Word of Warning

Don’t call Kos’s site a “hate site.” It makes him angry and hateful.


  1. I really can’t handle reading the Kos site anymore due to all the expressed idiocy and hatred. From the article linked:
    “It must really burn the GOP that on issues of homeland security, social security, choice, the Iraq War, fiscal responsibility, and every single domestic issue, this site is smack dab in the mainstream.
    And no amount of lame and sensationalistic rhetoric can change that fact.”
    Wow. When did he start writing horribly ironic humor?

  2. I found it interesting how he blamed the SD abortion ban on Republicans when the prime sponser was a Democrat. I also find it interesting that you have to be part of some special club or something to post a comment there. Funny, isn’t it, that leftist sites seem to require you to register with them to comment, and most “rightist” sites don’t.

  3. This KOS-rant is so funny: opinion polls matter more than actual voting results (President Bush got reelected somehow, despite all of his extremism).
    And state law must first be checked for approval by a nation wide opinion poll. Silly me thinking that South Dacota voters and lawmakers were the only one concerned on South Dacota law.

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