The Czar’s Car

David, a 15-year-old reader, was inspired by one of my recent posts to do an animation. Kick ass!

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  1. Frank,
    did you see the major hurricanes headed your way!?
    Get low or high (not drugs you ignorant hippy) or what ever you are supposed to do in the event of a huricane.
    (“Hippy” was directed at the igno-tards that think I was telling Frank to do drugs. You got to be very clear when talking to them, they’re only running on 3 brain cells.)

  2. I took my 95 Pontiac Grand Prix into the car czar to get a timing belt repaired. The initial estimate was for $625.00. I recieved news that it would require an additional $240.00 to fix the car about a week later. The following week I went in to pick up my car. I asked the mechanic to start my car so I could hear it. When he started the car it sounded like a twenty five year old lawn mower. The mechanic saw the look in my face and began to rattle off excuses to why it sounds like that. The car was so loud that even I was embarrassed and Im not the mechanic. The mechanic kept trying to tell me that it was the make of car. Really man, its a 95 pontiac not a 1960 austin marlin. The mechanic then claimed that the noise could have already been there before he worked on it. I have never had my car sound like that. Never! I had 3 people in the car when it broke down. They all three know the condition of the car. The car sounded and ran great.
    So, I have a mechanic who could not fix the car, makes a bunch of excuses, then when that does’nt work shifts the blame on me. The bill came out to be $890.00. I will never pay that bill. You can keep the car. Then you will have to sell it. Of course, after you fix it right the second time because nobody is going to buy a car that sounds like that. Especially not for $900.00.
    Of course I have reported the problem to anyone who would listen. I really dont care if the Car Czar is on T.V. all the time. If Mr. Browner would spend less time in a tanning booth and more time under a hood of a car, maybe I would’nt have this problem today.
    Bottom line, KEEP THE CAR!
    Michael Watson

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