Oil. Still leaking. Obama is still flopping around uselessly like a bird covered in oil. And now more and more people are talking about nuking the oil leak. I find the more desperate a situation gets, the more my crazy ideas become common wisdom.
So should we nuke the oil leak? Of course we should. The oil leak is our enemy. We nuke our enemies to teach them that being our enemy is bad.
And what are the possible downsides? None. Except that it might not stop the oil leak and then we’ll get radioactive oil spilled into the gulf. And maybe we’ll wake Godzilla. And then he’ll emerge from the Gulf covered in oil and catch fire and then we’ll have to deal with a giant flaming Godzilla.
But I’m in Idaho and very far from the Gulf so I’m willing to take these risks. Mr. President, it’s time to be all presidential and nuke the crap out of something. It’s what George Washington would do if he had nukes and knew what crude oil was.
Indeed he would have especially once he had learned that British Petroleum had started the leak…
Frank, Frank, Frank…you’re still acting as if Barry actually cared about stopping the oil. How silly.
We have to nuke it. If we don’t, this will end like Red Storm Rising with the United States attacking Canada and NATO and stealing their oil.
I saw some guy who called himself Giant Flaming Godzilla in a gay bar last weekend. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!
(Clearly kidding, I like the ladies)
It’s getting to that point, where the only solution is the nucular, er, I mean, nuclear solution. The real question is, will George Soros and Michelle Obama let him? We know what a dithering pansy Obama is. Will Soros and Michelle have the gonads? Stay tuned.
I wouldn’t worry about a Red Storm Rising scenario as long as Little Barry is pwesident, Marco. Insuficient testicular mass. Now if I was President we’d be in charge of Canada already and drilling so much they’d have to rename the place Drillnada. Oil wells with giant pictures of me smoking a cigar as far as the eye could see.
In line with Obama’s enduring hatred of all things British, we can expect him to throw an iPod with his speeches at it.
Is nuking the “ultimate solution” or the “final solution”. They seem to be scarily similar in concept. Just sayin.
A giant flaming Godzilla would be cool as he stomped NOLA. James Carville’s words would not match the mouth movements.
We need to attach missiles and laser to Giant Flaming Godzilla. Calling Dick Cheney.
Of course, we say nuke the gulf. Inside his bucket bumbler Obama would hear “nuke the golf” and Palm Springs would gop bye bye.
Tell Obama the oil was supposed to pay for tea partiers to be flown to DC.
He’ll have it nuked about 5 minutes later.
Matt P, I hope I’m reading your comment incorrectly because I don’t want to slap you.
Godzilla will avoid Louisiana if he knows what’s good for him. Those Cajuns will have him killed, cleaned, chopped and stewing in gumbo before you can say “pass the filé & hot sauce”.
“Godzilla will avoid Louisiana if he knows what’s good for him. ”
As a veteran of the Cajun Wars of the 1970s, I agree. I personally engaged many a Cajun in ferocious hand to hand combat. OK, OK, the only Cajuns I engaged in hand to hand combat were female Cajuns, but hey, it was hard work! Having to listen to zideco music and eat a lot of jambalaya and try taking a girl’s overalls off with one hand while holding a beer! I think they gave me a medal or something for that.
I wonder if Glorious Leader understands his reasons for partying like a Barak Star multiply exponentially if he were to actually accomplish something other than the close inspection of a window.
Not only should the leak be nuked, but The Won should display his valorous leadership by personally wrestling the bomb into place and pressing the boom button.
MarkoMancuso I don’t think you can compare Canadian Defenses to NATO’s in the book, but then again they do have mounted police….
How come the marxist in the White House doesnt just seal his big mouth around the leak. Problem solved.
Plenty, actually that would be TWO problems solved.
Liberals are CYLONS!
They might look human but they are in fact copies of the real thing.
Their ultimate solution is the same as the Cylons on the TV series.
To destroy us by any means necessary and they have a PLAN!
If this were a disaster movie, (maybe a mix of Armageddon and The Abyss) the crew drilling the hole to plant the nuke would find out at the last minute that exploding the nuke would only make matters worse and then have to figure out which wire to cut while the timer ticked down to zero.
The black wire! No, the red wire!
I keep wondering about the Methane gas down there – setting off a nuke might stop the oil, but unleash a trillion tons of fossilized dinosaur farts to kill us all!!!
Nukes have worked for us before! I say let’s give them a try! What do we have to lose…like we are going to miss New Orleans or something? We need to Super Nuke the site though so I’d send down 10 or 15 Nukes and then sit back and enjoy the show! Never let a crisis go to waste as someone said…
We should probably have either King Kong or Fred Thompson standing by in case we do unleash a flaming Godzilla, although a “flaming Godzilla” sounds to me like he would most likely just want to go man purse shopping so I think we are ok there…