Democrat Mottos sent Frank J. an e-mail wherein they unveiled their new motto:
“victory is possible!!”
Now THERE’S a rallying cry [insert dramatic eye-roll].
I wonder what mottos they rejected?

“we might not come in last!!”
“it’s only MOSTLY completely hopeless!!”
“don’t quit your day job!!”
“why can’t you be more like your brother Murray?!!”
“I’ve got a good feeling about this SuperLotto ticket!!”
“I wish I could quit you!!”
“my MOM says I’m cool!!”

Any other suggestions?


  1. How about “Vote for us… but only after obtaining U.N. approval!”
    On a side note, is anyone here having trouble getting onto Free Republic today? I don’t know if it’s down, or if it’s blocked on my school’s network.

  2. “The only barreled thing we’re not afraid of: The Pork Kind”
    “More Waffles than Belgium!”
    “The Clinton years: Weapons of Mass Obstruction”
    “We may not argue well, but man, can we cry!”
    “Such a pain in the ahem, we should be called ‘demorrhoids’!”

  3. I’d be so afraid of maybe losing our majority in 2006. What with the ports thing, and the news spinning the HELL out of Abramahoff(SP?) and Bush losing his spine and testicles.
    But, with the fringe element telling the Democrats to be EVEN more vitriolic, extreme, and lets face it, totally gay… I’m sleeping like a baby!
    Thanks Howard Dean, the DNC, Kos, DU and now:!

  4. “Let the inmates run the asylum!”
    “Because George Cloony Says So”
    “We have all the Oscars, give us something else!”
    “Because no one else can ruin America so compleatly”
    “Carter, Clinton…and next the Antichist!”
    and last but not least,
    “Aren’t you sick of us whining about not having a president?!?”

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