The Mind Boggles

IT’S GOOD LAIR AND HARVEY DON’T LIVE TOGETHER, OR THEY’D HAVE THIS PROBLEM TOO: Obviously, that’s Frank who got the hate mail. He must have started the post at home on the laptop when he was dogsitting.
I just got this comment from a “Mary Jane” to my Super Happy Fun Partial Birth Abortion FAQ post, and I’d almost have to think it’s a joke:

ii think this site is very harable and you are some idots!!!!

If this was a serious hate comment, how did this person even operate the computer to find this site?


  1. Maybe they meant “honorable”.
    Spell check would have given them hearable, bearable, sharable, or hackable. Possibly even horrible, but it’s down the list a ways.
    But they are very excited (!!!!) so possibly they are getting attacked by hares while viewing your site and are displeased by that (which may also explain the spelling). I have never had this problem, but I also don’t live in an area with indignant (I mean indigenous) hares.

  2. Idot HMMMMMM She called y’all the Indiana Department Of Transportation.
    Such an insult should be avenged. You are not a bunch of leaning on shovels, orange barrel spewing, road destroying Hoosier government employees dag nabbit.
    PS: Harvey as Lair’s wife Ugh. Think of the children.

  3. “Harvey as Lair’s wife Ugh. Think of the children.”
    Cadet Happy, I think I see a Photoshop opportunity….
    p.s. When I try to go to from work, it gets blocked by the filter: “Your request was denied because of its content categorization: ‘Tasteless'”
    I think either or both of the real/fake SarahK’s should feel insulted.

  4. //But they are very excited (!!!!) so possibly they are getting attacked by hares while viewing your site and are displeased by that.//
    Maybe she lives in Efrafa? General Woundwart is giving her grief over absorbing her embryos and she’s taking it out on you.

  5. The left doesn’t have to worry about appearing intelligent or capable. All they have to do is spew their hate filled un-righteous indignation to be considered viable. (Unlike a fetus in a late term abortion who was never considered viable)
    I personally am the worlds worst speller, even after 8 years with nuns and 4 years of college. Spell check although it won’t catch context mistakes will at least make sure that what ever word you use, at least it will be spelled correctly.
    That way I only look like half an idot…idoit….darn, and I think she owes Frank a shrubbery.

  6. I like idots. Especially the chocolate mint kind. They’re the ice cream of the future, don’t ya know?
    What’s that? That’s Dippin’ Dots?
    They aren’t a new Apple product, either?

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