Those Illegal People!

Some people want to make it a felony to illegally enter this country. That’s crazy! Calling illegal aliens “felons” just gives them a sense of legitimacy. Who do you think of when you hear “felons”? Americans, that’s who (or possibly Australians). Instead, let’s just keep calling them “People Who Aren’t Supposed to Be Here” or simply “Mexicans.”


  1. Our family doesn’t have medical insurance so I think I’ll just change my last name to Sanchez so I can go to the hospital when labor starts. “Me llamo Sanchez, okey dokey Gringo?”

  2. motopolitico:So, if the Illegal Immigrants are kicked out, other than the “cemetery vote” who will be left to vote Democrat?
    Those of us who are smart enough to know that illegal immigrants can’t vote 🙂

  3. Motopolitico: There are also enough mental patiants, drug addicts and welfare rats to support the dems. Where do you think your taxes are going?
    Work hard today…millions on welfare are depending on you (this thought keeps me warm when I work my overtime hours).

  4. I’m a Mekkie born and bred here in the U.S.A. (1st generation). My folks immigrated LEGALLY and my family was raised to totally abhorr illegal immigration. What pisses me off is that no one asks us and others like us our opinion, they just give voice to the dumbasses marching down an LA freeway. If you ask me, now that we gots them all in the same place, it’s round up time. My parents pay taxes, I pay taxes, and I, too, am sick and tired of paying for thier free healthcare.
    Sorry my post isn’t funny, but I get pissed off that all hispanics get lumped into the same b@#$shi$ group of illegals.
    Close the freakin’ borders already!
    Hispanically yours,

  5. all you posters are just some low life trailer trash hicks and are a poor excuse for human beings. reminds me of germans that rallied for hitler. maybe trying to combine your carrot brains and buying a history book might actually open your diluted eyes.

  6. //they just give voice to the dumbasses marching down an LA freeway//
    I saw an article at Drudge that 14,000 students walked out of their high schools to join this rally…yeah, I’m sure they ALL went to the rally and not down into their basements to play video games and neck with their girlfriends…whatever

  7. I wondered when a troll was going to break in. Let me ask you troll idiots something. How many people have you helped make legal citizens? I’ve helped 5 in the last 10 years. That’s because the people that I help want to learn English, want to work, keep out of trouble, and at the formost, WANT TO BECOME PART OF AMERICA! We are not against anyone of any decent. I don’t care if you are green and purple and came here from Alpha Centrui. This country always needs new blood. What we dispise is people like those protestors, who claim America can’t survive without illeagles and choose to wave the flag of their country of origen instead of the American flag. They brought the hatred on themselves by not only refusing to infuse themselves in our culture, but also disrespecting the country off of which they are leaching. If they all come here to work, why is 30% of the prison population illeagal aliens (and not all of hispanic decent). I can’t go anywhere anymore without feeling like a forgener in my own country. If you want to come here the right way and become American, I welcome you with open arms. You want to come here, rape our economy, sponge off of social services and spit all over us, then I’m going to roll up my sleeves, hoist the Jolly Roger and begin slitting throats!

  8. Illegal immigration: Simple fix, really. Just send fake press releases from some of the organizations representing these illegal invaders, claiming that they can’t wait to vote so that they can register Republican. My how the news reporting of these illegals would change.

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