Cheney’s Full Plan for Afghanistan

Looks like Cheney is taking over our strategy for Afghanistan by yelling at Obama until he gives in again. Cheney said the Obama administration is just copying the plan he left them and calling it a new plan. I don’t think they’re copying the whole plan, though, because here’s what I found out was in it:


* First wave is an increase in ground troops.

* Second wave is ground troops backed by skyscraper-sized robots who eat people.

* Third wave: Velociraptors.

* As the Taliban should be fleeing now, shoot them with space lasers.

* Also, nuke all countries around Afghanistan so there is no place to flee to.

* On second thought, nuke everything. Screw it all!

* Sell whatever is left at a discount to Halliburton.

* Drink a strong liquor while chuckling to self.


  1. I didn’t see the part where he would introduce rap music, in order to turn their teenagers into complete and total morons who only sit on a couch and play “Grand Theft Auto” all day, while trying to talk as if they really did grow up on 125th Street. I know that step is supposed to be in there somewhere.

  2. The emanate military stagiest Joe Biden advises the President on how to conduct the war in Afghanistan……..
    Biden: I got it! I got it!
    Obama: You do?
    Biden: We’ll work up a Number 6 on ’em.
    Obama: [frowns] “Number 6”? I’m afraid I’m not familiar with that one.
    Biden: Well, that’s where we go a-ridin’ into Afghanistan, a-whompin’ and a-whumpin’ every livin’ thing that moves within an inch of its life. Except the Pashtun folks, of course.
    Obama: You spare the Pashtuns?
    Biden: Naw, we rape the shit out of ‘um at the Number Six Dance later on.
    Obama: Marvelous!

  3. I guess I have to admit I was wrong.

    I thought Obama was following your plan FrnakJ just wimpying it up.

    Like how he just conventionally bombed the Moon instead of using nukes.
    Or how he’s allowing our enemies to live.
    I figured he was appointing so many hippies to be czars so they would be all together to be punched.

  4. The nuking will solve all kinds of problems. It will help obama by reducing the number of warheads in the world. The dust and particulates ejected into the upper atmosphere will help to cool the planet. algore will like that. If properly applied, bad guys will die and have nowhere to go and the good guys can sit back and smile. And since it has never been proven that radiation is bad for humans, we can send Pelosi into the the swirling radioactive plasma vortex to check it out for congress. Barney Frank of course should accompany her. That should just about do it for today.

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  6. Shut up already!! Why can’t we have peace with Middle East, North Korea, Iran or Venezuela? Let’s worry about Global Warming, Femine, H1N1 and Cheney’s rhetorics. You have no power anymore and single handly destroyed your party. So no one likes you; get away from US.

  7. If Cheney were a patriot, he would run to every news channel he could and say that the plan sucks, and that it’ll never work. The more they think Dick Cheney hates the plan, the more likely they are to implement it.

  8. Pingback: IMAO Time Machine: Um… I’m Offended? – IMAO

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