If President Obama were a character from Arrested Development, he’d be Gob Bluth.
George Strait’s name makes it seem like he’s really over compensating for something.
Are we absolutely certain a rhinoceros is not some sort of mammal/dinosaur hybrid?
Mitt Romney is like a human-colored Charlie Crist.
“Grapes are great, but can we make them weird and shriveled and ruin cookies with them, because I hate kids.” -guy who invented raisins
I want to know wtf is going on that I’m seeing ads in the sidebar for Human Centipede 2. Even watching the trailer for Human Centipede was enough to make me nauseous.
I do, however, appreciate the fact that the ad promises the movie is “100% medically inaccurate”. Now that is truth in advertising.
I always thought that George Strait is some sort of bizarre offspring from the band Dire Straits. Dire Straits did a song called Les Boys Do Caberet, but it still doesn’t explain the mechanics of how a band of guys could conceive and hatch a baby. ¿SCIENCE?
For those curious about this strange phenomenon, I’m sure the History Channel could squeeze in a documentary between the one about Zombies, A Living History and the ever hard hitting Ancient Aliens.
Please moderate my post. Sorry to be a bother (really).
I’m running a stretch of moderated posts. I can guess why this one was moderated, but I would have never caught it before I posted it.
– With Cash, Jennings, Haggard, et al., on the MP3 I don’t even bother listening to country stations to try to find a diamond amidst all of the crap, but, last time I checked, George Strait was compensating for how awful and pop other
fakecountry musicians have been for years.– Raisins are good only for bread. Apple sauce raisin nut bread makes the best French toast.
– What does it say about my internet browsing habits that I’m seeing ads for The Human Centipede 2. And, whatever you do, don’t look up that movie. Mine eyes!
If Obama were a Pogo character, he’d be a cowbird.
They took some innocent centipede and turned it into a human? Thanks, for the warning, Marko!
And what does it say about MY browsing habits that I keep getting Ron Paul ads in the sidebar? I’m pretty sure they too are 100% medically inaccurate, but still.
Raisins ruin everything, even the foods they’re not even in. I can’t even remember how many times I’ve felt uncomfortable eating a cinnamon roll, because I didn’t know if it had raisins in it or not.
So it’s not just raisins, it’s also the threat of raisins.
Once I decided to suffer through an oatmeal cookie even though it had raisins in it. It turned out that they were actually chocolate chips. Best cookie ever. EVER.
We should get Obama a Segway.
I like raisins.
Few things are as disappointing as seeing a plate of cookies that appear to have chocolate chips, only to discover upon the first bite that in fact some evildoer has infested said cookies with raisins.
Evil exists my friends.
@Marko: Yup. Cash summed it up in the ad he placed in Billboard Magazine shortly before he passed. WARNING: NSFW; however, there are no jumping spiders.
[soapbox] Without Cash, Nashville would be a much smaller place, but they always rejected him because of their love for crap.
The photo comes from Cash’s powerful concert at San Quentin in ’69. He was flipping off a TV camera from a BBC crew that was taping the concert. At one point in the concert, Cash said:
He also said in relation to pressure from his record company:
Words I live by.
Why is this the most important thing you may read today? Well, regardless of whether Newt implodes, Santorum takes a lead or even if Mitt gets the nomination and announces that he’s picking Obama as his running mate, or even, even if Michelle models her new lingerie purchases — even if all that — the most important thing is that every true American should own Live from San Quentin (uncensored).
It’s true music. Cash, the Carter Sisters, the Statler Brothers and Carl Perkins.
If Chesty Puller had a favorite musician, it would be Cash. [/soapbox]
There is a book title in there somewhere…..The Raisins of Wrath. Are you looking for a name for your next book Frank?
We’re keeping an eye on your anti-raison activities. http://www.cityofselma.com/
Raisins in cinnamon bread. Why???
GOB? no, I see him more as Tobias – mostly while he was trying out to be in the BlueMan Group – always talking about how he blue himself – ha!
For a while there, raisins were the popular “healthy” alternative to give kids on Halloween, instead of all the evil, tooth-rotting sugary snacks. The horror!
And for the record, my dentist told me the worst possible thing for kids’ teeth – or anyone’s teeth – was raisins. Worse than caramel, worse than soda. They cling to your teeth and release sugar to feed the enamel-eating bacteria for hours and hours, maybe even days if you have the lax brushing habits of a child. And do I even need to remind you of the cultural tragedy that was the California Raisins?
Bantha’s absolutely correct. Tobias, not Gob… because not only is he completely worthless, he’s totally self absorbed and yet self-unaware at the same time.
and, also, Gob made me laugh…
um….you DO know that advertising is based on YOUR previous search results, right? They’re customized for every vistor based on their own searches and browsing history. All I see is ads for books and T-shirts. So yeah, if you’re getting ads for Human Centipede 2 when you browse sites, I wouldn’t go around advertising it.
Books, t-shirts and conservative blogs. However, at some time in my life I clicked on something that caused Joe Biden, Ma Clinton, M-Kel, Nanny Pelosi, Ted Kennedy’s niece, various other liberal dickwads and occasionally even the SCOAMF himself (electronically and symbolically) to send fund-raising emails to me that get past the “obliterate” filter on my home computer. I am feeling very betrayed.
“Are we absolutely certain a rhinoceros is not some sort of mammal/dinosaur hybrid?”
No, you’re thinking of RINO’s.
FRANK J IN 2016!!!
Jan. 21, 2013,
An old man sat on a bench in the park across the street from the Whitehouse.
He spotted a U.S. Marine standing guard outside and walked up to him and said, “I’d like to speak to President Obama, please.”
The Marine guard said, “Mr. Obama isn’t here. He’s no longer President of the United States.”
The old man said, “Thank you.”, and walked away.
Jan. 22, 2013,
The same old man walked by the Whitehouse, spotted the same Marine guard outside, walked up to him and said, “I’d like to speak to President Obama, please.”
The Marine guard said, “Mr. Obama isn’t here. He’s no longer President of the United States.”
The old man said, “Thank you.”, and walked away.
Jan. 23, 2013,
The same old man walked by the Whitehouse, spotted the same Marine guard outside, walked up to him and said, “I’d like to speak to President Obama, please.”
The Marine said, “For 3 days in a row you’ve told me you want to see Mr. Obama, and I keep telling you that he’s not President anymore.”
“I know that”, the old man replied. “I just like hearing it!”
The Marine grinned, snapped to attention, saluted and said, “And I like saying it!”
Jan. 20, 2013.
The end of an error!
Crabby – you need a better email server with an advanced spam filter engine. Plus, you need to run Firefox with the add-on called NoScript. When you visit new sites, scripting is not allowed in your browser unless you flag them as OK, permanently or temporarily (which means you have to manage scripting forever more for banking, online shopping, etc.). Also, check out the add-on called “Better Privacy” which allows you to eliminate harmful mega tracking cookies. Protect yourself, girl!
Go here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/?application=firefox
As far as “vile” groups are concerned, one need look no further than a blog wherein the term “SCOAMF” is used in reference to the President of the United States ignorantly used by Dog Fellaters and Retarded racist bigots scumbag hicks!
#26 – Questionman,
Let’s keep it classy, shall we?
In future, when responding to those who use the acronym SCOAMF, I suggest using the acronym DFARRBSH.
See? Classy.