(A Precision Guided Humor Assignment)
Some high-up Al-Qaeda nutjob wrote a letter to his superior Al-Qaeda nutjob proposing a “plan” for the future of Islamofascism:
The first stage: Expel the Americans from Iraq.
The second stage: Establish an Islamic authority or amirate, then develop it and support it until it achieves the level of a caliphate- over as much territory as you can[…]
Which – in terms of practicality – greatly resembles the Underpants Gnomes plan:
1) Collect underpants
2) ???
3) Profit!
or in this case:
1) Get blown up by Americans
2) ???
3) Establish Caliphate!
It’s a good start, but maybe they should consider streamlining it a bit:
1) Get blown up by Americans
2) Die
MUCH better.
I can’t believe there’s a wikipedia article about the underpants gnomes. What is this world coming to?
Still none about IMAO, though a link to IMAO appears in two different articles I know of.
Time to go to work, work all night…..
Frank, are you actually modest enough to not write your own wikipedia entry? If no, go write it. If yes, have one of your other stable of writers do it. Perhaps Aquaman?
I have a plan for these terrorists!
1) Embrace EMO
2) Start live journal giving hourly updates on your current mood
3) Learn new vocabulary containing such powerful words as “n00b” and “suxx0rz” and calling your enemies “ghey!” that’s better than bombs
4) Shop at Hot Topic
5) Spend your time not updating your livejournal crying in the dark why the fat chick at starbucks doesn’t dig your black nail polish
6) Become oblivious to freedom taking Iraq over… then tell your “friends” you really don’t like the freedom and you want to go to business school and f*** things up “from the inside!”
It worked for some kids in my high school a “few” years ago