An Alternative to the Supreme Court

I was thinking, wouldn’t a better idea than the Supreme Court be some sort of altar cursed with the angry spirits of the Founding Fathers? If they decided that something Congress did violated their ideals, then they’d attack Congress with their vengeance from beyond the grave, melting their faces. Like after this health care bill, the spirits would murder all in Congress who voted for it, and then we could be like, “Oh, I guess that wasn’t Constitutional; the Founding Fathers really didn’t like that.” Of course, with Rep. Henry Waxman we’d have all these false alarms thinking he had done something unconstitutional and they had started melting his face, but no, that’s just his normal face.

And was there really any use for the Supreme Court to interpret the Constitution right when the American government was first made? Couldn’t then most of their work have been done by opening a window and shouting, “Hey, Madison, what did you mean by this?”


  1. How about a Superman-movie Fortress of Solitude-like Fortress of Constitution where the founding fathers appear. Only today Obama would walk in and get the big smack down. POP!!! across the head with a big ghostly hand. Madison would say “Bad Obama!! Bad !! Bad!! Now sit and read this thing until you get it.”

    Paul Revere would be yelling “The Democrats are coming !! The Democrats are coming!!”

  2. This is the old “How to prevent democracy from killing a republic” problem. It’s never been solved, Frank. Every nation has succumbed to being a nation of men, not of laws. Apparently, it’s our turn.

    This is what liverals don’t understand. Conservatives believe “in the principle of the thing.” The very notion that “We hold these truths to be self-evident” is based on the very notion that truth exists and we must find it and live it – together. And once found, that our laws must embody it – forever. A Republic, by its very nature, attempts to ‘cast that concrete.’ And Democracy is just the human machinery to maintain it to the benefit of all.

    A scary percentage of Americans now have absolutely no clue about this now.

  3. “Couldn’t then most of their work be done by opening a window and shouting, “Hey, Madison, what did you mean by this?””

    Well maybe back then, but today there seems to be a problem in the White House with trying to keep “someone” from walking into windows – actually opening them is an even greater challenge.

  4. I suggest we replace the Supreme Court with…..the World Night Court! It would be based in the Hague and thus the Dutch would have to bear the cost of it’s operation instead of us. All proceedings would be televised and all decisions would be final. Litigants could be interviewed after each case and would be allowed to gloat or whine as circumstances dictated. Whatya think?

  5. I had this same problem of being a good kid with an evil older brother. I’d be nice to him, and he’d steal my toys and sucker punch me again and again.

    That stopped when I waited one time for him to walk up behind me, and cracked him in his junk as hard as I could without any warning. He tried a few more sucker punches on me, but I continued to hit him without any reason or warning in his crotch as hard as I couldat every opportunity.

    He quickly stopped being such an ass, and left me alone, which was a vast improvement over his previous douchebaggery. I regret to this day that I had such an idiot for a brother growing up, rather than a role model and friend, but such is life.

    And I learned how to deal with liberals from him.

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