So the next big contest is New Hampshire, and Fred Thompson should barely register there. Why? Because he didn’t campaign there. You might think that maybe some Hampshirians would vote for Fred Thompson anyway hearing so much about him in the news, but they’re a bunch of arrogant pricks who won’t vote for a candidate no matter how good he is on the issues if they didn’t get to personally shake his hand. They feel they deserve to get all candidates to bow before them and they will not tolerate Fred Thompson’s independence. That’s why I hate everyone in New Hampshire and hope they all get hit by buses. That’s right: I want ever last man, woman, and child in New Hampshire to be hit by a bus or maybe some by trucks if there aren’t enough buses. I also wouldn’t mind some to be hit by trolleys, but I don’t know if New Hampshire has trolleys.
So who to root for? The choices are McCain and Romney and I honestly don’t know which one I like more/dislike least. Where do you all split on that? Romney says all the right things, but I don’t trust him. With McCain, at least I know exactly how he’s going to screw me (and he’s solid on the war). Plus, I think the type of leadership the country needs now is that of an angry old man.
Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Fred Thompson’s next big stand is South Carolina. If things work out, 2008 could be awesome instead of sucking.
That reminds me: When is my state’s primary?
Ah… who cares. Voting in primaries is for homos.
Well I know he’ll get at least one vote in NH because Jay Tea of Wizbang has promised to do so. He probably fears the wrath that Frank J. will pour out upon his head if he does not.
Gotta go with rooting for McCain. What is better than a crotchety old guy that doesn’t give a crap about what anyone else says. Romney looks and acts too much like a politician.
McCain: “Damnned kids and their hippy music!”
Do they have Hansom cabs in New Hampshire? Just think: first, the horse will trample them; then the horse will crap on them; then the carriage will run over them. True, they are unworthy of the direct wrath of Fred!, but that would be a suitable substitute….
AmSpec and Rasmussen are both saying that if Maverick takes New Hampshire, Mitt’s a goner and Fred then has one less contender in SC. However, if it goes the other way things stay the same. Personally, I’ve know a few Hampshirites and they’re fiercely proud of their rugged individualism (you know, the whole “Live Free or Die” thing), and I just can’t see them drinking Mitt’s spit-shine kool aid. John’s got the cred where it counts, and that should carry him in NH. The real question, then, is who does Mitt endorse once he’s gone (assuming he does take such an action)? He hates McCain and Huck, so that only leaves Rudy or Fred and if you’ll notice, the only person he hasn’t tried to lock horns with is Fred.
I am in New Hampshire.
I will be heading up to my Ward 6 polling place, pulling a republican ballot and then putting a great big X next to Mighty Fred’s! name.
I will then see to it that all the votes for other candidates get “misplaced” 😉
of course I won’t do anything illegal. It will be the Ronnuts who do such a bad thing.
(trying to rig the vote for their man. To bad they all came in on the short bus and went after the wrong votes)
I’ve always thought McCain took one too many beatings in the Hanoi Hilton. ‘Ol “Rubber Hose” McCain, I like to call him.
I have to say that I think Mitt will do pretty well in NH. McCain’s debating has only consisted of some garbled words with “I… military… lead” and “war” interjected a few times. Mitt has proven that he at least can talk about more than war. Of course, all he’s really talked about is how much Suckabee, well, sucks.
It’s a toss up for me.
#5 – Posted by: Evilned on January 7, 2008 02:18 PM
Do what you will Evilned, I will be your alibi.
Well since Fred didn’t campaign in NH, those of us in NH should help Evilned. If you’re not in NH, show your support on Right now, McCain has the most support, but it’s a small lead. Get other Fredheads to go on the site and rate Fred positively too.
That’s a load of crap that Fred won’t dominate in New Hampshire. Look at the latest poll. He’s in double digits now.
McCain… Romney… McCain… Romney…
This is like trying to decide if I want to be shot in my left kneecap or my right.
Look at it this way; if we screw up and McCain wins, just imagine the screaming matches with Helen Thomas. Could even lead to some sort of Geriatric Rumble in the press room.
McCain is worse than Romney. He is an evil Amnesty advocate. He happily ignored the will of the American people and should not be rewarded for it. The only reason to root for him is that he can slow down Romney.
And on a separate note, this is why Fred didn’t do better in Iowa:
Normally McCain would clobber Romney, but with Obama attracting lots of independents, McCain’s base has someone else to vote for and now he has to appeal to traditional Republicans and they don’t really like him. I see Romney beating McCain by about 5 points. Bad news for Fred, but it’ll spell the end of McCain’s campaign. If he can’t win in NH, he can’t win anywhere. Huckabee will place a distant third followed by Rudy, Paul, and then Fred. Sorry, but Paul has spent much more time up there and Fred pretty much wrote off NH.
Personally I prefer McCain over Romney, if for no other reason than to see McCain’s face when the Democrats (if the GOP takes back the Senate) fillibuster his judicial nominees. Be careful what you wish for, John. For you shall surely get it.
McCain = Z Visas…Nuff said!
Huckabee supports nationwide smoking ban…Nuff said!
Romney is way too slick!
Giulianni wants to abort every one of us!
Fred Thompson is the only conservative in the race!
And…you are 100% right, voting in primaries is for Homos!
I’d say “seppuku” (as it would be substantially less painful than voting for either of them), but I do not yet have a first-born son to behead me when I’m done, so that’s out. I guess the best runner-up is to gouge out both of my eyes with a rusty spoon then pick one at random.
‘voting in primaries is for ….’
The military help us keep the right to vote and give folk in other countries that same right. Not too sure I’d call something names, that the good brave men and women of the military help us keep. That’s just me though.
#15 all you need is a good “second” doesn’t have to be your son. Someone who is honorable and knows how to use a Katana is acceptable.
” McCain… Romney… McCain… Romney…
#10 – Posted by: Raving Lunatic ”
Finkel… Einhorn… Finkel… Einhorn…
where’s my plunger?
“Hey Ace, got anymore of that gum?”
“That’s none of your damn business and I’ll thank you to stay out of my personal affairs.”
My lame inconsequential state doesn’t hold a primary ’til May. At least I’ll have a few more months before I have to consider becoming homo.
First of all, I would like to preference this with the fact that I live in NH. I have for most of my life. Sure, I am an arrogant prick, but not because I live in NH. Most NH people suck (or at least are really unattractive) I think most people in NH will not vote for Fred because he doesn’t have a chance. No one is giving him a chance here and that’s that. If I though he could win or come close to placing in the top 3, then I would vote for him. But this state is stuck on McCain for some godforsakeing reason and will probably give the victory to him with Romney finishing a close second. I wish Thompson had a better showing but that’s that. Don’t insult my state because of it. This isn’t Iowa, we have brains here.
Don’t insult my state because of it. This isn’t Iowa, we have brains here.
Says the person who says he would vote for Fred if everyone else was voting for Fred. 😉
Ryan, come on, that was obviously a sarcastic post not written by a NH resident.
I hope Frank Luntz drops out of the focus group business real soon, I don’t think he designed his screen for undecided voters real well. Remember, he had the same guy in NH this weekend as Sept. 5th. Anything to skewer Fred.
I’m hoping the Romnoid is utterly defeated in NH so his votes will migrate to Fred.
NH used to be a great state. Sadly it has been overrun by Massholes and will never be the same again.
Oh yes, lets definitely root for McCain over Romney. Because McCain certainly hasn’t been flip-flopping on immigration and taxes just to appeal to voters, and he certainly doesn’t have a record of doing anything it takes to impress the liberal media. And no offense to Thompson, who is a wonderful candidate, but even if a good chunk of Romney supporters go to Thompson after Romney pulls out (which won’t be til after super tuesday, when most of the voting has already been done) Fred still won’t be able to win. But hey, who cares if we end up with McLame or Hyukabee, at least we’ll have our stubborn pride to comfort us!
Since you are now a Boise-ite,
Are you enjoying all this snow we’re getting?
Why is Fred still in the race? He should have gracefully dropped out. Now he is just going to look worse and worse and he will become one of those historic jokes in politics. “Fred Thompson” is quickly coming to mean “really lame political campaign.” Years from now people will warn politicians to be careful not to pull a Fred Thompson.
I’m not voting for Fred in the NH primary because it is a waste of a vote. Not because no one else is voting for him in NH. Fred will never get the nomination. He is not running a good campaign and seems uninterested at best. I like Fred. He’s just not ever going to be president. It’s either going to be Romney or McCain that eventually wins the Rep. Nomination. And hopefully the presidency. When it comes down to the General Election…I’m going to vote for the conservative candidate. I don’t care who it is at that point.
Fred did take second place in the nation’s second caucus. Romney was first.
Too many Massholes in NH to give a crap. When the hype over Schmuckabee is over, it’ll be time for the South Carolina and Florida primaries, and Fred will do pretty well there, and pick up quite a few delegates.
Too many Massholes in NH to give a crap. When the hype over Schmuckabee is over, it’ll be time for the South Carolina and Florida primaries, and Fred will do pretty well there, and pick up quite a few delegates.
No, you are wrong. Fred is getting stomped on in SC by Huckabee. That’s likely to continue. Deal with it loser.
Idaho is participating in Super Tuesday, February 5th, as is New York.
I apologise for our giving so many delegates to Rudy.
who ever doesnt endorse fred when they lose, they can win, for now…
I kind of suspect that McCain might become the compromise candidate.
Rudy is fine with the security conservatives, but religious conservatives can’t stand the fact he supports abortions, gay rights and gun grabbing. Not to mention he treated his family like dirt.
Huckabee is liked by the religous conservatives, but economic conservatives think he might be a threat to those eight-figure CEO salaries, and we can’t have that.
Romney is turning out to be the Phil Grahmn of this campaign. Lots of money, little results. He’s probably gone after Michigan if not after tonight.
Fred, hate to say this, ran an awful campaign. He’s going to come in sixth tonight and he’s going to come in fourth in S. Carolina. He’s out of money, that’s his real problem.
McCain is the Republican Party’s answer to Ted Kennedy ( who by the way is McCain’s good friend). If that doesn’t tell you that story, what will? Huckabee is shifty. I don’t trust his beady eyes. And he lies. Guliani doesn’t stand for all the right things but I like him because he was a hero of 911. Romney is too smooth but his record in Massachusetts shows he will tell foreigners to go to hell when he needs to. Fred is perfect but he has got to step up to the plate and be tougher. And louder. He isn’t loud enough. Duncan Hunter would be a good vice-president.