Great. There’s the graphic violence warning. That just means someone else we like is gonna die.
Previously on 24, Tony’s supposedly “dead” (yeah, right, where was the fan-fare). DHS is taking over CTU, President Estro is totally doing martial law based on the Veep’s “advice”. Half-Neckid Man-Girl gave up Audrey as her contact. Booty Call told Jack about Man-Girl. Wayne Palmer was attacked by terrorists on his way to see Aaron with vital information.
Archive of entries posted on 27th March 2006
I Can Plug What I Want
Joanne Jacobs finally has her book out Our School : The Inspiring Story of Two Teachers, One Big Idea, and the School That Beat the Odds. The book follows the principal, teachers and students at Downtown College Prep, a San Jose charter high school that prepares students who are “failing but not in jail” to succeed at four-year colleges.
Joanne Jacobs was one of the first blogs to link to me, so I feel a plug for her book is the least I can do (those early links mean a lot when you’re starting a blog). To be honest, educational issues haven’t been by biggest interests, but I’m guessing that will change when I one day have kids (SarahK and I are pretty set on home-schooling; you haven’t seen algebra until you’ve seen Frank J. style algebra!).
Those Illegal People!
Some people want to make it a felony to illegally enter this country. That’s crazy! Calling illegal aliens “felons” just gives them a sense of legitimacy. Who do you think of when you hear “felons”? Americans, that’s who (or possibly Australians). Instead, let’s just keep calling them “People Who Aren’t Supposed to Be Here” or simply “Mexicans.”
The Daily Daily Kos Report
John Kerry doesn’t just hate celery, but he exploits it as a token vegetable
Okay, so after Dick Cheney’s list of hotel needs and requests got leaked to the press on The Smoking Gun, it only makes sense that John Kerry’s wishlist makes its way to TSG as well.
Here’s something odd. Let’s take a look at page 1:

Now let’s take a look at page 4:


Wait a minute. Doesn’t John Kerry hate celery? And yet it’s requested right there on page 4! John Kerry is such a flip-flopper, he can’t even make up his mind on celery.
As for the despise of tomato-based products and sandwiches on page 1, he goes right ahead and asks for tomatoes as snacks on page 4. What has John Kerry got against tomatoes making a better life for themselves, branching out from their raw, unfulfilled potential into the wide range of tomato-based products and sandwiches we have today? He’s keeping the hardworking tomato down, I say, locking out the tomato from sandwiching and processing opportunities.
Didn’t tomato-based products help to fund his presidential campaign? After all, his wife is the heiress to the Heinz fortune, is she not?
If tomato-based products are good enough to pay the bills, then I believe they should be good enough to participate in the campaign. To deny them a seat on the bus is just as bad as my pointing to Right Wing Duck and saying “See? How could I possibly hate Mexicans? Right Wing Duck is a friend.”
Or something like that.
You know, when I think tomato-based products, I think Chef Boyardee and Franco-American. Chef Boyardee was famous for developing canned tomato and pasta products to support our troops in World War II and Franco-American has American in its name.
Does John Kerry not support our troops?
Does John Kerry not support our Franco-America?
Most of all, how dare John Kerry deny the greatness that is the BLT, the cornerstone of the USA’s diet.
You know, America was built on a foundation of celery and tomato-based products. To blithely hate celery, and yet keep it around as some kind of “token” vegetable for people to see him with, that’s just promoting a lie to pander to the Celery Vote.
And that’s how W. won in 2004: standing firm on the issues that matter to Americans most. America saw through Kerry’s treating celery as some sort of token vegetable, and they made their hatred of hypocrisy and exploitation known at the ballot box.
It’s Possible for a Religion to Thrive Without the Threat of Murder
An Editorial by Frank J.
At worship on Sunday, a man stood up and asked for forgiveness for his sins. I said we should murder him for his transgressions, but I was shouted down. Later, it was noted that someone was no longer in attendance, and it was suggested that we contact him and pray for him. I asked that, if he won’t come back to our religion, should we behead him and cut him to pieces. I was told, “No.”
“Well, what about kneecapping him?” I inquired. They answered that Jesus would be against that. When I asked why we care what Jesus thinks, they just said they’d pray for me and seemed to ignore me after that.
So I turned to my lovely and talented wife SarahK and asked, “What is this crazy religion you keep dragging me to? It has all these rules about not doing fun stuff because they’re ‘sins,’ but how do they expect to keep people in line without the threat of murder?”
“You shut up, goofy-goof, or I won’t make you cookies tonight,” SarahK answered.
I decided to get the bottom of this. Luckily, the teachings of Jesus – The Bible – were available for free on the internet, and no one was threatening to sue the sites for revealing the secrets of Christianity. Now, people were always getting right in the Jesus guy’s face, so I knew he’d eventually wreak vengeance on his enemies. But I searched for “strangle,” “behead,” and, “kick to the crotch” and couldn’t find Jesus using any violence to get people doing what he told them. Then, I finally stumbled upon a passage where Jesus flips out in a temple and starts knocking over tables. I’ve seen enough action movies to know this is the part where Jesus finally snaps, pulls out his dual .45s, and takes out everyone in need of a kill’n. I was wrong. He doesn’t kill anyone – not even a gut punch. Eventually, he gets killed without even putting up a fight. Seriously, Michael Bay couldn’t do a thing with this story.
So how did Christianity get started? I assumed next came Jesus’ followers avenging their leader’s death and getting people to follow them at spear point. Nope. They just hid from those trying to kill them while peacefully building up followers.
And this religion is still around two thousand years later?
I know; it’s weird. Most people are used to religion only working if death is threatened; why else would one want to follow a bunch of restrictive rules if there isn’t any danger that you’ll be cut to pieces? Apparently, Christianity uses this whole “salvation” thing to attract people – the carrot instead of the stick. So, if I get things right, I can sin and blaspheme all I want – swearing, doing drugs, and fornicating – and no one will murder me.
SarahK informed me that this was incorrect, as she would murder me, but she herself would be sinning. So, not only is murder in support of Christianity not encouraged, it itself is a sin. This wasn’t always well known, though, and some people long long ago murdered people for not being Christians. That causes problems today, as people will say, “While other religions murder people now, some people a hundred million years ago murdered people in the name of Christianity, so Christianity is just the same.”
And you might respond, “But that was very long ago and went against the principles of Christianity and thus is condemned.”
And the person will rebut, “Yes, but I’m a moral retard who equivocates everything. As far as I’m concerned, A is the same as Z.”
And there is no response to that.
So, not only is murder completely condemned by Christianity, the fact that anyone would murder in the name of Christ is considered harmful to the religion.
Despite these insane, murder-phobic beliefs, Christianity still seems to thrive. “Good living” and “salvation” apparently is enough to keep people faithful to a religion. Actually, it makes one wonder that, if “not being murdered” is the main selling point of your religion, maybe you should rethink the whole thing.
Frank J. is a syndicated columnist whose columns appear worldwide on and is a frequent contributor to He is also the author of such books as “I’ll Murder You if You Don’t Buy This Book!” and “What Jesus Wouldn’t Do – The Frank J. Story”.
Bank Robbers Unite!
Bank Robbers from across the nation will gather today to hold a rally to protest some of the latest hate tactics perpetrated by evil conservative Republicans. The plan calls for criminalizing and in this case, making it a felony to rob a bank. Said one congressman, “We’re tired of all this illegal activity.”
According to Jose Luis Gonzalez, a career bank robber, “This is hateful plain and simple. We’re just trying to feed our families. We’re not bank robbers. We’re undocumented withdrawers! The politicians are the real criminals.”
Remarked Jose Luis, “I can’t believe they would do this to me. Every time I break the law I’ll have to worry about the consequences. Now I have to live my life in fear”
Senator Hillary Clinton today held a press conference. “This seems wrong. Would we ask the Good Samaritan to not rob a bank? Would we ask Jesus not to rob a bank? This doesn’t seem like it would follow the Bible, which I think I read once.” Senator Clinton, who worships at the First Rainbow Church of the People, was deeply offended and called on those with similar beliefs to contribute money to her charity: Hillary for President 2008. There is no word on whether she might run for president.
Additionally, this bill would make it a crime to help bank robbers in the process of committing the crime. This change has many people riled up.
Said Jose Luis, “What about those people with no job skills? What are they supposed to do? What about those people whose only crime is to drive a getaway car? Are you going to put them in jail too? What have they done wrong?”
Roberto, a successful bank robber, can earn up to $1,200 on a good day. “I can’t make that kind of money robbing banks in Mexico.” This money of course is later circulated into the American Economy.
Without bank robbing, many of these young men would turn to more drastic forms of stealing such as spam, and running for congress.
According to Roberto, even the unsuccessful ones contribute to the economy. “Would those prison guards have jobs? Would they be able to do anything without the undocumented withdrawers? That’s all we’re saying.”
What is not widely known is just how dangerous this work can be. “We spent hours sitting in a dark cramped van waiting for the right heist.” In a tragic tragedy last week, three bank robbers perished while trying to case a joint. “This kind of thing should not happen in America. We couldn’t take care of them. They died in the back seat like some cheap date for Ted Kennedy. We had no place to take them!” Indeed, it is estimated that 1 out of every 3 bank robbers does not have healthcare coverage.
“We’re left to fend for ourselves and nobody cares about us!” says Carlos. “American is starting to become like other more hateful countries”.
Another robber, Carlos, was deported from Denmark. “They told me it was against the laws of their country to rob a bank. How dare they say that? Something is truly rotten in Denmark. Just because I’m in somebody else’s country how can that mean that I have to follow their laws?”
Carlos is now here in America and is very excited at President Bush’s new plan: The Bank Robbing Guest Robber Program.
The rally will be held at noon right outside First National Bank.
Protests? What protests?
Here in Houston, we don’t get all activist and angry and stuff like Los Angeles and New York City and Washington do. People here have things like jobs and family lives to deal with. Despite having a very large Hispanic population, this whole Immigration Protest fad just isn’t catching on here.
We also don’t have idiots like this shouting at reporters looking for quick, clever soundbites to cram into their stories.
“When did you ever see a Mexican blow up the World Trade Center? Who do you think built the World Trade Center?” said David Gonzalez, 22
Yeah, breaking the back of the already-crippled healthcare system and school systems doesn’t matter. One symbolic act of terrorism and mass murder should be the basis of judging whether a growing illegal minority within our borders is a threat to the stability of our society and economy or not.
You know, Charles Manson didn’t blow up the World Trade Center. Let’s let him free. Same with Dan Rostenkowsi, Ken Lay, and Tookie Williams. (oops! Too late!)
The guy who nearly ran me over on the way to work this morning? I don’t think he was involved in blowing up the World Trade Center. I’ll forgive him for nearly splattering me across his hood and the street.
As for who actually built the World Trade Center? Easy: The Mafia, stupid.
Which is why the Freedom Tower project is running into delay after delay. You’ve got a Jewish developer arguing with a Jewish designer. Meanwhile, The Mafia sits on the insurance money and Uncle Sam’s pity money and gains interest on it.
Once they milk the project for as much as they can get out of it, then the World Trade Center will be rebuilt…
Just in time for the Mexicans to blow it up.
Chomps Is Back!
In the form of products you can buy!
Thanks to Doug from for letting me use the image (did you order your military slogans shirt?).
I was going to announce that in the test newsletter lastnight, but I screwed that up. The official test newsletter will instead come out later this week with a teaser of information to expect from future newsletters.
Anyway, you’ll notice the IMAO store link on the right sidebar [Ed: that’s the left sidebar, which is Frank’s other right.], so go buy IMAO products to help support your IMAO friends who all really need money (except for cadet happy; he’s a bloodsucking lawyer). And keep checking back as we add new products.
Fun Trivia
A group of wolves is called a pack.
A group of geese is called a gaggle.
A group of aardvarks is called an aarmory.
A group of crickets is called an orchestra.
What do you call a group of trolls?