Free Oil

I was reading an article on how the bad economy is hurting illegal immigrants, and then I noticed this section:

The remittances dipped 3.6 percent, from $26 billion in 2007 to $25 billion, according to Mexico’s central bank. Remittances are Mexico’s second-largest source of foreign income, behind only oil. Other Latin American countries also have seen money sent from immigrants in the United States slow.

Whoa whoa whoa… wait a second here. MEXICO HAS OIL?!

Okay, I have an idea now, and I’ll try to explain it slowly but go ahead and tell me if you don’t follow. Anyway here it is:

Let’s invade Mexico for its oil.

Kinda like Mexicans don’t worry about ignoring our border, I don’t see why it should be a big deal to just kinda walk into Mexico and take it’s oil. It doesn’t even have to be a big production; just gradually send a bunch of troops over there and the Mexicans will be like, “Wow, there sure are a lot of American troops vacationing here… oh crap.” And I don’t think the Mexicans like have a functioning government to complain about it to… not that we’d feel obligated to listening to complaining.

Anyway, it’s oil right near us past a boarder no one takes very seriously; might as well just take it.


  1. A large chunk of our service members are 18-24, which just so happens to fall into the perfect age bracket for Operation ‘Spring Break’. Send 10,000 troops down posing as drunken college students, then on the last day they just put on their uniforms and take to the streets. If anyone complains we just tell ’em that The One thought Mexico was the 54th State.

  2. Ditto on Go For It.

    If they complain, explain (in espanol) that it is payment for US services rendered for food, housing, clothing, education, and healthcare that THEIR citizens received in OUR country FOR FREE.

  3. Mexico is actually one of our biggest oil suppliers. If we annexed Mexico and cleaned up their government the country could be pretty good. Right now it’s just another garbage country with a worthless culture*.

    For any libs reading: Any culture that leads people to ignore such great grievances (Extremely corrupt police, extremely corrupt government, etc. etc.) and not rise up and kill their government and take it back is worthless.

  4. And if we ever run out of oil in Mexico, we could invade Canada. It’d be real easy. We’d just send a couple of Marines up there. The Canucks would be saying “Eh, why are you Americans invading our country, eh?” Then the Marines would say they were just hockey fans and create a distraction by getting a moose to play hockey. “Is that moose the next Great One, eh?” the Canadians would say.

    So, anyway, the Canadians would look away and then the Marines would take their oil. Heh. Stupid Canadians.

  5. US Troops? Nah.

    We have 12 million or more illegals here now. Promise ’em amnesty, bus ’em to the border, give them old Garands, and tell them they can come back and work when they take Mexico City. The we put ’em to work making a hard right turn on the pipeline into Texas, and just start pumping away.

    The libs are good because we’re not drilling on any US territory. The illegals are working and happy. I can confidently go out a score a killer deal on a huge SUV.

    I like it.

  6. Alternatively, after the next amnesty, we could just all go there while they’re coming here. The coyotes have to make the round trip anyway.
    Just don’t tell the lefties and we can remake Mexico into a good country (of course, we’ll take back Texas and make it the capitol) and watch the US dissolve into a lefty dystopia from a safe distance.

  7. About 1/3 of the US Army could impersonate Mexicans exceedingly well, and also speak better Spanish than anybody but the Mexico City elite. So there’d be no problem with camouflage or anything.

    Isn’t this the same N.American Union thing Bush was supposed to be cooking up in his first term? Because once you put it that way, with the oil and all, I kind of like it.

    Boosh: El Bastardo Magnifico

  8. the problem with this is that you end up will all the mexicans, including their politicians instead of just a couple of million of them. Although if our politicians only spoke Spanish it might not be such a bad thing. Then we wouldn’t even try to listen to them because we couldn’t understand them. No wait, I dont understand the morons now.

  9. In the early Eighties Mexico received an 800 million dollar loan from the U.S. to develop their oil industry and drill for oil- with the understanding that the U.S. would be their primary customer.
    A couple of years later Congress tried to investigate what happened to all the money. They could only account for a few million dollars.
    The rest, it seems, had been embezzled by everyone who had any kind of access to it. Corporations, government ministers, clerks, military, anyone and everyone who had a chance to had been carting off wheelbarrows of cash from the fund.
    When the U.S. demanded accountability of the money, the Mexican government just sort of shrugged and gave us a big “no habla englaise”- not the answer we were looking for.
    So our entire bailout of the Mexican government and oil industry was just throwing money down a black hole- sort of what Congress is planning to do again- on a larger scale.
    As for the Mexican government, no accountability was ever brought forth, no one was even reprimanded and no trace of the money was ever found. It had all disappeared into private accounts.
    Yay for our ‘friends’ and neighbors to the south, huh?

  10. If we annexed Mexico and cleaned up their government the country could be pretty good. Right now it’s just another garbage country with a worthless culture*.

    For any libs reading: Any culture that leads people to ignore such great grievances (Extremely corrupt police, extremely corrupt government, etc. etc.) and not rise up and kill their government and take it back is worthless.

    Lechteron; you just perfectly described the current government in Amerika.

  11. As a solution to our border problem, I propose we move the border south and declare the new territory our 51st to 57th states. (That way, The One could be retroactively correct.)
    If we declare the new border to be from Mazatlan on the west coast to Tampico on the east (and all of Baja California), we would gain a lot of new territory and create a lot of new jobs. We would have to create infrastructure from nothing in all the new territory, build a fence along the new southern border, bring in law enforcement, hospitals, etc, etc.
    We could just tell the indigenous population that they can all be instant citizens if they keep all the people south of the new border from crossing. Anyone found to be helping to smuggle people into our new states would be expelled across the border from the muzzle of a cannon.
    We would have their oil reserves in the Gulf and some of their tourist destinations along the west coast. I don’t know if there is anything else worth talking about in that whole area.
    We could also offer all the illegals already here a real amnesty deal: Go back home and still be a citizen.

  12. With Obama as Commander In Chief and a Homosexual as the top commander…will send The Buggerin’ Brigaides swarming across the Rio Grand to deal with the Mexican Mafia? Should be an interesting fight. We bring a nicely starched uniform to a knife fight…

  13. #14 wins! — Just don’t tell the lefties and we can remake Mexico into a good country (of course, we’ll take back Texas and make it the capitol)

    With Sarah and Fred and Rush as our leaders! And no taxes! And crime settled with one strategically-placed bullet from an armed citizen! And actual borders to keep out the Amerikkans! And everyone happy and productive and respectful to each other! And, And…

    …ooooh, I’m getting a thrill up my leg…

  14. If all we take is the oil, I don’t see a problem. But we better not try to take their dope or drugs because the gangs, by all accounts, are better armed and better trained than the Mexican army.

  15. Now here’s an idea I can really get behind. Not only does Mexico have oil but other precious and semi precious minerals. I say we all blow this pop-cycle stand and leave it for the libs. We go down to Mexico, export the drug cartels build a big fence and Bob’s your uncle…….

    Also AlGore can scream all he wants about “climate change”, it’s nice and warm in Mexico. I hear Cancun is lovely this time of year.


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