Good Economic News?

I’ve noticed with the gas stations I drive by every day that gas prices are dropping like crazy — way faster than they ever rose. Shouldn’t this be big economic news since it means costs are going down for everyone? It’s just I haven’t heard anything about it, including much from other bloggers.


  1. I’ve seen it on FOX news a couple of times (I don’t feel like looking up the link), but I also heard that Iran and Venezuela (I don’t feel like spelling out the names of the leaders) have noticed this too and are going to f*** with the supply of oil to increase prices through OPEC (I don’t feel like finding out what that stands for).

  2. Obviously, Chimpy McHitler is telling his oil-rich buddies to lay low on the gas prices for a while so his white-boy KKK buddy McCain and that moose-exterminating harpie can steal the election from The One and Plugs. The entire thing is so obvious I’m surprised you didn’t see what’s being pulled off here. Now if you’ll excuse me they’re looking for me back at the Huffington Post.

  3. I bet prices’ll start creeping up again if Doh’Bama gets elected. It makes me think that maybe the secret world economic order is not run by Jews, as Ron Paul says, but by that crazy commie Hungarian guy.

  4. I would like to back up what #2 said. OPEC wants the price of a barrel of crude somewhere between $80 & $100 instead of the high $60’s that we were at earlier today. They realized how much money we were willing to pay and they planned their budgets accordingly. It goes to show that any government will expand to fit any budgetary surplus every time.

  5. Some poll of sorta likely voters in some state had Obie 10 points ahead,
    and the stock market fell 500 points.
    Let McCain lead one poll for one day and watch the market rebound!
    Businesses see no reason to invest in this country while Obie still has a chance of winning.
    For the good of the ‘little people’ he should concede now!

  6. Maybe this would be the first crisis that he would face (and totally eff up) in office?

    Well, I don’t think he would treat it as a crisis. Heck, the moron thinks high gas prices are a good thing!

  7. Pay attention to ABE. The low prices are a nice thing when you are standing there filling your tank but they are a bad sign for what is to come. Demand is falling, not so much because everyone is being a good do-bee and limiting their consumption OR because it is just left over from this past summer and the high prices, BUT because companies are pulling way back (layoffs, etc.). I think they are really buying into an Obama win and business is trying to shore up their defenses against it.
    In short, don’t be too excited about the cheaper gas.

  8. Historically, gas prices have dropped dramatically a few weeks before a major national election. It’s cheaper for the oil companies to take a hit at the pumps than it is to buy new elected officials. They want the sheep fat and happy with the status quo.

    Mark my words, the prices will go up after the election.

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