Pat Robertson recently caused a stir when he claimed that radical Muslims could be considered Satanic. Of course, the comparison of Islam to Satan worship caused a stir among decent, hard working Americans who strive every day to live their best lives , be good people, and worship the devil.
Don’t get me wrong. After having watched the recent rioting over the Danish cartoons of the prophet Mohammed, this has given me a deep respect for the greatest and most cherished of all American freedoms: The right for the Press to Cower In Mortal Terror. However, I have been disappointed in the press coverage in defense of this small religion of Satanic worship.
The question we have to ask ourselves is this: Did the statement by Pat Robertson offend Satanists? And why isn’t anyone stepping forward in their defense?
Keep in mind that not all devil worshippers are completely committed to their religion. Some praise Beelzebub simply because their parents did the same. Others celebrate the Dark Lord only on those special holidays such as Mardi Gras, Halloween, and Hillary’s Birthday.
But for the Satanic Fundamentalist we have to ask — is the comparison a fair one? (For discussion: When Devil Worshippers get together — do they argue the existence of the One True Satan?)
Comparing Islam to Satanism is unfair. Satanists do a good job of reaching out to Americans and drawing them to their way of life. Their promotional tools include Heavy Metal music, Public School systems, and the new hit series Desperate Housewives. Contrast this to Muslim extremists who: Demand that you not mock Islam; demand that you not question or inquire about Islam, and, finally, demand that you convert to Islam. Really, sometimes it’s enough to make me openly embrace the next Jehovah’s Witness.
Sure, there are some things I don’t understand about Satanists. Like why they need to behead a goat and offer it to their lord as a sacrifice. But I’d much rather they behead a goat than Mr. Goldberg next door. And I’d certainly like to see them use their influence to help clean up congress — but otherwise — I have no problem with these people.
In short, I think that the Reverend Pat Robertson should apologize to the Religion of Darkness for the unfair comparison to the Religion of Peace.
I know we’re all supposed to comment intelligently about what a well-written and extremely humorous post RWD has offered here, but let me stoop to a “That Seventies Show” level in commenting on this line right here…
//Others celebrate the Dark Lord only on those special holidays such as Mardi Gras, Halloween, and Hillary’s Birthday. // saying “WOW!! AWESOME BUUUUURN!!”
There. All done.
Well, they do both enjoy human sacrifice. Still, practicing Satanist are certainly more “moderate” in this regard than Muslims.
At least a Satanist is going to do sacrifice someone in a secret ceremony and not videotape the act and send the tape to aljazeera and then drag the sacrificial body through the street to the delight of onlookers.
RWD is totally right! What is it with the MSM? They are against the Christians then the Jews, and now the Satanists? Is no religion that believes in absolutes, and may contain white people, safe???
LOL. Ducky, you’re on a roll. Good stuff.
(BTW, when’s the next Ask Ducky?)
Ask Ducky?
I didn’t know that people read that thing.
I’ll start fielding questions later today.
At Kos, they were ridiculing Robertson and defending Islam. I posted there some facts and told them they had better wake up. Pointless I know. But those guys hate Christianity with all their souls and love Islam. It’s cuckoo.
This was very fuuny!!! Thanks!
Apparently you need to do quite a bit of study in what Christianity teaches regarding those of outside faiths. There’s only one God, the Triune God. Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Trinity in Person, Unity on Substance: Majesty Co-equal. Three Persons of the Trinity, yet only one God.
Allah is nonexistant. The Muslim god is but an idol.
Islam claims Jesus (known as “Isa” by Muslims) is not God’s Son and God Himself. Instead He is lowered to the status of a mere prophet. Thereby contridicting what many try to claim that: “all religions worship the same god, they just do it differntly”. A saying which displays ignorance of what exactly the various religions actually teach more than anything else.
By grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone because of His Person and Work on the cross a person has complete forgiveness of sins and eternal life. His death on the cross was complete payment for all Mankind’s sins, past present, and future. His resurrection on the third day proclaimed His victory over sin, death, and Hell.
Within the Old and New Testaments of the Bible, there is God and there is Satan.
Anything not of God is from Satan.
Would rather scorn it? Go ahead. Doesn’t change the fact your doing the exact same thing Robertson is accused of doing by slandering and berating someone regarding their religious beliefs.
Christian beliefs at that…which seem to be the only beliefs people think should be openly targeted.
Nice cut and paste job, Aiko.
I’ll be sure to look up those bible references.
In the meantime, look up the word Satire.
Ooh. Look at my calendar- it’s almost Hillary’s Birthday.
“Ooh. Look at my calendar- it’s almost Hillary’s Birthday.”
I’ll grab the minority child from Brooklyn for the sacrifice. You get the firewood. Oh, and the ceremonial chainsaw too!
Ceremonial Chainsaw located at the following link…