I’m going to soon send away for a signed bookplate for my copy of Army of Davids by Glenn “the Blender” Reynolds, and I was wondering what message should I request he put on it. Glenn already said the message “To my master, Satan,” is reserved for me, but can you think of a better inscription? Please put suggestions in the comments.
How about “publish and be damned!”? Too subtle?
Oh, and, FIRST!
He should include a pet shop gift certificate.
What can I offer you for Rowdi? Sweet, delicous, Rowdi? Get back to me.
PS: Indeed.”
Too my good friend Frank. I will always thank you for the Maltese, DOH! malted milkshake.
To my drinking buddy Frank,
Eternal thanks for the beagle smoothie recipe. A dash of bitters realy does make all the difference!
“To mortal enemy, FrankJ, I will crush your puny rebellion!”
“To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.”
P.S. FrankJ, dude, spring for the extra couple bucks and have the actual book signed….
If I were you, I’d skip the inscription he offered, and have him write in his credit card number instead. Now, that would be great!
His mark, a large “x” sloppily finger-painted in a shade of mauve. Is it ink or is it a former, tail-waggling friend?
Dear Frank,
I was wrong. So very, very wrong.
Read the whole thing.
No One of Consequence,
That’s nearly perfect! I’d just tweak it to:
Then again, that’s not really FrankJ specific. Maybe that should be his generic inscription. Nevermind.
Hope you enjoy the book! It goes well with a tall glass of my newest concoction which I call ‘the paws that refreshes’. (The secret ingredient is grated hobo rind.)
(To reflect your priorities in life)