File Under: Despite All Their Rage, They’re Still Just Rats in a Cage

Well, the lefty blogs and DU (temporarily closed to the public so we can’t see them gnash their teeth and stomp their feet in rage) only managed to badger 25 votes for their filibuster.
So, will this pathetic defeat discourage or encourage the moonbats dragging down the Democratic Party?
UPDATE: DU is back open, and they think they won. The poor deluded fools.
Let’s make fun of them.


  1. Comparing Dems to rats? What an outrageous slander! The rats demand an immediate apology.
    My theory is that the KosKids and DUmmies will form another alternate reality, thus becoming the “alternate-alternate-reality-based community”. We’re going to need Stephen Hawking to explain their universe pretty soon.

  2. will this pathetic defeat discourage or encourage the moonbats dragging down the Democratic Party?
    I sort of hope that it will encourage them to start bathing more often and maybe discourage them from driving while stoned during the rush hour.

  3. I think the the shock of losing this vote so badly will cause the moonbats to see the error of their ways. They will run home and
    1. take showers
    2. learn how to write a coherent sentence that does not include the use of copious amounts of profanity
    3. learn to follow a train of thought from beginning to end
    4. discover that Bush does NOT = Hitler and that America is not spelled Amerika
    5. realize that no one in the goevernment cares to listen into their inane phone conversations – unless terrorists are calling them
    6. See that drunks like Ted Kennedy are not nearly as charming in the Senate as they are when you run into them at a Frat party.
    …or maybe Not!

  4. If that’s the over-simplistic kind of thinking Libs have, then they shouldn’t be wondering why the American people voted for Republicans to take the drivers seat in the White House and in Congress.
    But then again, they’re Libs. They can’t ask each other where they went wrong in their thinking.
    It’s kind of like a skunk asking another skunk if he smells.
    So, if winning is losing and losing is winning… the Libs are the champs!!!
    Thanks, al-Kerry, al-Kennedy and al-Boxer!

  5. What’s really amazing is the amount of “we love Ben” reply posts on that page is not nearly equal to the amount of “HUH? Are you f-ing kidding us?” posts. You may get one or two lamebrain trolls here but DU gets out and out intelligent debate that not one of them can coherently answer to.
    Man, some one needs to dump some coffee on these sad saps.

  6. It’s almost too easy. Well, it IS too easy, but it’s still a bit of fun. My personal favorite is response #96: we won in the sense that you win at the special olympics… they give you a ribbon for showing up and running in the right direction.
    I guess whatever it was Kerry was doing in Davos wasn’t so important after all.

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  8. hey frank. kinda stepped into your site through pajama media to larry kudlow’s place and followed a comment that linked to your kerry fisk. outstanding! added you to my toolbar right away, especially since iowahawk went missing at christmas.
    i loved the KOSKidz reaction to the Alito cloture vote. absolute pandemonium and fratricide. They went 401 tonite, presumably due to injesting massive amounts of mind altering substances to quell their frazzled nerves.

  9. What gets me is that Ben guy is the webmaster of the new White Rose Society. If he bothered to think about the facts in those links of his he would realize that the minute the real White Rose people were identified they were jailed and killed.
    For all their talk about fascist countries and crushed dissent they have no clue what that really means. If he were truely worried about a fascist country he would not be putting his name on that site, much less corporate links.

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