So, I’m pretty sleepy this morning because of that stupid daylight savings. Is that not the most horrible thing ever conceived? We actually lose an hour of sleep? And why? Doesn’t anyone even understand why?
And it’s worse for me, because I’m a programmer. Like I setup a table in a database with the assumption that any time entry for a piece of data will be unique, but I forgot that once a year THE SAME HOUR REPEATS ITSELF! Do you know how much work it takes to handle that once a year exception? And why? What possibly do we gain?
If you want more daylight at the end of the day, then just set your alarm one hour earlier. If you usually get up at seven and want to get up at six, just get up at six; don’t make six seven. Adjust your schedule, not everyone else’s clocks. Why is that so hard?
This is stupid; it must end. Why are we still doing this?! WHY?!! And if there is a reason, don’t try and explain it to me now; I’m too sleepy.
frank, it isn’t a once a year exception. in six months it does it again, only backwards.
As a former sailor who used to have to change a dozen time-zones while sailing across the ocean, you have my sympathy.
I’ve been saying that for years, Frank. Growing up in Indiana, we never changed our clocks and I always thought the states that did were stupid. A few years back they forced through a daylight savings time bill here too. Everyone here still complains about it.
And that’s the exact argument I’ve always used too: If you want to get up an hour earlier, just get out of bed an hour ealier; don’t make me get up ealier too, jackass.
Hands off my clock!
And hands off my glock!
Back in November, when everyone else was blowing that extra hour on video games or sleep, I actually saved it until Sunday morning. Didn’t miss a beat.
Hey now! When you sleep til noon, you need all the extra daylight you can get.
I heard of a Native American, when told about Daylight Saving Time, saidit was “like cutting off one end of a blanket, sewing it to the other end, and saying you now have a longer blanket.
I’ll compromise with you, Frank. We’ll abolish regular time, and stay on DST all year round. I don’t care if the sun doesn’t come up until noon in the winter, but I greatly prefer it still be up when I leave work.
I’m with Mike (#8) on this one. Need as much light as possible as late as possible.
Maybe I should just move to Alaska & get some midnight sun.
Daylight Savings time was first proposed by Benjamin Franklin AS A JOKE! Which just goes to prove you should never joke around government types because sooner or later it will become policy.
As far as I know AZ is the only state that does not observie DST, having told the federal government to go pound sand. I think there is one or two states that have DST by county option. I’m not sure how that would work, though.
In any case, I think DST became US policy in the 1970s during the Carter years as a way to save energy after Mr. Peanut managed to piss off the Arabs and decided to placate the watermelons by making a lot of federal lands off limits to drilling. I may be wrong on the second of those reasons, but I don’t think so.
It is very important to not die in the summer. Otherwise, you never get that hour back.
Daylight Saving Time?
What a pisser.
It makes me want to “clock” somebody.
Aha! I knew I had heard you make almost the exact same point before. It was a Tweet reproduced in this post.
When first introduced Daylight savings time was a boon to farmers and ranchers but as the country became more industrialized it began to be less effective. Since the country had more to worry about than DLST though people simply went on living their lives and hating it. Now however we have so much more spare time in our lives and so little we can really affect that we are back to wanting something “done” about DLST. Here’s the thing, if obama is successful at destroying our economy and turning us into a third world hell hole we may be back to growing our own food and making our own …..everything. We may yet need DLST, so don’t complain too loudly. Things could/will get much worse before they get better.
It bothers me, I’m in AZ and all my TV shows are on an hour sooner.
I keep missing Animaniacs for a week or two.
In the interest of including all viewpoints, I suggest we get rid of time zones as well. We could all run on the same time zone and go to work at different hours depending on our latitude.
@16 – if you were being sarcastic (one can’t always tell) then I’m sorry – – – – your point is good. One has to check the local time zone and adjust for them with or without Daylight Savings Time, so . . . I agree with your statement. And if you were not being sarcastic, well said.
Time flows like a river; with a lot of dam*s along it if it’s DST.