If you go to Ben’s Rants and Raves right now, right this very minute, you’ll see Carnival of Comedy #46 It’s a barebones edition. Because all the meat was peeled away so we could grill it up for that “up yours PETA” holiday, that was yesterday. |
Archive of entries posted on 16th March 2006
What, me worry?
The RNC named a new head today, Alfred E. Neuman. His first order of business was to endorse formation of a “non-partisan” committee to bring a “fresh perspective” on U.S. policy in Iraq. Let me tell you, I am 100% behind this decision. Remember how great that “non-partisan” 911 panel turned out? Or how great the appointment of an inpendent prosecutor to investigate the Valerie Plame matter (despite the fact it was obvious no crime had been committed) turned out? Or how great the Spineless 7 defection worked out for judicial confirmations (heard about any of those recently?). I’m sure the “non-partisan” Democrats on the panel won’t take the opportunity to grandstand all summer long on national television about President Bush’s job performance in Iraq. Every time I see Leon Panetta on the talk circuit, I always think to myself–“Wow, what a great non-partisan leftist. His sense of perspective and fairness inspires me.” And who better to help form foreign policy than former career politicians who have not been in the security loop for years. I’m sure this won’t just become one big 2006 election ad for the DNC, and I’m sure James Baker and Alan Simpson will fight hard to support the President (between cat naps and adult diaper changes anyway). Wonderful plan. Just wonderful. I think Mr. Neuman’s second order of business should be to freshen up our party’s slogan. Maybe instead of G.O.P., we could change it to S.O.S. for Stuck on Stupid.
Killing Baby Seals. FAQ
Very soon, Canada will allow thousands of baby seals to be hunted down and killed. Singer and activist Sir Paul McCartney, is working to draw attention to this situation. We here at IMAO aren’t just about writing tasteless jokes, unbalanced viewpoints, and cheap thrills: We also do a podcast.
There’s a very important reason (beyond recreation) why the Canadian government allows the thinning of these herds. If left to their own devices (and seals do indeed have devices hidden somewhere) these seals would grow at such an alarming rate that eventually, you’d have to face the most dreaded of all realities — redrawing voting districts.
With that said, IMAO presents the ultimate Baby Seal Killing FAQ
Is it wrong to kill a baby seal?
Of course it is. With the allotted amount set at 320,000 dead seals there’s no excuse for bagging just one.
No, I mean morally. Is it wrong?
Don’t fool yourself. If these seals had half a chance, they’d not only kill you — they’d eat your liver and drink it down with a bottle of Seal Chianti.
I would feel bad whacking these seals repeatedly until they died.
Are you talking about repetitive stress syndrome?
No. That moral thing again.
Sigh. Not all of the seals will die. Just the ones chosen by nature to not move on. After repeated whacking, some of these seals will evolve a thick exoskeleton (which brings good money on the black market) others will evolve faster flippers, and in some cases, will develop a mutant growth in the shape of a civil rights attorney.
Why kill them?
Anything with a chance to become an attorney deserves to die.
Is there any hope for these little Canadian seals?
Some of them do manage to sneak into America where they apply for amnesty.
Then what happens?
We keep the ones that have necessary job skills, like playing Yankee Doodle Dandy on the horns. Unfortunately, more and more those jobs are being taken my Mexican Illegal Seals who do the job Canadians Seals won’t do.
After I went on the seal hunt last year — I think I felt guilty. What should I do?
Many times guilt is confused with the common head cold. I would suggest that this year you bundle up. Try wearing fur.
You told me that last year — and they ended up confusing me for a seal.
Oh yeah. We thought you looked familiiar. Anyway -Who wears seal fur to a seal bashing? That is sooo Last Years Republican Convention. But it does bring up a point — Safety. Be careful you’re not bashing another human being. That would be wrong. The correct noises to listen for are:
1. Urrgh
2. Ooogh.
3. “I’m a Lawyer”.
You might be hitting the wrong creature if you hear things like,
1. “ooch”
2. “ouch”
3. “But I performed at the Super Bowl.”
Can you cook seal?
I don’t know. We just do it for the killin’. Besides — cookin’ is Woman’s work. So we wouldn’t know.
What do you do with a seal once you kill it?
We don’t know. Leave it there and keep killing.
What’s the silliest thing you ever heard done with a Canadian Seal?
Last year, a couple from Florida took one home and expected it to get along with their cats.
Are there any other advantages to killing these baby seals?
Sure, it’s an athletic activity. It helps you work out your muscles, increase your heart rate and lower cholesterol (Note: this statement not evaluated by the FDA)
What would it take to make seal bashing a legitimate Olympic sport?
If you were the typical Olympic viewer — it would take more ruffled shirts.
Or people with little brooms running in front of the seals — or is that behind?
If you’re Bryant Gumbel seal bashing wold only be a real Olympic sport if it had more black athletes.
How could we make Bryant happy?
Kill just the white seals.
You talked me into it. I’d like to go up to Canada and take a Seal Beating Vacation? How do I set up a tour?
You can book a local tour operator. Or you can contact the people at Disney Vacations.
How do I know the tour operator isn’t some crazed activist that’s going to hijack me?
Most tour operators will send a car to pick up you at the airport. You’re only in trouble if your driver is Ted Kennedy. And Dick Cheney is riding shotgun.
Would it stop the killing if Hollywood made more films about this?
Hollywood tried — but they couldn’t find any seals that were gay.
We hope that this guide has been informative. Hardly any seals were harmed in the making of this post. If you’d like to stop the senseless killing of these seals please send cash to IMAO headquarters and we’ll think about doing something.
Yes, we are awful. That’s why you can’t stop coming back again and again.
Links of The Day
Photoshop/Caption contest at GOP and College – Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) standing next to a sign that says “DANGEROUSLY INCOMPETENT”. As a courtesy to those who wish to photoshop a new message, I’ve created a copy of image with the board already blanked out, which you can download from here.
Meanwhile, The Right Place Blog provides compelling evidence that Bush might actually BE Hitler.
Who lights up my life?
You know that song “You Light Up My Life” by Debbie Boone?
I used to think it was about Jimmy Carter.
Yeah, now know it’s about God, thanks to The Simpsons. But I used to think it was about Jimmy Carter.
I was really good at math when I was little, right around the time that Debbie Boone was singing this song I thought was about Jimmy Carter. And despite doing the mathetmatical substitution of “Jimmy Carter” for “You” I still didn’t see any problems with the song:
So many nights I sit by my window
Waiting for someone to sing me his song
So many dreams I kept deep inside me
Alone in the dark but now
Jimmy Carter’s come along
Jimmy Carter lights up my life
Jimmy Carter gives me hope
To carry on
Jimmy Carter lights up my days
and fill my nights with song
Rollin’ at sea, adrift on the water
Could it be finally I’m turning for home?
Finally, a chance to say hey,
I love Jimmy Carter
Never again to be all alone
Jimmy Carter lights up my life
Jimmy Carter gives me hope
To carry on
Jimmy Carter lights up my days
and fill my nights with song
Jimmy Carter lights up my life
Jimmy Carter gives me hope
To carry on
Jimmy Carter lights up my days
and fill my nights with song
It can’t be wrong
When it feels so right
‘Cause Jimmy Carter
You light up my life
Oh, sure, it sounds so very wrong now, but I was young and foolish then. (Yeah yeah yeah… let’s just complete the TMBG verse: “I feel old and foolish now”) Maybe Jimmy Carter gave hope to crazy people like Debbie Boone, but I didn’t know Debbie Boone well enough to think she was crazy or not. To think that Jimmy Carter lit up people’s day is also silly, considering that he was in favor of energy conservation. If anything, you turn off the lights during the day if you’re trying to waste less electricity.
But the thought of “Jimmy Carter filling my nights with song” should have been a clue, even to an ignorant and deranged seven year-old.
Nightmares of Soviet conquest of free democracies, Jimmy weakly tossing out symbolic gestures like boycotting the Moscow Olympics when stronger measures were needed, possibly. Waking up in cold sweats over the Presidential Fitness Tests, most certainly. But never song.
Frank and Texas Family Law
A quick note on Frank: He’s sick today. I’ve got a sick husband and a sick puppy, but who’s the one going to the doctor today? Me. Anyway, Frank probably won’t be blogging much.
And thanks for all your help re: Texas family law. No, it is not about me and Frank, all you snarkers! Some of my family needs help. I’m still going through the emails, because for some reason, i didn’t get any email yesterday to my sarahk.us and mountaineermusings.com addresses. Thanks again.