Dr. Hizouse

I saw the season premiere of House last night (it was shown Tuesday, but I have Tivo). If you’re not familiar with it, the basic premise is Dr. House and his team investigate hard to diagnose patients (it’s like a medical mystery). What makes the show so entertaining is that Dr. House might be the best TV character on any show right now. He’s always vacillating between being a curmudgeon and a total pr**k and has some of the most hilarious lines in each episode. In the first episode I saw, it had this “I can’t believe they said that on TV” line when they finally found out the woman they were diagnosing had rabies and House turned to his bitten underling Dr. Foreman (who is black) and told him, “Now go get your shots before I have to have another affirmative action hire.”
Anyway, the season premiere involved a death row inmate (played by L.L. Cool J) mysteriously dying (like every patient House sees). I was afraid there was going to be some moral lecturing, but, as always, the show avoided that. Dr. Cameron – the woman underling to House and the most touchy-feely – did at one point say, “You know that the death penalty is a racist punishment given disproportionately to blacks.” To which Dr. Foreman replied, “That just means they need to kill more white people.”
So, it’s a great show (one of Sarah and my favorites) if you haven’t checked it out. It’s not like Arrested Development (season premiere this coming Monday — you watch!) which is in risk of getting canceled, but I thought I should mention it.


  1. It’s actually just called “House”, and your right about the excellent-ness of that show, and Hugh Laurie for that matter. He hides his Cockney British accent so well you almost think he’s American.

  2. House rocks!!! I’ve only missed one episode, due to my wife not taping it for me. grinning sheepishly at my still being in the dark ages, what without Tivo and all
    House is just like a guy I learned electronics maintenance from…Clyde would just speak what was on his mind, with no thought toward what other people might think. I loved that about him…PC…bah, who’s got time for that crap.

  3. House certainly doesn’t pull any punches. They had an episode with a pregnant 12 year old. She was lecturing House on why she should be allowed to get an abortion without telling her parents. He interrupts and says something to the effect of, “oh, wow, you can bleed out your vagina; you’re so mature.” Another one of those “they can’t say that on TV!” moments.
    ****SPOILER ALERT****
    What I appreciated most about the season premiere was that they didn’t let the killer off the hook when they found out an adrenaline-excreting tumor was affecting his emotions. It could have easily been a “don’t kill sick people!” preach fest. But the words “it doesn’t absolve him” were spoken instead. 😉

  4. I’m with Chuck and FrankJ on this one! House rocks as does Hugh Laurie in the starring role. I thought that death penalty comeback was pretty good myself FrankJ. Like you, it was one of those “Can they say that on TV?” moments for me!
    Seriously, this show (coupled with LOST) has given me a reason to watch television again, even if it is just two nights a week. The jury’s still out on Prison Break. I can’t decide if I like it or not. Might help if I ever had time to watch an entire episode.
    Oops, sorry for rambling there! House Rocks!

  5. “Bombtruck, when you decide to correct someone in a public forum, you should at least correct correctly. it’s called “House M.D.”. it’s on the opening titles.”
    Ouch! The sharp rebuke from SarahK. Sorry, didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s sensibilities. BTW, if you mean to rebuke anyone in a public forum, at least watch the trailers for the show where all they call it is “House”.
    I stand corrected….sort of.

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