Right now, I’m listening to The Moon Song on an endless loop. This is after subjecting myself to My Cat Has Knees from the same site.
No. Really. Don’t go to those sites. You’ll only simmer in madness like a Fillet-o-Fish in a grillbasket.
In my Flash Songs folder, I’ve also got Patrick Moore Plays The Xylophone and These Badgers.
My hands shake. My brain throbs. My eyes must be bleeding.
I can no longer exist in this crippled state. Put your favorite brain-damaging Flash-based songs/videos in the comments and finish me off.
Once in your head, it never, ever, EVER leaves.
You DO know those sites hide the heavy-duty brainwashing systems of the VRWC?
Is it possible you didn’t get the memo?
A lot of heads are going to roll for this one…
the badgers are great, but you’ve gotta love the llama song…
This one has been in my head for 2 years! And it has a cute little orange kitten!
OK, first we’ve got Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
Then there’s Their Taking The Hobbits to Isengard
And finally Ducks Live On The Moon
Grrr – hyper links didn’t work…
Ducks Live On The Moon
Their Taking The Hobbits To Isengard
Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes
I’ve always loved this one from the lovelies at Cheekybeef.co.uk
The Egg Song
(Courtesy of Zweibel, STP co-blogger)
The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny
Warning: Not for when the kids are around.
Mad Cow
OMG…the badgers! the badgers! ARRRRRGH SNAKE!!!!!
oooooh man, Everyone Loves Magical Trevor (parts 1-3). Google that stuff.
Behold the terrific glory that is All Your Base.
It’s the result of a poorly translated Japanese video game.
(By the way, by terrific I mean “terror inspiring”, not “wonderful”.)
My favorite Badgers version is:
(I’m pretty sure that at one point they’re saying ‘weeks go by’, which from my perspective is how long it takes for a soccer game to conclude.)
To ensure brain rot, I recommend Albino Black Sheep’s Animutation section (www.albinoblacksheep.com). Especially Bagagaga Bop and Hyakugojyuuichi!!! (exclamation points part of the title).
Sinister Ducks
The French Erotic Film
And no, there’s no erotica in it… at least not the uncensored variety.
Steve the Pirate, Shane, and Outback Jon beat me to the other ones.
Here is one that is a take off on the whole badger thing. It’s called banana Phone(oh and check out the special edition over at weebls-stuff.com)
Here is one that is a take off on the whole badger thing. It’s called banana Phone(oh and check out the special edition over at weebls-stuff.com)