Straight Line of the Day: If Obama Were a Comic Book Supervillain, He’d Be…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

If Obama were a comic book supervillain, he’d be…


  1. …Waffleman.

    Straightforward, horrendous, easily identifiable. Eats whole waffles with a single bite. Run!

    (As a minimally-cultured commenter, I know practically zip about supervillains.)

  2. …a shmoo.

    Dating myself – shmoos were occasional critters in Lil Abner – they would do anything to please people, including jumping into a frying pan and tasting like whatever you wished for. They gave themselves away like Obama gives our money and services our money buys away. Shmoos (shmoon) were portrayed as evil due to how they affected people. This country needs Li’l Abner, again.

  3. “The Dufer!” Doin’ crime until tee time.

    “Dr. Obsequious” It ain’t a crime if I think I deserve it.

    “The Corpse Man” Killing the economy was only the beginning!

    …as two-dimensional as he now is a president!

  4. …Articulateman. He’s clean but in your heart, you know he’s E.V.I.L.

    …The Bamboozler. He drinks the brains of women and children!

    …The Hoodwinker. Get out! GET OUT! GET OUT OF THERE!

  5. … evil Aquaman

    … Karl Marx

    … Killface from Frisky Dingo

    … trick question – “supervillain” implies a level of ambition and competence Obama could never achieve.

    .. the Taxman

  6. …The SlumLord, able to ghettoize a building in a single tax hike.

    …Zero Amendments Man, “That’s right puny citizen, you have no rights but you better remain silent if you know what’s good for you”.

  7. …Anatomically Correct Man, when he shows up, you’re screwed.

    …Political Correctness Man, make a Poptart into a gun shape, face the full force of justice gone insane, unless you are disabled with dyslexia and call it a nug.

  8. Straight Line of the Day: If Obama Were a Comic Book Supervillain, He’d Be… just as useless as he is now. And just because Community Organizing doesn’t qualify as a super-power, it ALSO doesn’t count as a Super-Villain ability.

  9. He’d be… ..The MOLE!
    but instead of being a Super-Villain he is a Super-Hero Marxist Mole of the Communist Media, the Communists in Hollywood, the Communists in Europe and the Communists in the Democrat Party.

  10. the staple in spine of the comic book, with the one tab bent the wrong way, and the other poking out, so it doesn’t hold the pages in place, and pokes you in the finger when you try to read it.

  11. …Able to do all his shopping in the feminine hygiene aisle because he is really just a ….. Man. (Written by Self-censoring Dude)

    …Walk Softly And Carry A Big Teleprompter Guy.

    …HalitosisMan, who with his sidekick Joe Steppin’ In Poo are out to raise a stink.

  12. Worst supervillain I ever heard of was a Batman baddie called “The Ten-Eyed Man”. He had eyes on the ends of his fingers.

    Think in terms of how you would wipe after a dump.

  13. You Didn’t Build That Man, able to denigrate hard working entrepreneurs across the country with a single slander, and get away with it with the help of his sidekick, Lame Stream Media boy.

  14. …the ambiguously guyish man of steal, the Loophole Nukin’ Nazi.

    …Guy Who Looks Like A TIE Fighter Wearing Golf Shoes Man, who with his sidekick Reggie LoveBugger keep other golfers from teeing off on time!!!!!!

  15. well if they have to be actual superheroes….

    Mister Barackzptlk (he’s wreaking havoc and nobody seems to be able to figure out how to make him go away)

    Hypno-Hustler (no explanation required)

    Kiteman (cause after smoking choom he’s high as a …..)

    Condiment King (cause dogs…obviously)

    King Zarkon from Voltron (always blaming his failures on others)

    That effeminete guy from Team Rocket

    The Hamburgler

  16. …Buzzkiller Bob, he harshes your high while he lives the high life on the taxpayers dime.

    …Never had a real job, Job Robber.

    …Kool Klucks Kooppooper, he’s kinda black but the blacks in the South are freer than those up North, for now anyway.

    …Stacked Deck Stanley, all his cards are race cards and he’s double dealin.

    …The Sheepherder, pulls the wool over your eyes.

    …Drone Star Cowboy, it’s Brokeback Mounting and you are always in range, out on the uhhhh, range.

  17. …the one in the bargain bin.

    …the worst supervillain ever! (said in Comic Book Guy’s voice)

    …portrayed as the hero because of all the liberals in the comic industry.

  18. Girlie Man!
    Faster than a slow moving golf ball.
    More powerful than a Justin Bieber.
    Look … on that girl’s bicycle … wearing a padded helmet and a p%p eating grin … its …it’s … our President!

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