I thought it might be an urban legend. If you still haven’t read it yet, go do so now. And, if you have, it’s worth revisiting.
Of course, Blackfive has done a lot of great posting since and has been a great and unique addition to the blogosphere, something we all strive to be. Here’s another great post of his with some personal signifigance to me.
:: raises glass ::
Here’s to another great year, Blackfive.

Ronin Thought of the Day

Today’s wisdom comes from Master Samurai and former leader of America, Theodore Toshiro Roosevelt:

To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to create a menace to society.

Heed his words.

Frank J., Political Power Broker

I just realized something: now that I’m 25, I’m old enough to be a U.S. Representative. Problem is, there is already a conservative Republican representative from my district, Dave Weldon, and he doesn’t seem to be planning on retiring or dying any time soon (phooey). I could run for one of those podunk local offices I never heard or bothering voting on, but that’s just not right for me.
Maybe instead of being a politician, I should be one of those guys who works behind the scenes and pulls all the strings like Karl Rove. I’d always be standing in the shadows with all you’d see of me being the lit end of my cigarette.
But cigarettes are bad for you.
Anyway, I should do something. Florida is a battleground state, plus we have a vacated Senate seat up for grabs (which I’m five years too young to try and claim; stupid Constitution). I’m just afraid that if I sign up with local GOP, they’ll simply have me knocking on doors and doing phone calls (which I did during my college years). I’m too much of a genius for that. I should have some luxurious office where I strategize and then have the lesser people do the footwork. To help convince them of my use, here are some ideas I already came up with:
* Disenfranchise Democrats by making an extra confusing triple butterfly ballot that takes at least a third grade education to understand.
* Release angry, disease infected monkeys in heavily Democrat districts on Election Day.
* Secretly gain illegal foreign contributions. With that money… wait, for’ners hate Republicans. Hmmm…
* I know: daring daylight robbery of the Democrat’s foreign campaign contributions. I’ll need a ski mask and a second .45 to pull this off (it’s not daring unless you have dual-.45’s). The leader of the GOP in Florida will have to be coy about the sudden increase in funds, attributing it to a “daring daylight fundraiser.”
* We need to get Reno come down here for some big speaking engagement to anger the Cubans. Good ‘ole angry Cubans; always voting Republican.
* In places where lots of confused old people try to vote for Democrats, have punk kids with their baggy pants hang out in front of the polling places scaring the elderly away. Yes, that just how innovative I am: I found a use for punk kids.
* Write a thoughtful editorial. Nothing will sway the public’s opinion like a thoughtful editorial.
* Imply John Kerry is gay in an editorial (not that there’s anything wrong with that). It shouldn’t be too hard to prove (not that it would sway anyone’s vote). I just think it’s worth mentioning to the public that John Kerry is really, really gay (though there is really, really nothing wrong with that).
* Threaten people who vote Democrat with violence. Say we secretly put cameras in polling places and will wreak a terrible vengeance on all those who support the vile donkey-men. I’m pretty sure the McCain-Feingold “reforms” say nothing about violent threats.
* Instead of debates, challenge Democrats to kung-fu battles. Use secrets of death touch to bring quick end to political discourse.
* Pray to God to hit Democrat districts with terribly snow storms. Then again, this is Florida, so that’s pretty improbably. I doubt God could actually do it. I mean You’re a great guy and all, God, but that’s probably even too much for You. Don’t worry; I won’t think much less of You if snow storms don’t attack Democrats on election day.
* Then again, maybe trying to subtly goad God into politically bullying isn’t a smart idea. Instead, I’ll just sacrifice a bull.
* Let’s declare all Democrats enemy combatants and ship them off to Gitmo. When the ACLU complains… Gitmo! Be nice to the terrorists; they bite.
* Many Democrats think that Republicans are rich, powerful, gun-toting thugs. Let’s remind them that those are great reason not to piss us off.
I am such a genius. As soon as I’m given the reigns of power, the air will fill with the lamentations of our enemies. Muh ha ha ha!
Remember to vote Republican.