“Dear Sir or Madam…” You’ve got my attention!
Interesting. The big, bloated PS3 started out at $600, but the PS4 is going to start out at $400… $100 cheaper than the XBox One.
I’ve gotten every Nintendo home console, but I currently have no interest in the Wii U and am looking at the coming options.
“Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads. We’re going fishing. On a boat.”
Yeah, the PS4 seems like the better deal unless you really want your video game system spying on you 24/7.
I don’t see how a new season of The Newsroom could not be hilarious.
Where are the Rubios of yesteryear?
Maybe we should just tear down the government and start over. Aren’t we supposed to do that every so often when it gets stale?
I’m waiting for it to be revealed the the world’s oldest man was murdered by the world’s second oldest man. I should write for CSI.
Lindsey Graham is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma that I’d rather chuck into the sea than figure out.
So what happens if I’m a libertarian? I hear its a permanent, yet treatable condition, though some claim to have been cured.
So the XBox One is $100 more than PS4, has slower RAM, will constantly spy on me, and I’ll only kinda sorta own the games I buy?
Why are we spying on American citizens? It’s foreigners that we’re scared of.
If we give amnesty to the illegal immigrants, do we have to pay them minimum wage?
Next time we make a government, we should put an expiration date on it.
How will this immigration bill affect this year’s Hunger Games?
It’s Gallup that said Bush is now more popular than Obama, so there might not even be a President Bush.
“It’s like Splinter Cell, but starring Juno.” I wish I could pitch video game ideas.
But, it’s American citizens the government is scared of.
Why are we spying on American citizens? It’s foreigners that we’re scared of.
There are plenty of American citizens of whom I’m scared. Many of them work in Washington, DC. They have names like Schumer, Pelosi, Clapper, Reid, Leahy, Breyer, and Sotomayor, to name but a few.
Must’ve been intended for Pat Riley
Yeah. They had lobster burritos. Sorta.
If we give amnesty to the illegal immigrants, do we have to pay them minimum wage?
Yes. Genius move, but on whose part I’m uncertain.
The Tsarnaev brothers were both foreigners and American citizens. Obama still missed catching them despite their extensive use of cell phones, texting, and email. If only they had been Tea Party members…
Dear NSA snoop:
Aren’t you just a little ashamed of what you’re doing?
Disagreeing with the government does not make one an enemy of the state.
Let me know if I have any phone messages.
P.S.: Obama is still an embarassment to and a stain on the United States.
You will have to give up water sports and restrict yourself to terrestrial activities, as you truly will be assigned to the phylum “earth scum” (aka the scum of the earth), as opposed to “pond scum,” which is reserved for the likes of Teddy Kennedy. Also, you will feel an overwhelming urge towards footling thievery, gosh-darn you.
Funny thing is, both of them allow the publisher to determine that. While Sony gave a good burn during that part of the presentation, the fine print said that it’s actually up to the publisher – it’s just that Sony, as a publisher (and Sony publishes a lot more games than MS, I think), won’t do that.
With the xbone, you pay that extra $100 to get the Kinnect, so it can spy on you. Otherwise they’re pretty much the same.If you have a gaming PC of any strength, it already beats both of them (and if you don’t, you could upgrade it to higher performance for less money than even a WiiU).
“Yeah, the PS4 seems like the better deal unless you really want your video game system spying on you 24/7.”
Aww Maan, I just figured out how to keep my PS3 from flashing 12 all the time.
As for Microsoft, Gates has been trying to make it so you only rent your operating system from him. That way you have to pay every month for the privilege of getting on the internet. A side benefit, they can then cut you off if they don’t like where you go, or what you say.
Smells like fascist team obama to me.
As for Microsoft, Gates has been trying to make it so you only rent your operating system from him.
Bill Gates hasn’t even been a Microsoft employee for half a dozen years or so. He is Microsoft’s largest shareholder, and he does have a seat on its board of directors, but it’s unlikely that he’s involved in decisions like that. In my opinion, Microsoft was a far better company and produced far better software when he was its CEO.
@11: That’s because all Steve Balmer does is throw chairs around.
This has been a plan for more than ten years dear. I was going to college when this was floated and that was in 2001. Gates is another one of those liberals who are adept and vicious when it comes to capitalism. Stealing other peoples tech and gouging his customers are things he’s done over and over again and the people he chose to follow him are just as bad.