Two things:
First, a reader emailed asking for gun advice. Yes, asking me, I know, it’s hard to believe. Anyway, I told her what I know, which is that all my favorite guns are the pretty guns. She and her husband have recently decided to become gun owners. (Let’s say it together: Awwwww!) They’re looking for home and personal defense and want something that’s not going to take ammo that is so expensive as to require the selling of their first-born.
Of course, I love my Walter P99 (current have gun will travel gun) and Mr. Shiny (the stainless-steel Mil-Spec 1911 that sleeps near me), and once I’m super-accurate with my Pop-Pop (the Taurus Ultra-Lite .38 special), I’ll love it too. I don’t like Glocks, because they’re ugly.
Archive of entries posted on 10th March 2006
No, Bob, Roger’s the mound standing on the mound.
In the World Baseball Classic, Roger Clemens just got 16 runs of support in three innings against South Africa.
I believe that’s more run support than he got from the Astros for all of 2005.
Has the South African team ever played baseball, or are they hoping for a movie deal with Disney like those Jamaican bobsledders got?
(I hope Morgan Freeman plays Mandela.)
Six hundred bucks?
Apparently, National Review and National Review Online is holding some kind of cocktail and buffet party in my town of Houston, TX on April 5th.
It’s $600 per person, or an even thousand per couple. Hrm… still not sure. Who will be there?
Rich Lowry, Jonah Goldberg, Jay Nordlinger, Ramesh Ponnuru, John Derbyshire, Kate O’Beirne, and Kathryn Jean Lopez
Well, hell. That’s one darn tootin’ fine lineup there. Let me just get out my checkbook and…
Wait! Hold on! Astros game! Opening week against the Marlins!
Which to go to.. .which to go to…

Dude, it’s gotta be the ‘stros. It’s too late to order a DERBYSHIRE shirt, and I’ve been jonesing for Stardogs all winter long.
Word of Warning
Don’t call Kos’s site a “hate site.” It makes him angry and hateful.
Glenn’s Words for Me
I’m going to soon send away for a signed bookplate for my copy of Army of Davids by Glenn “the Blender” Reynolds, and I was wondering what message should I request he put on it. Glenn already said the message “To my master, Satan,” is reserved for me, but can you think of a better inscription? Please put suggestions in the comments.
Friday Catblogging
Since it’s Friday, I thought I’d spread the joy of humor-free, apolitical Friday Catblogging to IMAO (aka “I-MEOW”).
Sure, some of the IMAO bloggers have cats, but apparently I’m the only one of them brave enough to Friday Catblog. Next thing you know, they’ll make me do all the laundry and take the trash out.
Anyway, today it’s… um… what?

What the heck are these things?
Anyway, if you’re not sure how this absurd scene pertains to IMAO, since IMAO is famous for that “political humor” thing, it doesn’t. If you must have some semblance of politics or humor in everything you read here, just assume that these things are… er…
Help me out here. Make your suggestions in the comments how this scene is, in fact, a political allegory.
(For more animal goodness, try Friday Ark today and Carnival of the Cats on Sunday, so send your catblogging links to submissions @