Here in Houston, we don’t get all activist and angry and stuff like Los Angeles and New York City and Washington do. People here have things like jobs and family lives to deal with. Despite having a very large Hispanic population, this whole Immigration Protest fad just isn’t catching on here.
We also don’t have idiots like this shouting at reporters looking for quick, clever soundbites to cram into their stories.
“When did you ever see a Mexican blow up the World Trade Center? Who do you think built the World Trade Center?” said David Gonzalez, 22
Yeah, breaking the back of the already-crippled healthcare system and school systems doesn’t matter. One symbolic act of terrorism and mass murder should be the basis of judging whether a growing illegal minority within our borders is a threat to the stability of our society and economy or not.
You know, Charles Manson didn’t blow up the World Trade Center. Let’s let him free. Same with Dan Rostenkowsi, Ken Lay, and Tookie Williams. (oops! Too late!)
The guy who nearly ran me over on the way to work this morning? I don’t think he was involved in blowing up the World Trade Center. I’ll forgive him for nearly splattering me across his hood and the street.
As for who actually built the World Trade Center? Easy: The Mafia, stupid.
Which is why the Freedom Tower project is running into delay after delay. You’ve got a Jewish developer arguing with a Jewish designer. Meanwhile, The Mafia sits on the insurance money and Uncle Sam’s pity money and gains interest on it.
Once they milk the project for as much as they can get out of it, then the World Trade Center will be rebuilt…
Just in time for the Mexicans to blow it up.
Hold on there! Everybody knows that the Mohicans built the World Trade Center! (largely true, BTW)
They aren’t marching down in Houston? I’m surprised.
Here in Grand Rapids, MI they’re on the move. Not too far from my office, actually. You can hear them a half mile away.
It is not safe to march in Houston, too many of us are packing.
God. We owe them. This was their land and we took it from them. What a load of garbage. If anyone is entitled it would be the Native Americans the spanish slaughtered to acquire the land. Of course it will be turned into a race issue instead of what it is, breaking the law. Go over to Sig94’s blog and have a look at the criminal stats involving illegals. Build the fence!!!!!!!!!!!!
I read somewhere somewhere around half of all modern Mexicans are of partial Native American descent.
L.A. isn’t too far from the Southern boarder…why didn’t they just turn the march south and keep them marching?
//L.A. isn’t too far from the Southern boarder…why didn’t they just turn the march south and keep them marching?//
Per a mass attack by INS, would’ve shown how resolved they were about “protesting”. When the hell did they have time to Protest?? I thought they were here to WORK! Seems to me that half million with nothing to do but freaking PROTEST, they’ve got no reason to be here in the first place!
Most of these comments obviously come from bigoted redneck neanderthals. The leading email as well. What the f*** is the matter with you people! If you are truly worried about he fate of this country, bitch about China, they own us.
Shelly, you have green skin, a couple of warts and live under a bridge hunting billy goats, don’t you? Say hello to Helen Thomas for us, would you?
In my experience, being originally from SoCal, people who protest for “Chicano” causes are people of Hispanic descent whose ancestors were in CA before it became a state, who adopted Chicano activism and a faux-Mexican identity because they had nothing better to do while their successful-professional parents paid for them to attend college. The real Mexican immigrants are all too busy working.
Q: Why do some Mexicans cross the border only two at a time?
A: All the signs say “No TRESpassing”
Where the hell as Laurence been? There are have been several protests in Houston. The largest school district in Houston (HISD) has had to make an announcement at each school asking students to stop walking out.
As for comparing Charles Manson to Mexicans…are you on crack? As you mentioned earlier, hispanics are now the majority in Houston and whether people want to admit it, Houston would be crippled without Mexicans (and their cheap labor) ….not only Houston but San Antonio, Austin, LA, NY and several other cities. Before ever posting another message, try to 1 get your facts straight and 2 try not to be so ignorant. Keep in mind the United States economy is strongly supported by ILLEGAL ALIENS!
Yes ma’am. Were sorry. We thought Americans supported the American economy, what with property & income taxes, disposable income, and so on…
Come to think of it, drug cartels, distributors, dealers and addicts support the economy to some extent as well… even hippies,junkies, and crackheads gotta eat and maybe pay for other domestic goods & services… so maybe in our zeal, we’re actually just oppressing them, too.