The difference is … you are getting screwed

Saw a news story recently about a man who hired a couple of whores who then took his money without, um, completing the deal:

After he placed payment on a stereo, one of the prostitutes showed him her chest, but the second did not perform oral sex, Haden said. The women took the money and left.

The police arrested him for “patronizing prostitution.”

This is a lot like the people who voted for Obama that are now complaining.

I mean, many of us on the right told people that it was a bad idea to vote for Obama. But, being of age and everything, a lot of people went ahead and did something really stupid. The parallels are obvious.

Only, while police can arrest people for paying for hookers, we can’t arrest people for voting for socialist idiots. And we shouldn’t. I’m all for hitting Obama voters with a stick, but not for arresting them. As long as when you hit them with a stick, you do it hard enough to knock some sense into them. You don’t want to waste a stick.

Anyway, I don’t mind people who voted for Obama suffering the consequences of their actions. I just don’t like having to suffer the consequences of their actions with them. I mean, I didn’t pay money to a couple of hookers and get ripped off; why should I be out any money?

But, in politics, that’s not how it works. If you throw away your vote like this guy threw away money at whores, you get screwed. Along with everybody else. But not in the good way.


  1. I’m trying to envision this stick you are talking about. Would it be a piece of pine three and a half inches wide by one and a half inches thick by four feet long? Or would it be thirty-two inches long, about an inch and a quarter diameter with a knob on one end and about two and three-eights diameter on the business end, made of hickory, with something about Louisville branded on the side?

  2. Anyway, I don’t mind people who voted for Obama suffering the consequences of their actions. I just don’t like having to suffer the consequences of their actions with them. I mean, I didn’t pay money to a couple of hookers and get ripped off; why should I be out any money?

    Good point. I frequently read that “people get the government that they deserve.” The problem is that everybody gets the government that the majority of those who voted (and perhaps those who didn’t vote, although they were eligible) deserve.

  3. Since 2/3 of Obama “voters” are leeching off the government, they aren’t the ones suffering. My newest section 8 neighbor drives a 2-3 year old Volvo station wagon, (about $20,000+) I bet i know who she voted for. The last person in there was a hot blond hippy chick with Kerry/Edwards bumper stickers, at least she was fun to look at and actually worked but I knew when she moved what was coming. Of the 30 apts. in this building, I’d say at least 15 of them don’t pay rent. Must be nice to ‘suffer’ like that.

  4. Aimee Michelle Dalton, 29, of Fulton, careless and imprudent driving, failure to maintain the roadway.
    Wow, they arrest you for not maintaining the roads down there? Up here they pay union hacks $50/hr to not maintain the roads.
    (and union cop “details” $60/hr to watch)

  5. Basil, you can’t use the word whõre without getting moderated. 8)

    [Yes, I can. Maybe you can’t use the word “whore” without getting moderated, but I can. Computers like me. They want to be my friend. – B.]

  6. @ivan,

    This is still America, and so you are free to choose which type of stick you prefer to hit Obama voters with…I’m pretty sure it’s in the Constitution, but if it’s not you can just claim that your a Muslim and it’s part of your religion and you’ll be fine. Personally, although some leagues have outlawed them for baseball, I still prefer the aluminum bats because of the cool noise they make when they make contact with a hippie’s head.

  7. I’m all for hitting Obama voters with a stick, but not for arresting them.

    Right. Because, if they’re in jail, we’d have to visit jail to hit ’em with a stick. As is, we can do it while on an otherwise leisurely stroll down the sidewalks of most any large city.

  8. I just think that it’s so revealing that you would use a prostitution analogy to attack Obama. It’s as if the only world you know is the world of sexism, commodification and capitalism.

    Appalling. Just appalling.

    [You say “capitalism” like it’s a bad thing. You must be a communist. Which explains why you like Obama. Communists like other communists. – B.]

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