Really? “Coffee Party”? November is looking increasingly ominous and all they can come up with is a weak-tea imitation of a conservative movement?
Democrats really seem devastated right now over how their greatest victory — a liberal president and huge majorities in Congress — has all gone to crap so quickly. And it looks unlikely they’ll get another chance like this for decades. The American public just hates liberal ideas, and all the Democrats can come up with is borrowing conservatives’ packaging ideas, thinking that’s the reason people like what we’re selling.
As I said before, November had better be an epic slaughter, or it should be considered a failure for Republicans. When your opponents suck this much, if you can’t massacre them you shouldn’t be in the game.
Poor libs, they’re so confused and frustrated. So, apparently, while the tea parties protest too much government intervention and taxation, and are named after a real-life historical event, the “coffee” party will call for more government intervention and higher taxes, and is loosely named after an SNL skit. My guess is that the amount of babies dropped on their heads over the past 50 years, or so, is directly proportionate to the amount of liberals that exist today.
The goofee party would be a much more appropriate name.
Talk amonst yourselves. I’ll give you a topic: The Coffee Party is neither a coffee nor a party. Discuss.
I think the Koolaide Party fits ’em best. Oh Yeah!
(Mental image of Algore smashing through a wall with a steaming mug of undrinkable Koolaide labeled “Global Warming”.)
I hope the Republicans are serious this time around. no more wimpy candidates.
We need a Moonshine Party. Why is there no Moonshine Party?
“Coffee Parties” were invented by Seattle $&@%-for-brain liberals at $tarbucks. In the last five years, we’ve spent 200+ million dollars to build a new floating bridge and downtown viaduct replacement with voter-approved gas tax increases. We have nothing so far. Please. Someone come up here and slaughter us.
This has got to be the most hilarious “me too!” moment I’ve witnessed in nearly 20 years. Ok, boys and girls, let’s clarify the references here:
Coffee Party
Boston Tea Party
True, there is no Moonshine Party and if there were these guys would be there ready to do battle with them……
Learn how to “noodle” those slippery, slimy Demoncrats, like catfish:
I propose we refer to these astroturfers with the derogatory term “Hot Coffee’s” after the minigame in GTA San Andreas.
Let me guess, one of their sponsors is ‘Chock Full Of Nuts’.
These are their founding principles:
Can we have another thread with suggestions for clearer principles for them?
From their forums:
They are looking for a logo, acronym and theme song (every movement, including bowel, needs these).
One of the posters suggest polygraphs for politicians. I would kinda like this if the person would get an electric shock each time he answered wrong.
This comment seems to miss #1 and #2 principles, but it nails #3.
Down here in the ozarks we combine noodleing parties and moonshine parties.
The scars on your forearms helps one remember all the fun you had.
I’m going to make a bumper sticker that says I’D RATHER GO TO A TEA PARTY THAN DRINK THE KOOL-AID. The o’s in Kool-aid will be the Obama logos.