But really, what is “truth”? The word is so finite, so unbending, so black-and-white with no shades of gray. Is there really such a thing as truth? I mean, who’s to say that two plus two equals four? Was not the entire mathematical system invented by man anyway? So who are these individuals to set the limits for the rest of us? To define who is “right” or “wrong”? In my world, two plus two equals butter. And so, you see, that’s my truth, whether or not you accept it. So, please try not to be so judgemental of these other websites that may print truths that are different from your own. I’d write more on this subject, but I’m afraid that my allotted computer time is almost up, and we’re really only allowed to play freecell on these things – and besides, today is mashed potato day here at the home…yummy!
Aren’t liberal always the ones criticizing Prez Bush on not seeing ‘nuance’ and ‘different shades of gray’ yet they claim to have the balls-out rock solid truth on everthing?
Should just call the site Toothout, intellectually toothless liberals they are.
If we’re going to allow dairy products to be the answers to math problems, I propose that 3 minus sour cream is butter, and milk plus cream is half-and-half.
Truth- such a loaded word. As Un PC as it sounds, yes Virginia, there is such a thing as Truth. Most people wouldn’t recognize it if they fell over it, however. Oh and whatever you do don’t utter truth out loud. You will be stoned, hung, shot, and banished, banished, banished (and be accused of being a sloppy tucker-inner by Jack Lemmon.)
Seriously few human beings like someone who tells the unvarnished truth, as it makes most people uncomfortable and tends to shake the very foundations of civilizations and cultures………..
Is this like when Prince changed his name to “squiggly guitar thingy”? Different name, same pretentiousness…
…they were already known on the Right as “Barfout”…
But really, what is “truth”? The word is so finite, so unbending, so black-and-white with no shades of gray. Is there really such a thing as truth? I mean, who’s to say that two plus two equals four? Was not the entire mathematical system invented by man anyway? So who are these individuals to set the limits for the rest of us? To define who is “right” or “wrong”? In my world, two plus two equals butter. And so, you see, that’s my truth, whether or not you accept it. So, please try not to be so judgemental of these other websites that may print truths that are different from your own. I’d write more on this subject, but I’m afraid that my allotted computer time is almost up, and we’re really only allowed to play freecell on these things – and besides, today is mashed potato day here at the home…yummy!
Aren’t liberal always the ones criticizing Prez Bush on not seeing ‘nuance’ and ‘different shades of gray’ yet they claim to have the balls-out rock solid truth on everthing?
Should just call the site Toothout, intellectually toothless liberals they are.
If we’re going to allow dairy products to be the answers to math problems, I propose that 3 minus sour cream is butter, and milk plus cream is half-and-half.
Truth- such a loaded word. As Un PC as it sounds, yes Virginia, there is such a thing as Truth. Most people wouldn’t recognize it if they fell over it, however. Oh and whatever you do don’t utter truth out loud. You will be stoned, hung, shot, and banished, banished, banished (and be accused of being a sloppy tucker-inner by Jack Lemmon.)
Seriously few human beings like someone who tells the unvarnished truth, as it makes most people uncomfortable and tends to shake the very foundations of civilizations and cultures………..
Is that the same font they had for the fake memos about Bush? That would be kitschy.