Is This a Thing?

“Atlas Shrugged” is a book about producers who stop working because they didn’t want to pay for the parasites of the world anymore.

But there are other people who drop out of the work force.

Lazy bastards who just want to live off their parents or the government because they’re too unambitious to make their own way in the world.

Call it “Atlas Slacked”.


  1. “Is this a thing?”

    “Let us redefine “progress” to mean that just because we can do a thing, it does not necessarily follow that we must do that thing.”

    +10 points if you can name the movie.

  2. Atlas held the world on his shoulders…like the makers and producers do. I wouldn’t associate the name Atlas with slackers and deadbeats.

    Instead I would use Aergia, the goddess of sloth and laziness.

    Aergia Slacked

  3. Lazy bastards who just want to live off their parents or the government because they’re too unambitious to make their own way in the world

    Or…in the case of Jesse Jackson Jr., sponging off of campaign comtributions and living pimp-stylee surrounded by Eddie Van Halen guitars and a Michael Jackson fedora that he spent $4,000 to get. (Then again, didn’t he want to buy a pharaonic chariot or some such thing do deliver him to his swearing-in ceremony?)

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