What is it with terrorists and beheading? I just can’t stand hearing about these freaks anymore. We not only need to kill them, we need to claim their dead bodies, grind them up, and feed them to pigs– and broadcast on Fox. It’s be the “Pigs Eating Terrorists Show” and I’m sure the ratings will be huge.
Some may say such gruesome tactics would bring us down to the terrorists’ level, but, believe me, we couldn’t get that low if we tried.
Say a prayer for Kim Sun-il and his family, and, while you’re at it, take a moment to be thankful for America’s allies.
Assuming that the four posts above don’t count, then I pooped my pants!
They don’t count because I deleted them.
So Greywolf really did poop his pants.
I’m glad South Korea is not backing down (unlike a certain country in which the rain stays mainly in the plain).
I like your line of thinking Frank, but who would eat the pigs that ate the terrorists???
I’m afraid that would be a too terrible a waste of the Other White Meat, my dear…
Perhaps we could find another Koran-defiled animal to fulfill this honorable task. Rats, perhaps? Are they hated by practitioners of the Religion of Peace?
OT – just got my tee! Thanks!
The pig show would really rip if the pigs were dressed in pig-clothes that resembled BDU’s.When they’ve finished their servings of terrorist,sausage is made out of them & force-fed(Motel Hell,remember that movie?) to other terrorists,plus use the skin as Howard suggests.Then repeat the whole circle in next weeks episode of “the pig show”
In Isreal they started putting jars of pig fat on the busses so that the bombers would be condemned to hell when they blew it all over themselves. BTW we hav’nt heard much about bus bombings since that was done, anyone besides me notice?
Well my idea is: Convert B-52’s into the worlds biggest crop-dusters capable of spraying liquified pig fat. A few passes over the entire mid. east and they’re all going to hell and no act of martyredom would be grand enough to change that fact according to their own beliefs.
Aye, Captain.
hey, i wondered if people would start pooping their pants again!
I pray that some great angel of death (in hte form of a USMC gunnery Sgt.) sweeps down and takes the lives of those who would capture and or kill innocents. KILL THE SHEETHEAD CAMEL F**ING CNT ASS BASTARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!
You know Frank, I’ve noticed a few more serious posts from you lately and to be honest, no matter how this sounds and how many get all pissy with me…one of my first thoughts was: Damn. When Frank starts getting serious…it’s really bad.
YES, I understand how gruesome the beheadings and kinappings are….that’s not my point. My point is that all of this is starting to weigh very heavily on us…well, those of us who have any damn common sense or decency…but as other have been pointing out, Lileks, Allah, some others…I fear it really is going to get worse before it starts to get better.
Or maybe the media is doing a bang up job of reporting only gloom and doom and even I am being sucked into it anymore.
I don’t know…I just wish we’d stop f-en around and go slay those bastards. Enough already.
serenity, we are slaying “those bastards”. I just heard a poll that 70% of americans think this war was not worth the cost, now that bothers me, such …I do not even know what to call it. They are flowing into iraq to face our military, not into the US to face our citizens, why is this construed as a bad thing again? I forgot, they all wear hoods, they know they can not face us.
Yuck. Can you just use phrases like “$%*#&” or something other than what you used. Really.
Frank, is there any way to clean that up? It’s gross.
Well, they are going to get a chance to try to take on some more Koreans soon, this time Korean troops. With just a little luck they’ll be up against the ROK Marines and those sumnobeeches are tougher than woodpecker lips and somewhat meaner than Chomps.
During my second tour in the Southest Asian War Games I was part of the CAP where just a few of us lived in the Villes and trained the Ruff-Puffs and worked the radios when the Little People tried attacks. When a Marine Rifle Company was working the area, VC activity would slow way down. When there was an ROK Marine Rifle Company working the area, VC activity would stop.
oh yeah, piss off a ROK Marine.
Extremely dumb move.
Just to clarify, there are at least two Steve’s posting here. I have been posting as Steve and don’t want to get busted for what someone else posted (not that I disagree with the sentiment, but I wouldn’t have used such language). From now on, I will post as JusTalkin.
Don’t encourage him sarahk, he was just being mean.
I just heard on the radio at 1230 PM CST that they went ahead and beheaded him. Kill them. Kill them by the truckload. Kill them until the survivors give up or until there are no survivors, whichever comes first.
The correct response to this is for South Korea to double it’s troop deployment.
Maybe that’s what it takes… getting down to their level. F*** them over, do it harder then they do it.
Kill Bill Solution..
Dear Frank J.,
“…grind them up and feed them to pigs.” You should write for Hallmark.