Meghan McCain: Is She Unsmart?

You ever wonder if Meghan McCain is kinda… well… stupid. Like there’s there’s smart things to say, and she always says things other than those.

On This Week this week, the round table had her and George Will, who combined together have the intellectual capacity of George Will. She criticized Christine O’Donnell because young people — and Meghan knows young people because she are one — are really concerned O’Donnell is not qualified enough to be Senator. And it’s true, because what I keep hearing from young people is, “I’m like real concerned that some people totally aren’t qualified enough to be Senator who are like running for Senator. But not my dad the Senator.”

Anyway, here’s Glenn Beck interviewing Meghan McCain. I don’t think she comes off well.

So MeggieMac is kind of a pea brain who is convinced that she has some radical new agenda for the Republicans along the lines of “Republicans need to like attract more young people. Yay gays!” And I’m sure Republicans will look into it after they get trounced in November for ignoring her.

When CNN finally pulls the plug on on their Parker-Spitzer show, here’s my idea for the next freak show: Meghan McCain plus a crazed hobo discuss the news of the day. Or Meghan McCain and Blagojevich if no hobo wants to do it.


  1. The irony is that she complains about these candidates because they haven’t done anything! She should welcome that situation since other than having a famous father and even more famous set of boobs…what else has she done?

  2. Considering 2/3 of the Delaware electorate think O’Donnell is under-qualified to be Senator

    And yet they voted for Obama.

    Its not that they think she’s under-qualified…its that they know she’s a Republican.

  3. On This Week this week, the round table had her and George Will, who combined together have the intellectual capacity of George Will.

    Super line, Frank. Rather, super-duper line.

    Jimmy hit on something in the other, other thread in which he axed if we tend to shudder when we see or hear her. I think hearing her is shudder inducing, but worse, the phrase “my generation” is vomit inducing no matter from whence it comes, and when the whence is MegoMac, the induced vomit is not a pretty sight at all.

    If it’s of any interest, my dog started barking when she heard Meghan. Mebbe it was her grammar.

  4. I think the reason certain members of the Republican Party speak ill of members of the Tea Party is because the Tea Party poses as much of a threat to them as they do to the Democrats. The Tea Party is shaking the tree and the people who are in charge don’t like it. There’s a line from the movie Revenge of the Nerds that pretty much sums up the attitudes of both the Republicans and Democrats….”These nerds are a threat to our way of life.” Damn right they are…and neither party likes it one bit.

  5. Yea, we need to attract more young people. Like…you know…um the really knarly dudes and dudettes. The ones with lots of tats, piercings and butt cracks! That would be like totally cool dude!

  6. I just blogged about her “column” because reading her is not like watching a train wreck; it’s like watching a little pink Hello Kitty Choo-Choo wreck. With bubbles. I mean seriously, “The Palin Girls Don’t Share”?? And we’re supposed to be upset because Meghan had to do her own hair and makeup? Holy crap.

    Frank, you have nailed it in one brief post, however; I salute you!

  7. I remember eating lunch at my old job. Only conservative at the table was me. The one girl said “i think Meghan McCain is the future of the Republican Party!” i almost said, you mean the Republicans have to become more like Democrats?

  8. Her dad ain’t that swift either!

    …I think dad McCain sends her out to be the left hand side of his mouth. That is to say he likes talking out of both sides but right now he’s shifting right so she gets left side duty.

    I hate hate hate McCain. He is my Arizona senator unfortunately. I was pulling for J.D. Hayworth.

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