It’s Just a Joke, Of Course, But…

A Ron Leighton felt he needed to leave this lengthy response to my latest editorial:

It’s just a joke, of course, but regarding the things that are not funny (at least not in the manner you intended)…
“And everyone was happy”???
That’s what you call glossing over a messy, complicated and belying reality! That’s some fancy footwork there, Frank.
Besides, people in a concentration camp who get an extra 5 minutes of fresh air (before they are gassed, of course), are “happy”. It’s all about conditioning. It’s all what you are used to. What your expectations are.
Aside from that I am, I apologize, continuously moved to amusement (I’m giggling now) by macho posing, the sort of group-think that if we all agree to agree that bluster passes muster, the sort of always-talk-tough and no one will notice you’re a big ‘fraidy cat that seizes hold particularly of those who choose to call themselves rightwing. “You know, I got a big wrench, and I was replacing the engine in this chevy, and then I was banging this hotty, and I saw some French-looking faggot on TV, Fox that is, none of that Communist News Channel stuff, and I’ll kick their asses, after I clean my guns, blah, blah, blah…
The idea that action is preferable to reflection is an old one, of course, but tellingly it has essentially been a literally fascist one. You joke that the Democrats are “bereft” (a fave term of Limbaugh-apers) of ideas. That may be true (did they have any in the first place?), but it is no less true of the Republicans! For both sides the Idea is, help the richer stay rich and get richer, expand the power of the government, carry on the War Against Iraq and keep up the charade of the War on Terror, so-called. Course, you might object and say look closer and you find some ideas among the Republicans, even if you don’t like them. That, too, can be said of the Democrats. But who cares either way!? They represent a distinction without a real difference. The joke is on us! There’s more to life than the simplistic conservatives vs. liberals faux contest. It’s a game…a Game! There’s more to criticism of Bush (and the other side, and the whole shabang) than mere partisanship. You fluff for the Game!
Ask yourself, people: Are you one of those knee-jerk war supporters (saluting and cheering from a great distance)? One of those Bush-loving, 9-11 inconsistencies and Patriot Act obscenities non-noticing types? Are you one of those few proud enough, bravely ready to give up sense and thousands of American and Iraqi (and Iranian and Syrian and so on) lives as well as the Republic you supposedly cherish as long as you can jerk off to Iraq footage on Fox? Are you one of those who bought the WMD lies and now cling to them clownishly and cluelessly well after even Cheney gave it up? Well, you’re all a bunch of cheeseburger eating surrender monkeys! Disgraces to liberty!

Of course, this required a reasoned response:

Really? You understood it was a joke yet the phrase “And everyone was happy” launches you into this crazy rant. Here’s a tip: Grab a dictionary and look up the word “ironical.” While you’re at it, look up “‘tard.” Then write “‘tard” on a sign that you can wear around your neck. After that, every time someone walks by you, smile and shout, “I’m a ‘tard!”
Do you just randomly prowl the internet looking to pick political fights? I couldn’t have made that piece more inane if I had clowns in it. Are you mental? When your tape dispenser runs out, do you go into a diatribe against it about voter apathy?
So the word “bereft” is a favorite of “Limbaugh-apers”? Well, it’s also used by people WHO HAVE A FRICK’N VOCABULARY! Incidentally, the phrase “Limbaugh-apers” is a favorite phrase of liberal goobers with the IQ’s equal to their shoe sizes.
“I think a flat tax would be a much fairer system.”
“You just Limbaugh-aper! Me smirt!”
Do everyone a favor and have the doctor increase your meds, loon.
Anyway, thanks for your input. We here at IMAO cherish feedback from our readers, as it leads to a better value for our customers and our shareholders (of which there are none).
Frank J.

Heh heh… ‘tard.

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  1. Maybe… maybe he was drunk?
    still, what a spastic.
    “knee-jerk war supporters”
    Someone needs to take his ‘no blood for oil’ sign and use it as a cudgul against him…
    What a f**ing cnt. That last paragraph made Poosh real mad.

  2. calmmmmm poosh calmmmmmmmm.
    Frank, good come back. I should forward my detractions to you, so you can write the responses….
    But alas, you are a busy man.
    I will just keep coming back (like AA)
    till it works. And I can write snappy comebacks.
    Man what a major tard. (tar+turd=tard)
    That made me think of the tar baby, remember that? Old brer bear and brer rabbit? Is that racist?
    I guess it is according to today’s PC code of ethics.
    I am going to shut up and go stick my head in the sand. I am not worthy of breathing the same air as these tards, they are so much more superior and stuff.

  3. “Smacktard” is a good word. You should start using it frequently. It’s even better than “cluebat” I think.
    Also: “gription.”
    It’s like “grip,” “friction,” and “traction” all rolled into one.
    “My tires are spinning on the ice because there’s not enough gription.”
    “Sally can’t open the pickle jar because her hands are too slippery. She needs to dry her hands so she can get more gription.”

  4. No offense, Frank, but the funniest line in this whole post is not your’s:
    “One of those Bush-loving, 9-11 inconsistencies and Patriot Act obscenities non-noticing types?”
    LMAO… “non-noticing types” it just rolls off the tongue, don’t it.

  5. I think the Principal from “Billy Madison” said it best:
    “Mr. Leighton , what you’ve just written is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
    I’ve seen subject lines in spam with more coherency.

  6. Limbaugh-apers? So very deep! No one will dispute his intellectual superiority again! Excellent. I desire more wisdom from this commentator who does not see the very-obvious dancing clowns on the page!
    Wait, there are clowns, right?

  7. heh beo said gription.
    A Ron Leighton — whoa boy, what a wanker eh? A Ron Leighton, is that like L Ron Hubbard? Those science-tologist-tards just do not have any sense of humor, you know.

  8. LOL, Syd … you hit the nail on the head. The further I got into Leighton’s missive the more I felt the urge to strangle his high school English teachers.
    Your letter is an absolute massacre of our language, Leighton, and an egregious affront to the rational communication of ideas. Next time try smaller words and simpler ideas (i.e., “Frank bad, he say mean stuff”).

  9. Oh, Bugger me, I had a super-cool comment that up and pissadeared..Ah man spoonerisims again, dissapeared and stuff.
    Yo, James Old Guy, Spare the gator, Splat the Troll, Get Gruff already. (Billy Goats Gruff!)
    Okay, Look. Been there done that, been a frickin’ Liberal dupe-head-up-rectal-cavity -more(moore)ed-jumacated than thou butt munch-f***-tard(quoting the glorious Kim-du-Toit again! Heck he’s just so cool! Stepdaddie R.A.T. must read Kim’s website!)
    Don’t feed the Troll, they grow large on a diet of being noticed for their infantile, anal-oriented whining crap! (Oh, Bugger do I have to include myself in that? Still recovering from liberal-butt-brained-touchy-feely-stuff everyday… It’s a daily recovery. First step is: use brain… Brain work good if used every day…)
    Unless you are the most fabulous Frank-Miester who doth vanquish trollish iniquity with savy, suave, and supercool-superfine… uh-FrankJ-ness. Okay. Cool..
    So Remember: Regular readers of the IMAO site get bored reading the brainless blathering troll Bliolog Blitching on about Bleverything in General ’cause they don’t have a Bleg to stand on. Blah, Blah, blah…. etc..
    WTF was I talking about again?
    Oh, Yeah, Trolls Suck! and Rush Rules! Heck… Even on Drugs.. Rush is Right! Yay! Oh Dang, Majah Rushie is on! Time for my Daily Dose of Vitamin R!
    Later Y’all!

  10. Oops, going all Brittney Spears and did it again.
    Oh, Bugger me, I had a super-cool comment etc. was me again… As I Said I am getting senile and forgetting my own name. Duh, uh, huh! or is that D’oh!

  11. Dear Ron L.
    Your stereotyped reader of Frank is all wrong. I drive a Ford you hippie, peacenik, paranoid, freak show! But, yes I do shoot guns, own cattle, live in Texas and make fun of Gay Rights Activist on occasion and have stockholdings in Haliburton.
    And another thing you got wrong, I use my big wrench to wack Pinko-commie wannabes in the teeth so when they protest for socialised medicine it sounds like “Tho-thi-lithed med-i-thin”!!

  12. I don’t care how mad my husband gets, I LOVE YOU FRANK!! And this guy is a tinsy bit better than the Limey because you can tell his brain has better gription when the wheels turn.
    LMAO and I haven’t even checked out space lasers yet!

  13. However, if Frank added the “A” as a literary device that could be translated to: “Some dipwad named Ron Leighton…” then
    Ron Leighton = The Long Iron
    Ron Leighton = In Longer Tho’
    Ron Leighton = Grin, The Loon

  14. Dear Liberal Loonie,
    I would like to point out some errors in your email.
    The following are redundant:
    French-looking faggot: Aren’t they all?
    Also, banging a hot chick and cleaning your guns are the same expression.
    One more point: Most people stop using the word faggot in 4th grade. We prefer the terms Homos – Rump Rangers – and the Maintenance Men of the Hershey Highway.
    We apologize for believing in the WMD lies. We now have learned that Saddam gassed the Iranians with PotPourri and killed his own people (the Kurds)with laughing gas. They died happy.
    We’re sorry you are so sad and mad. Would you like some laughing gas?

  15. I don’t think I need to clarify to sarahk since she is female, but just so everybody understands including the man that has my hand:
    I love little baby ducks, old pick-up trucks, slow-movin’ trains and rain. I love little country streams, sleep without dreams, Sunday school in May and hay.
    I love leaves in the wind, pictures of my friends, birds of the world, and squirrels. I love coffee in a cup, little fuzzy pups, bourbon in a glass and grass.
    I love honest open smiles, kisses from a child, tomatoes on the vine, and onion. I love winners when they cry, losers when they cry, music when its good, and life.
    And I love Frank J. too!

  16. Frank, unfortunately, due to its mass and the effects of gravitational forces, we are all being slowly drawn towards Michael Moore’s hindquarters. But every action has a reaction – what keeps us all from sliding into his gravity well? Gription, of course! Wear cleats!

  17. umm…your editorial was ironical? Could have fooled me!
    I still perfer the “eh what?” response to hatemail over actually responding. Thoughtful responses make them feel important and encourage them to continue. I just don’t think this guy has the staying power of the Limey in the nuttiness department.

  18. “They represent a distinction without a real difference. The joke is on us!”
    1The act of distinguishing; differentiation.
    2The condition or fact of being dissimilar or distinct; difference: “the crucial distinction between education and indoctrination” (A. Bartlett Giamatti). See Synonyms at difference.
    Difference-The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar.
    (now scratching head)
    heh, our government is bereft of ideas. but it thinks it wants to make the rich richer? and “pretend” to fight a war on terror? But, I thought it was BEREFT of ideas?
    (bereft-Deprived of something), just in case you didn’t know and don’t know what a dictionary is…

  19. “Are you one of those few proud enough, bravely ready to give up sense and thousands of American and Iraqi (and Iranian and Syrian and so on) lives as well as the Republic you supposedly cherish as long as you can jerk off to Iraq footage on Fox”
    Actually I think it’s a necessary sacrifice if it means that I don’t have to leave the house accompanied by a male relative, can own property, choose my own clothing, and not worry about the taxi next to me exploding to cries of “God is Great”. I have yet to jerk off to anything on Fox (I’m assuming you meant Fox News) as I appear to have a genetic defect that makes me unable to be sexually aroused by news coverage. Have you slapped the bishop to CNN?

  20. iraqwarwrong… I would respond to your post, but it is so full of errors I can’t read it. It’s like gibberish. Bwah bwah Bush is bad bwah bwah peace love and understanding bwah bwah bwah I’m a hippie and I don’t shower bwah bwah. I’ll just answer to the part I understood…”Boy. I odn’t know why I even come here! The in tolerance that is on display is just .”
    I’m going to assume you meant “don’t”. I “odn’t” know why you come here either. And I’d liike to know what you meant by the last line. What tolerance? Is just what? All these unanswered questions! If you’re going to come here, try to make some sense. Muckadoo.

  21. Anybody remember this line?
    “No, you’re talkin’ to him all wrong. Do it again, I’ll stab you in the FACE with a soldering iron”
    Christopher Walkin in Joe Dirt
    I think this should be incorporated somehow into the list of standard replys to liberal insanity.
    Something like, “Shut the hell up or I will stab you in the face with a soldering iron!”
    Or any other variations you deam apropriate at that moment.

  22. I ordered my NTM shirt and it is on the way.
    Now I need a WMD to weild, I don’t have it yet and I am thinking I could just weild a really big Bible.
    After all it is a “sword”.
    And it would really annoy the liberals.

  23. Ron, you should feel lucky… You must have real potential for FrankJ. to have dedicated a post entirely to you! He hasn’t done that since he encountered the comic genius of the Limey… Do you have a source or inspiration??? Or are you just that laughably dum?

  24. Many fine responses here! Or rather, many responses.
    There are a lot of funny ones. Very few of any substance, unfortunately…but not surprisingly. Roughly the predictable amount of bluster and flabbergastedness and anonymous semi-veiled threats. It occurs for the same reason that does knee-jerk France-bashing: terrified, weak-hearted and weak-minded “macho” group-think regurgitated by the spooked cattle of the right.
    Those who thought my post grammatically awkward and/or incoherent, I dispute this but lay it aside as I address a perhaps more pertinent matter: Are you unwilling to even consider what I wrote?
    And no, I am not a soyburger hippy type of person, though I do partake of what I hope is high-quality, healthy victuals – and a few cheeseburgers! I simply think if we are to call American rightwingers the sort of surrender monkeys they are the cheeseburger thing is a nice, gastro-culturally relevant recall of the cheese part of cheese eating surrender monkeys!
    RE: Modo’s rejoinder, to wit:
    “Dear Ron L.
    Your stereotyped reader of Frank is all wrong. I drive a Ford you hippie, peacenik, paranoid, freak show! But, yes I do shoot guns, own cattle, live in Texas and make fun of Gay Rights Activist on occasion and have stockholdings in Haliburton.
    And another thing you got wrong, I use my big wrench to wack Pinko-commie wannabes in the teeth so when they protest for socialised medicine it sounds like “Tho-thi-lithed med-i-thin”!!”
    If you look carefully and thoughtfully at what I wrote, you will note that I was not mocking people who own chevys or guns, only those who have spew a conditioned tough talk, and thus, ironically, weak talk, that includes such predictable reoccurances of practiced references to chevys and guns and “France Sucks” mantras as to gag, well, even Rush Limbaugh.
    Anyway, I stand by my post. I like it.

  25. Tremor?
    Interesting nick.
    1) Who is Limey and what should he or she mean to me?
    2) It is ironic, or “ironical” that you call me “laughably dum”. Did you forget the ‘b’ on the end of dumb or are you so laughably dumb that you did not know about the sneaky silent B!?
    3) If I am laughably dum(b), I beg of thee, explain exactly what makes that so! That’s not askin’ too much, is it?

  26. Frank, I don’t often contribute to the diatribe on your excellent Blog site–but this idiot has got me fired up.
    As a military member, I personally take offense to “knee-jerk war supporter” and all the other denegrating verbosity this…person…used.
    It’s easy to hide behind electronic rantings. If this…person…is so proud, why hide? If his stance is so important to him, step out from behind the computer monitor for once (if you can find it through the marijuana smoke billowing from his bong) and make a statement with intestinal fortitude.
    Intestinal Fortitude are what my brothers and sisters in arms are showing every day, doing great things for the millions of citizens in the Middle East that previously only dreamed of a thing this idiot takes for granted–F R E E D O M.
    Unfortunately, freedom also means this idiot’s got a right to actually BE an idiot.

  27. is there a full moon out? oh yeah, should go watch the meteor shower. hmmmm. back ot there’s something to be said for ultra-violence in entertainment and humour. I’m not sure exactly what it is, but it’s not anything new and we’re all still here. I mean really, how many people have actually been hurt by falling anvils, or large mallets or clever trompe l’oeils?

  28. Oh, and for making an appearance, my last post is dedicated to YOU, Rachel Lucas!
    You are STILL and always will be the goddess of piquance, impudence and ordnance! (Ass)hats off to you! 🙂

  29. “3) If I am laughably dum(b), I beg of thee, explain exactly what makes that so! That’s not askin’ too much, is it?”
    Wait, “I beg of thee?”
    Oh, for the love of Pete! C’mon, Sparky… So it’s not just the Chess Club, you been hangin out with the art-fags in the Drama Closet too? Well, for an answer to the above, feel free to reference my earlier post, but I just can’t pass this one up.
    You do realize we’re laughing AT you, not WITH you, aye?
    Okay, here goes:
    Thou hast been callest laughably dumb. Alas! ‘Tis thine foul and loathsome tongue that has brought thine wretched curse upon thee! Forked it be, and it speaketh wickedness and evil! As if by serpent’s guile it moves through the dark and soulless passages of thine hollow skull. With aimless trepidation, it lashes in frenzied fits of gall and vacant wit. For lo, unto the cursed wails of demons and brimstone fire thou shalt be cast, for empty words alone beseech thy smitten soul unto the firy hell which thou hast createth for thineself. And so it be, that all Satan’s Minions shall forever hail thee, Mighty F***tard!
    So what do you think? You want it any other way? You’re STILL an idiot, Ron. But I have to admit, it’s so much fun to laugh at you. 😉

  30. So, Cory, you’re a “military member”. Are you in the Middle East right now? If not, shut the hell up. Even if you were, it wouldn’t mean I would roll over and defer to your supposedly superior patriotism.
    You took “offense” at my term knee-jerk war supporter, but did you first bother to understand it? I mean by it people who automatically support U.S. wars, no matter where and with whom, and who never ever even dream of having a questioning thought in their pretty little heads. If you take offense, should I assume you are a knee-jerk war supporter? Either way, too bad.
    Showing intestinal fortitude does not mean the right thing is being done. Clearly, every day soldiers everywhere are showing intestinal fortitude. The simple fact that you think you need to point out that your band of “brothers and sisters” are doing so further suggests you did not grasp my point: I was ridiculing the war supporters HERE, not the war participants THERE.
    I don’t take freedom for granted, that’s why I am very serious when I refer to the rightwing cheeseburger eating surrender monkeys who go along so easily with the corruption of liberty that comes in the name of war on Iraq and the War on Terror. Like I said, the people who still blindly support Bush and his wars are just that, cheeseburger eating surrender monkeys. And, again, disgraces to liberty.

    How sad is your life that you don’t understand the difference of humor and opinions?
    But, since you want to get serious, then let’s dance shall we?
    1) I was born American and love this country above all else except Jesus Christ and my family. So, when someone messes with us, attempts to mess with us or thinks of messing with us I could give two craps about how they feel and what they do on the weekends! They shall be dealt with accordingly until they see the error of their ways.
    Maybe in your pretend world everyone gets along and shares, but we live in the real world were communism fails, capitalism flourishes and anyone opposing the US dies. Accept it or move somewhere that agrees with your ideology and try to oppose us and see what happens from the other side.
    2) Knee-Jerk? Are you even living in this dimension? Let’s not forget that Saddam had 12 years to comply. Sorry, but I usually count to 3 to let someone comply before pummeling them. Oh and I guess since the 3000 killed on 9/11 don’t get a vote because THEIR DEAD you ‘tard.
    3) WMD? That argument is so freaking weak that it couldn’t kick your ass if it grew legs. Our intel was flawed everyone gets it. But, guess what it was the best we had, the best Britain had and the best Russia had. It would have been criminal not to act on it!! I guess everyone before Columbus were liars since they believed the information fed to them said the world was flat, huh? Nice argument TARD!!!
    BTW, even if he didn’t have WMD mass killings is excuse enough to remove a dictator. Do you not agree? Or do you support mass murder, torture, government sactioned rapes and over all authoritarianism?
    4) Disgraces of Liberty? You wanna know what a disgrace to liberty is? They are socialist, peacenik, humanist bastards who hide behind the 1st Amendment to only try to destroy the Constitution that protects them. You are so committed to destroying the very foundation of America and are blind that the people you so adamantly hate are the ones that protect you from the same type leaders you so love to put up on the pedestal. Marxism is dead, Socialism doesn’t work, Palestine never and will never exist and I will speak freely, own guns, preach the gospel and support killing anyone that tries to take that away until my last breath.
    God bless you and the USA.

  32. Fellow posters and bloggers with brain matter please come to my blog and help me rid it of Ian McGibboney. This dude is driving me nuts and I’m tired of being civil in defense of my opinion.
    You can come too L. Ron Tard!
    Thanks again!

  33. Sheesh!
    Ron sure stirred up a hornets nest in here.
    After reading one of his defensive replies where he says “I beg thee..”, I realized nothing more needed to be said to him.
    The ‘tard hasn’t even made it to Modern Times, grammatically speaking. That, or he’s stuck in a Renaissance Faire fantasy-world.
    Nah, he’s just a ‘tard.

  34. Yea verily a ‘tard he be, true!
    Now be honest – when was the last time you witnessed a good Shakespearean fisking? If nothing else, he’s been good entertainment.
    I can’t say when I’ve had so much fun!
    Now, onward ho! (Or in urban vernacular, “Move-it, bitch!”) 😉

  35. Ronnie,
    “Tremor” isn’t really a nic for me so much as my callsign. See, I too am a military member, currently stationed in S. Korea. When you work around pilots (whether you are one yourself or not) you must have a callsign, and that is mine…
    1)The Limey was a Brit. who started a sort of correspondence with FrankJ. For the full skinny, look here. The fact that FrankJ thought that your comment deserved a full post dedicated to it hasn’t been done since him…
    2) The leaving of the silent ‘b’ off of dumb was intentional, I assure you. The intent was to and said irony, and you caught it… You get a gold star!!!! Congradulations!!!
    3) I defer to the above responses for proof…
    Sorry it’s late… My internet service was down last night.

  36. Yo, Modo
    “But, since you want to get serious, then let’s dance shall we?”
    As long as you don’t mind me leadin’!
    “1) I was born American and love this country above all else except Jesus Christ and my family. So, when someone messes with us, attempts to mess with us or thinks of messing with us I could give two craps about how they feel and what they do on the weekends! They shall be dealt with accordingly until they see the error of their ways.”
    Uh, yeah. Jesus is a fantasy. If not, shall he strike me dead as I type… err… oh, hmm, nothing! Not one single bolt of lighting, not even a small plague of locusts! Whatever…
    As for the second part, who exactly messed with us? Not Iraq, certainly, you have to be a real mental patient to reverse that victim-victimizer equation. As for 9-11, and the supposed perpetrations of the fantastical Al Qaeda, keep in mind that the 9-11 story has hardly been established, it has, in a word, been assumed – and you know what that makes of you and me. Consider for instance the simple facts that none of the supposed hijackers’ names show up on any of the flight manifests of the doomed planes. At least six of the men named in photos as hijackers later showed up alive and well. The FBI, though it gets little play these days, always knew that most if not all of the identities of the supposed hijakcers were stolen and therefore did not represent the actual perpetrators.
    “Maybe in your pretend world everyone gets along and shares, but we live in the real world were communism fails, capitalism flourishes and anyone opposing the US dies. Accept it or move somewhere that agrees with your ideology and try to oppose us and see what happens from the other side.”
    Ooh, vewy scawy threat. Screw you.
    But no, in my world, the real world, I know the world does not share, that there is great disparity and misery, and that not everyone gets along. Being in the real world, I also know that American policies and economics have a great deal to do with the exact extent of those problems.
    “2) Knee-Jerk? Are you even living in this dimension? Let’s not forget that Saddam had 12 years to comply. Sorry, but I usually count to 3 to let someone comply before pummeling them. Oh and I guess since the 3000 killed on 9/11 don’t get a vote because THEIR DEAD you ‘tard.”
    The point here, genius, is that the people I was characterizing seem to want to support any war any time. It had nothing to do with Iraq’s compliance or non-compliance. But since you brought it up, it is nice to know that so much evidence has been found to support the idea that Iraq was stashing away a huge, threatening stockpile of WMD!! Haha. I guess the obvious failure of the facts to match the poltically-correct hatred for Iraq and belief in its bad behavior regarding WMDs and the inspections is not obvious enough!
    What does 9-11 have to do with Iraq? We haven’t even convincingly established the link between Afghanistan and 9-11, much less Iraq.
    3) WMD? That argument is so freaking weak that it couldn’t kick your ass if it grew legs. Our intel was flawed everyone gets it. But, guess what it was the best we had, the best Britain had and the best Russia had. It would have been criminal not to act on it!! I guess everyone before Columbus were liars since they believed the information fed to them said the world was flat, huh? Nice argument TARD!!! BTW, even if he didn’t have WMD mass killings is excuse enough to remove a dictator. Do you not agree? Or do you support mass murder, torture, government sactioned rapes and over all authoritarianism?”
    Intel flawed? What a freakin’ pantywaist dupe! It was not flawed! They cooked it and manipulated it to achieve propaganda goals as a means to stun the public and countless officials and foreign governments into supporting what was essentially an unprovoked act of aggression, something for which Nazis were hanged at Nuremberg.
    Government sanctioned rapes and torture? You mean the sort that is/was going on at Abu Ghraib and other places throughout Iraq?
    For the record, I do not think Dictators are good, nor that torture and mass killings are okay. However, Iraq’s most serious human rights abuses and crimes occured during times when the US was either indifferent or offering outright support. Even Halabja was carried out, it appears, using US-supplied helicopters.
    Since I do not support murderous dictators, I do not support the US occupation of Iraq and the “government” of the US appointed dictator in Iraq, Ayad Allawi, a long time CIA stooge.
    “4) Disgraces of Liberty? You wanna know what a disgrace to liberty is? They are socialist, peacenik, humanist bastards who hide behind the 1st Amendment to only try to destroy the Constitution that protects them. You are so committed to destroying the very foundation of America and are blind that the people you so adamantly hate are the ones that protect you from the same type leaders you so love to put up on the pedestal. Marxism is dead, Socialism doesn’t work, Palestine never and will never exist and I will speak freely, own guns, preach the gospel and support killing anyone that tries to take that away until my last breath.”
    I never uttered a single socialistic word, ya lunatic! Get a freakin’ grip, ya goof! For the record, I am an anarchist, not a socialist, not a capitalist, not a statist, nationalist nor a Marxist of any sort! I do not hide behind the 1st Amendment! You idiot. The 1st Amendment stands between me and prosecution by empowered zealots, as it should! Otherwise, I do not assume that my right to speak was given to me, I took that right and assume it for myself, as strong people will and should. I don’t need the Constitution to give me my rights, I was born with them. I need the Constitution to protect me from authoritarian fanatics. Same goes for the right to own weapons. I’ll keep any I like.
    “God bless you and the USA.”
    Godless in the FUSA

  37. Hello Syd Barret,
    You wrote: “So Ron, only service members actually in Iraq can comment on the war? Good; post your branch, rank and what base you’re on, or STFU.”
    No, my point was that no military member, especially if they are not in Iraq, can tell me what to say about the US occupation of Iraq. Period.
    It was a fairly clear point.
    So, no, I will not STFU. Go pound sand in your ass.

  38. I have to say that the many prayers here begging me to move on, to go away – often in the most colorful, blustery, puffed-up language – are very entertaining.
    Even more entertaining is the insistence that I have been beaten and therefore ought to know to leave.
    You’ll be sad to know that it is all so much wishful thinking.

  39. Right then, L. Ron dumbass….
    Think I’ve had about enough out of you.
    You said this:
    “Intel flawed? What a freakin’ pantywaist dupe! It was not flawed! They cooked it and manipulated it to achieve propaganda goals as a means to stun the public and countless officials and foreign governments into supporting what was essentially an unprovoked act of aggression, something for which Nazis were hanged at Nuremberg.”
    Excuse me, but what did Hussein agree to in ’91 with the UN? He agreed to account for and/or destroy any and all WMDs in a timely fashion- any time over a decade is not timely unless you are a large tree. The onus was upon Hussein to prove that he had carried out this task- it was not the job of UN inspectors to determine this. He failed. Hostilies were rejoined. He was deposed. It was his fault. Your imbecilic premise that the aforementioned hostilities were unprovoked shows that you are either 12, or a moron with a short memory.
    I will give you points for the best sideways job of implying Bush is hitler, with the reference to Nuremburg- oh gosh, aren’t you the clever one.
    The “intel” that you yammer on about as being cooked was being cooked in fine French kitchens as well as those here in the states, and apparently in the fine private kitchens to be found on Beacon Hill in Boston, if one is to take the statements Kerry made on the subject from about 1997 to 2001.
    Mr. Leighton, you are a dope. You seem to have confused a tenuous grasp of vocabulary and the ability to string together what appear to be coherent sentences with actual argumentative thought. Boil down all your bogus qualifiers, your trite platitudes, and your twee constructs and it comes down to you yowling “Bush lied! People died!” Gosh, that’s original.
    Yawn. You bore me. Run along, boy- I’m sure your mommy has a cup of warm cocoa and some soothing words to make you forget all us meanies.

  40. Ron,
    You need to do your research at places other than DU, and MoveOn and find a higher philosophy than “The Anarchists Cookbook”.
    So far as your rantings go, I still havent seen anything tangible from your post other than the fact that you hate conservatives, Bush and just about everyone else.
    Big Deal.
    Who cares?
    Get in line behind the communists, hippies and Phrench.
    Comprehend something if you can.
    We have valid, documented and factual reasons why we believe the way we do.
    One of those reasons is that we don
    t always believe what the news media tries to sell us, whether its good or bad we like to check facts and weigh them against what we are told. Try it sometime, its easy.
    Now we know that you think youre smart, and to your anarchist friends (do they have friends?) you may be a veritable Wile E. Coyote Suuuuuper genius but with every rant that you type here, without evidence or even a point, you show us your true intelligence.
    Pontificate all you want but it means nothing unless you have a point to make with <b>something</b> to back it up.
    So you don
    t like conservatives, we get it already. Make a point and back it up or get lost.

  41. Soooo!!! Ronnie has even more in common with the Limey than at first thought… They are also both self-proclaimed anarchists!!!
    Hey, Ronnie, if you are all about the chaos then why not rage against “The Man” making you use English and invent your own language… And while you are at it start raging against the corporations and the governments (municipal through federal) who bring you food, electricity, heat, water, entertainment, communications devices, medicine, furniture, cars, and everything else you take for granted because they are so evil and “authoritarian fanatics.”
    Anarchy… What a bunch of self absorbed BS…

  42. “I have to say that the many prayers here begging me to move on, to go away – often in the most colorful, blustery, puffed-up language – are very entertaining.”
    Why thank you, I’ll take that as a compliment!
    “Even more entertaining is the insistence that I have been beaten and therefore ought to know to leave.”
    Well, no not exactly.
    “You’ll be sad to know that it is all so much wishful thinking.”
    Woohoo! What are we going to label this Limey-esque saga? Can I suggest this:
    “Godless in the FUSA”
    Hey, that’s kinda catchy! Do you mind if I copyright that and submit it to Maybe I’ll get a commission if they use it… It sure beats the hell out of “Help is on the way.”
    “For the record, I am an anarchist, not a socialist, not a capitalist, not a statist, nationalist nor a Marxist of any sort!”
    Oh, now there’s a surprise… I bet you think you’re the first of your kind to ever grace our midst! The whole “Jesus is a myth” thing, calling down lightning and all… The sheer drama gave me goosebumps. Really, it did! X-D
    Stick around if you like – it’s obvious you’re enjoying the attention. Do you mind if I pinch your chubby wittle cheeks?
    Itsa bitty witty widdle anarchist isn’t he so cuuuute!!
    ~reminiscing my not-too-distant youthful shenanigans~
    Yessir, I was a tough-talkin’ ‘anarchist’ too, in MY teenage years. Even turned my back on God and then fancied Quabbalistic and Wican beliefs, all of which had great impact with the parents, since they were shelling out big dough for parochial school. Had to show the world I was my own man. Teehee. So this is what it looked like. Damn, I’m glad I’m not the type to embarrass easily!
    Yup, I sure do hate it for ya, kid. Twenty years from now, you’ll be laughing at your own youthful visage in whatever forum of the times. And it will be just as hilarious as you are to us.

  43. John Kerry Stole Help is on the way from a bum on Ohio State campus. He was here a few weeks before and heard the bum say that (he is a rhyming bum who has been on campus since i’ve been alive)…Help is on the way he says it every day.

  44. Redneck,
    It’s not all about humor.
    There are real opinions and ideas involved.
    So your “you just don’t get it” song and dance rings hollow.
    And, yes, I know there is also humor involved. I pretty damn funny myself.

  45. Redneck,
    “Yessir, I was a tough-talkin’ ‘anarchist’ too, in MY teenage years. Even turned my back on God and then fancied Quabbalistic and Wican beliefs, all of which had great impact with the parents, since they were shelling out big dough for parochial school. Had to show the world I was my own man. Teehee. So this is what it looked like. Damn, I’m glad I’m not the type to embarrass easily!”
    Because you admit you were a spoiled brat who flirted, likely superficially, with marginal notions, but later (perhaps predictably) reverted to your wimpy conformism, it doesn’t mean I am like you. Get it?

  46. Ron the Anarchist:
    “Because you admit you were a spoiled brat who flirted, likely superficially, with marginal notions, but later (perhaps predictably) reverted to your wimpy conformism, it doesn’t mean I am like you. Get it?”
    Thank God Rubber(Red)Neck IS not like you…I’d have to give him an ‘attitude adjustment’. * ;)at Rubber(Red)Neck* Although I have to laugh snort-giggle at your claim that he flirted then reverted….just how old are you? (I checked my unabridged dictionary, and ‘conformism’ isn’t in it, but in the spirit of good will, I’ll use it….I’ll ‘conform’ to your use of it.) You sound like the typical teenager…so self-assured in your non-‘conformism’ …wanting to show your independence by NOT being like your parents by being JUST LIKE ALL YOUR LITTLE FRIENDS!!! Who’s the conformist now? Now then, there is nothing wrong with having a ‘fling’ with differing views. It helps you to make a well-rounded, educated choice. The more you learn, the better choices you can make. But with age comes maturity, and a realization that certain ‘conservative’ factors are really are what’s best for stability and freedom.
    And guess what…you live in America (I think), and we do have that glorious thing called FREEDOM…won, for the most part, by CONFORMISTS!!! But you don’t have to be one; you can do any ol’ thang you want (almost).
    Now, Ron, remember this site is (mostly) about humor. Thank you for bringing more humor to this site. Now I can start my weekend off with a smile. And, I can pray, that your ‘fling’ with anarchy will soon pass, bless your little heart. And I do mean that, sugar.

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