Are You a Friggin’ Genius?

According to Mensa (the smart folk society) if you get 19 of the riddles right on this test you, my egg head friend, are a friggin’ genius.
Actually, the test doesn’t measure friggin-ness, just genius-ness.
Want to know how I did? Don’t look below the fold till after you take the test.
And it takes a while, but I’ll wait right here for you.

Not too shabby

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  1. 21/33 but i know there are some lurking in my brain somewhere…i’m glad it wasn’t timed.
    Spacemonkeys are ALWAYS smarter than their terrestrial counterparts. That’s a true fact. As opposed to the other kind of fact, i suppose…
    so congratulations!

  2. Ya’ll must be drinking the right water, this poor ole dumb Redneck could only manage 16 correct…of course thats a actual 16. Damn it must be ’cause I’m from Texas, but you know what I’d bet large money I can out-shoot them genius boys…(1 S = 1 K, I D, N R) ya’ll figure that one out!
    L8R WK

  3. Well you are more genius than I as I only got 23. But I did get one that you missed … 15 Men on a dead man’s chest.
    I missed the other one you did too, but think there must be a spelling error. What else could it be but 1000 years in a millenium?

  4. 22, not counting the “52 cards in a pack (without joker)” for which it won’t give me credit (nor for several other variations on it). I spelled “millennium” correctly only because I remembered misspelling it when it was the name of a proudct competitive with one of my employer’s products.
    Not bad for a guy who earns his living writing VBA, SQL, etc., instead of English.

  5. I was impressed I had 30 until I gave my 17 y/o the URL and he came back an hour later with 30. I’m not so sure this is a genius test.
    He helped me with the cricket one (English nanny), and I helped him with the geography one, so now we both have 31 and are both stumped on 27 & 28.

  6. Delete and retype the ones you know are correct but it doesn’t accept. It wouldn’t accept the two “7” answers until I retyped them. Duh!!
    …it still won’t accept the 1000 Y answer no matter how I spell “M”.

  7. And there is usually more than a single joker in a deck.
    That probably explains it. I’m sort of ignorant of anything resembling pop culture; now, if the clue had been “32 P S by B”, I would have gotten it instantly (piano sonatas by Beethoven).

  8. Hahahahaha!
    Okay, I’m a friggin’ genius and I’m still dumb enough to forget to add my name before posting! Derherr!
    I have 26 so far, some of these others I am sure I know, but they just ain’t clicking in my brain. I am missing 17, 24 and 28 thru 31.

  9. Scoring: 1 to 5 is Average, 6 – 11 Somewhat Intelligent, 12 to 18 Intelligent, 19 + Genius
    CORRECT ANSWERS: 33 / 33
    You have to remember that this test was created by people in South Africa.

  10. i got 32 out of 33 and i’m only 14! how cool is that!! I couldn’t do 1000Y in a Millenium though, i spent about 6 minutes on that one question but whole test took me only 17 minutes!!!

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