Sweet, southern heat-lightning, followed by evening thundershower, awe-inspiring. We lead by mesmerization, Sugah.
Although, on second thought, MoogieP as Pres, Fred Thompson VP, with Chuck Norris as SecDef, Sarah Palin as Energy Czarina, and Dick or Lynn Cheney as CIA Director-awesome DOES have a certain attraction.
How about super-duper-ultra-mega-hyper-more-awesome-than-Fred-Thompson-Chuck-Norris-Sarah-Palin-Mr.-T-Strong-Bad-and-an-entire-army-of-giant-robots-combined awesome?
Fred Thompson to the Supreme Court, or Attorney General
Sarah P: POTUS
Chuck Norris: VP
State: John Bolton DefenseWar: Mike Ditka
Treasury: SarahK (“Mr. Shiny says don’t spend money that doesn’t exist!”)
Interior: Al Sharpton, just for a joke. Homeland Security Defense:Ted Nugent
National Security Advisor: Dick Cheney
Press Secretary: Donald Rumsfeld
Pshaw! Never settle for super-awesome when you can be ultra-awesome.
Mega awesome is the only way to go. Mega awesome beats super and ultra awesome hands down.
How bout super mega ultra bad a$$ awsome?
Try to beat that! You can’t ’cause it’s Fred-Thompson-awesome!
I don my wizard hat and cloak…
Phantasmagorically awesome.
Beat Fred Thompson awesome? No prob, Sarah Palin as Pres, Fred Thompson VP, with Chuck Norris as SecDef AWESOME.
Beat Fred Thompson awesome? No prob, Sarah Palin as Pres, Fred Thompson VP, with Chuck Norris as SecDef AWESOME.
Don’t forget to add Dick Cheney, to make it super mega ultra bad a$$ phantasmagorically freaking awsome
Ooops I meant Darth Cheney as Chief of Staff, to make it super mega ultra bad a$$ phantasmagorically freaking awsome
Yes, Darth Cheney will serve us well…
How about all of the above with Will Whittle as SecState awesome?
Sweet, southern heat-lightning, followed by evening thundershower, awe-inspiring. We lead by mesmerization, Sugah.
Although, on second thought, MoogieP as Pres, Fred Thompson VP, with Chuck Norris as SecDef, Sarah Palin as Energy Czarina, and Dick or Lynn Cheney as CIA Director-awesome DOES have a certain attraction.
You know what’s totally awesome? Barack Obama. Did you know he’s the first black President of the United States?
I stand out-awesomed!!!
Man, all the responses I can think of are pretty darn rude.
I won’t write them, but you should be mad at me, FrnakJ.
In other words, don’t settle for you if you can have me.
Conversely, if you can’t be “super-awesome,” than “awsome” is a good fall back. It’s better than, for example, “crappy.”
Sarah Palin awesome beats all previous awesomeness by totally kicking their asses!
Never settle for super-awesome when you can be Frank J.
If you can’t be super-awesome, or even awesome, at least DON’T be a Democrat.
And she does it in cute shoes which elevates the awesomeness by a factor of 100.
Well at least the title of Frank’s new book is ready. The Content is pretty thin though.
How about pirate vs. ninja awesome?
or Rick Astley vs. Nirvana awesome?
Uh oh. Frank Advice. Cannabis: Mess with your mind.
I was wondering about that plant you drew on the table in the cartoon post yesterday. Guess I now know what that plant was.
Every awesome beats that Awesome Meater thing you had going previously.
The Fred, Palin, Darth Cheney, and Chuck Norris governing this fine land. The thought make me all tingly inside.
How about super-duper-ultra-mega-hyper-more-awesome-than-Fred-Thompson-Chuck-Norris-Sarah-Palin-Mr.-T-Strong-Bad-and-an-entire-army-of-giant-robots-combined awesome?
Most Awesome:
Fred Thompson to the Supreme Court, or Attorney General
Sarah P: POTUS
Chuck Norris: VP
State: John Bolton
DefenseWar: Mike DitkaTreasury: SarahK (“Mr. Shiny says don’t spend money that doesn’t exist!”)
Interior: Al Sharpton, just for a joke.
Homeland SecurityDefense:Ted NugentNational Security Advisor: Dick Cheney
Press Secretary: Donald Rumsfeld
If you think you’re awesome , you’re probably not.
Yeah mate!!! You are right…
We must not satisfied at any point of our life we should wish more and more…that encourage us to do well in our life…
If you think it’s awesome, but it’s not, it’s Chiffon.
Awesome is as awesome does.