My new Pajamas Media column is up in which I take a brave stance against torture and describe moral interrogation techniques. You will read it and you will be enlightened.
My new Pajamas Media column is up in which I take a brave stance against torture and describe moral interrogation techniques. You will read it and you will be enlightened.
Were you channeling Barack Obama’s thoughts when you wrote that line?
I don’t know why the Obama crew thinks torture is wrong…….he’s torturing the American people with his presidency everyday.
“In those situations, we may resort to pestering. “
I lost it right there. Great piece.
Frank: Congrats on your hilarious site/blog/whatchamacallit.
I am hereby honoring you with the first ever Friedrich Hayek Smarty-pants Award, here:
Hope that you realize how important this prize is… (It’s not!!)
All the best, DC Handgun Info
torture is all well and good – but I think we may be under utilizing the nagging option. Nobody can really stand firm under constant nagging for any length of time. I personally know 2 women who could get any info terrorist guys may have… in a very short period of time. – no water needed.
Just because someone masterminded a plot that killed thousands doesn’t make it right to pour water on him.
You, sir, have distilled the “torture” meme to its essence.
Splashing water on the guy who planned 9/11 is torture. Leaving babies in a closet to die is healthcare. War is peace, etc.
Torture, smorture, try listening to that one do a new conference.
Now go away! or I shall pester you a second timea.
I agree that we should not subject murderous terrorists to having their heads put briefly under water. We should simply threaten to suck their brain out the back of their neck with a vacuum or dismember them one limb at a time, and if they don’t give us the information we require, simply follow through on our threat. As we all know, those techniques are clearly not torture, those are simply abortions…it doesn’t hurt, and it’s completely humane.
When I was learning to water ski I waterboarded myself repeatedly. Torture? not…
“[T]ry that on a cat and see if it acts like that isn’t torture” — satirical genius. Yep, that’s Frank, all over.
Heehee, I dig the little fine print at the bottom of these…
But just the other day in your tweets you said you had tortured monkeys, but NOT in a lab setting. Then today we learn that you have indeed tortured monkeys IN A LAB SETTING. Ergo, you have spent the last few days in a white lab smock torturing your heart out, while nearby test tubes rattle at the sound of monkey shrieks.
This explains the dearth of posts some days this week. I feel better now. I thought IMAO was getting the short-shrift because you didn’t like us or something, but it is actually due to your commitment to national security and monkey bashing. You deserve some 190-pixel wide awards in recognition of your importance to America.
The Judicial Review for, “Pretty please with sugar on top”, killed me. Damned funny Mr. Fleming. You are an evil genius of Satire.