Violent Post-Election Riots!

Fair warning: Teabaggers are going to have violent riots on November 3rd. I think this might be Keith Olbermann’s special comment:

There is quite a lot of paranoia paranoia out there. One conservative out of a hundred million steps on someone’s head and suddenly death squads are coming. The mindset is starting to be, “I’m super duper sure conservatives are going to get violent so we better get violent first!”

Still, it’s easy to see why people don’t take violence that seriously from the left-wing. How disjointed is it for someone to both support the left-wing sissy “the government needs to care for me and tell me what to do!” policies and tell people to stock up on ammo? It’s really hard to see anything happening from the left beyond a few really isolated incidents. Just look at the left-wing bloggers who met with President Obama yesterday:

"One of us! One of us!"

It’s hard to imagine these people in a violent conflict… or anything that might involve light jogging for that matter.

So, what I’m saying is they’ll all be easy pickings when we riot on November 3rd.


  1. I may be mistaken… but did this guy simultaneously say the tea parties are going to get violent than tell the libs to buy ammo so they can take tea partiers down? That sounds kind of violent to me.

    Strangely enough… if the libs did buy ammo, what would they shoot it out of? We own all the guns!

  2. I’d like to see some sissy liberal try to point a gun! He’d probably try to look all tough and aim it sideways because he saw it on TV, then a conservative with a conceal/carry permit would blow a hole in him…

  3. So he’s saying that if we don’t get control of the House, we will get violent. So – wouldn’t the most obvious way to prevent violence be to simply allow us to take over the House and let us build our version of the Victory Mosque, a giant copy of the constitution, on Pennsylvania Ave? If the left is really all about peace, they’ll just not vote on November 2.

  4. I’m planning on a riot in my own living room watching Matthews’ and Olbermann’s heads explode. Just for a few minutes of very intense, riotous laughter. Then maybe I’ll drop-in here to see what Frank thinks.

  5. LOL! marxists are sure entertaining. Like this stoned hippie could hit anything he shot at.

    I got a chuckle out of the term progressive patriot. that is kin of like jumbo shrimp, hot water heater, and democrat intelligence.

    Why is this not considered hate speech? Oh yeah, its aimed toward real Americans.

    This is what irritates me from the goreists on the left. They are just so paranoid. Yes if we lose on Tuesday we will lament it, but we will go to work to sustain the parasites just like always. Take care of our families like always. Punch hippies as always. The country will still be headed for bankruptcy, the marxists will still be genetically inferior and retarded, the sun will shine, the water will flow. We will gear up for 2012.

    If the left loses, they will gnash their teeth and pout like always (They are to cowardly and lazy to do anything else). They will blame Bush, they will be violent, they will claim fraud and corruption, make a big noise, jump up and down and cry like little girls. But no one will care. We will still ignore them and go about our lives and undo some of the marxists policies this pos has forced upon us. Then in 2012 we will get rid of more rinos and continue making the country great again.

  6. Any man who doesn’t know what “thirty aught-six” is is not a threat.

    We have nothing to fear. Get your beer! Get your guns! Get your bibles! Get your Flatt and Scruggs! It’s time to boogie!

  7. Seriously? He talks about the right getting violent and he goes off about ‘dropping them where they stand?’ And he’s telling the FBI to investigate us?

    Typical Liberal hypocrisy.

  8. Jimmy has a bit of Patton in him! Excellent! Another phrase that no man should be unfamiliar with is double-aught buck! I’m still bitterly klingin’ to my guns and religion here in Minnesota! Hunkered down for the winter. Put an extra layer of sod on house this year (being a sod buster and all…per Katie Couric)! However ready to crawl over glass if this election is messed with by the SEIU goons! It will be SEIU punchin’ time!

  9. This just reinforces what I’ve always said. People on hard drugs should not be allowed access to video cameras. This goon is a classic example of another lib shill who can’t even fully comprehend what he is spewing. A liberal telling other liberals to buy ammo, now that is great comedy, I have to give him that.

  10. These people have a strange view of what “stomping” is, I’ve seen better stomps on ‘professional’ wrestling, she wasn’t even bleeding. Since the guy got fired and arrested or w/e, he could have at least done some damage, she was practically laughing afterwards knowing that it would be on the front page, that was her goal all along. Stupid liberal ain’t gonna get s**t when she sues him.(and of course she will)

  11. Wait…I think telling the libs to buy ammo is a great idea. It’ll give me a easy, inexpensive way to replenish. Lets do the math shall we. I shoot them once and get a box of bullets. I get a 49 to 1 return on my “investment.” Man, I guess math can be fun!

  12. I recognize this guy…yeah I’ve seen him before. He’s an agent provocateur of Pig Chump…one of their best. This video wasn’t shot in his mom’s basement, it was shot in the advanced Pig Chump studios disguised to look like his mom’s basement. It’s an old trick of theirs. This is just a small part of the overall conspiracy, we’ll see him again you can bet on it. Probably somewhere in South Carolina. This is bigger than we thought people…but you didn’t hear it from me.

  13. I couldn’t find any videos by him renouncing SEIU representatives that beat up the black conservative at the town hall meeting or the armed Black Panthers outside the polling place, or a stodgy old democrat grabbing someone by the neck and screaming “Who are you? Who are you?” Did YouTube take them down?

  14. I made the mistake of being reasonable, mentioned the famous left wing terrorists, like the Black Panthers, Weatherman, Friends of the Earth, Sea Shepherd, the Unabomber, the Fort Hood shooter, the guy who crashed a plane into the IRS building, and Fred Phelps (registered Democrat and regular political candidate). I didn’t even mention Lyndon LaRouche.

    I got called an “inhuman scum.”

    Then I got asked, “When did those people become liberals? Liberals can’t commit violence. Violence is a right wing matter.”

    Yet, the speaker is proposing violence.

    Ah, lefticles. What would we do without them?

    I don’t know, but I’d like to find out.

  15. That WH Press Room photograph was taken after the diverse group
    took off the diverse signs they wore to show what a diverse group
    of diverse diversiness they diversely were.
    “L to R- ‘Gay’, ‘Woman’, ‘ Beta-Male with testicles clinched by Woman’, ‘Double Wide Black Man’, ‘White man with giant forehead’.”

    I had never heard of those liberal bloggers that met with the President,
    but Iowahawk’s post about them was ROTFL funny.

  16. That picture of the bloggers made me laugh so hard I cried at work. Now my co-workers are avoiding me, wondering if I’m really sad or just crazy. Never stop. I without you I would be all alone.

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